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Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?
  • Trump's camp has tried to make the age and competency of candidates a focal point, and they've also tried to highlight that the left is too left. What would happen if they got a younger candidate with a more centered running mate? Suddenly spin it all back and dump it on Trump and snag up all the undecided voters impacted by all the supreme court decision in the past couple years who would otherwise lean towards Trump

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    Mike Lindell officially loses all his lawyers in $5M 'Prove Mike Wrong' cyber challenge
  • History will probably unveil one of the largest psychological operations ever perpetrated by foreign actors in order to dismantle a hegemony and it'll be clear as day. In a couple decades everyone will act at though it was totally obvious that in less than 10 years the 'common sense' rural folk decided to worship someone with used car salesman ethics and elect his entourage of unqualified nincompoops, none of which have enough intuition to start a lawnmower

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    [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • iPhone SE also has that. It'll disable the fingerprint on next unlock if you hold the power button for 5 seconds or mash the power button repeatedly (like 5 times in 2 seconds, therabouts). Pretty handy to know these things not only for police but if you get mugged. Everyone should know how to lock their phone out

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  • Not metallic and not sure about ‘alternative uses' but ceramic is good for finger rings at least. It's non-conductive, you can use a pliers or tap it hard with a hammer to shatter it if needed, and if it snags on something in a horrific accident scenario it'll usually shatter before degloving or severing a finget

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    CDC warns of disruptions to ADHD meds after $100M fraud arrest
  • There's another side of the coin due to that: when faced with scarcity some people tend to adjust their medication, taking half dosage in order to ration for example, and given the addictive qualities, probably not good for some of those people to wind up with a lack of structure in regard to adhering to the dosage and a surplus of amphetamines.

    It'd be interesting to see some studies come out looking into any correlation between disruptions in supply and negative outcomes due to addiction

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    Microsoft accidentally lists the benefits of not using a Microsoft account on Windows 11
  • The pros are pros IMO. I'm not a fan of my desktop files clogging up my other computers and if the easiest way is through local accounts I'll do just that and deprive Microsoft of trying to sell me on the functionality of their suite of subscriptions. No loss to me

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    The end of an era?
  • I was gonna say, the frame just looks a little too outlandish, totally ignoring the wheels and headset.

    Once in a while a bike comes along trying to reinvent the triangle but none are particularly good, often worse than tried and true. Superstrata Classic is a perfect example. Making a 2 triangle frame and adding just a hair of compliance around less-critical spots seems to be the winning formula

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    The end of an era?
  • Compliance but this is a very very extreme example - you'd hit a bump and the top tube would flex, kinda like a diving board, and smooth out the harshness. I'm not even sure this bike exists but that would be the practical purpose of such a design, but most manufacturers tend to go after the seat stays (Salsa Warbird, Bianchi with Counterveil, Moots Routt YBB) or decouple the seat tube from the top tube and allow it to flex due to seat tube angle (Trek Isospeed). Carbon's kinda fickle and engineers are constantly trying to figure out how to finesse it into feeling less jarring and rigid

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    EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them
  • Pretty much this, diagnosing and fixing an electric motor is about as difficult as an alternator. Check signal, if good remove unit and swap (core gets remanufactured). With drive by wire and steer by wire and all that most things are equally modular. Gas pedal/throttle unit is pretty much a rheostat with a spring-loaded pedal, steering rack actuators, etc

    Then you got ICE which becomes a ship of theseus. If you put enough hours on a combustion engine you go from the simple stuff like hoses and timing belts to having to replace piston rings, bearings, or even the cylinder heads if they get so worn out that they leak and fail compression tests

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    Mandela effect?
  • I was first exposed to the word from pokemon red/blue on the OG Gameboy, grayscale and all, and I think that's why I associate it with green, latin root word. Vermillion City, Ver... de?

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    Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours
  • Should add the word 'allegedly' everywhere. After seeing Trump's alleged campaign haul after conviction it'd probably be hard for this clown not to try to pull his follower's strings for a quick buck

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    Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • I use noscript and ads don't load unless I whitelist them. Videos won't autoplay unless I whitelist them. I am the internet's bouncer

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    Why people are boycotting Asus all of a sudden? Asus outrage explained
  • I never open a video where 3 or less paragraphs of text would suffice. I feel like we're heading back to drawing things on the walls of caves

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    Reddit embracing all out enshittification
  • Next stop: advertisers pushing product placement into generative images, and generative images with product placement littering image searches. It's a pandora's box we can't close

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    YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps
  • Not only monetization but also the whole sorting/ranking algorithms. Youtube is a bit better than Facebook reels and instagram due to the thumbs down button, but some people go out of their way to make nonsensical garbage because viewers will then comment, and there's no way to tell if a video is good or bad based solely on engagement. Those videos where people have some DIY hack to clean a toilet bowl and they just pour random condiments in the toilet for 3 minutes and cut the video before any conclusion, those types of videos
