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  • This knowledge made me immediately visualize Keanu Reeves face sticking out between a pair of woman's legs.

    Neo vagina

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    Ohio Supreme Court clears ballot language saying anti-gerrymandering measure calls for the opposite
  • I consider myself a relatively intelligent person but I'm having a difficult time parsing this sentence.

    Can someone dumb this down for me just a little bit? Are they saying they're approving an anti-gerrymandering measure that actually gerrymanders?

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    Something's off...
  • Took me way too long to realize that he's not laying on the freaking MAT.

    And is it just me or does it look like his lower torso has been photoshopped onto his upper torso?

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    Instead of having customers donate a dollar and giving them a coupon book "worth" $30, why doesn't KFC just donate those $30 themselves (or even half)?
  • Yep. They get credit for your donation & they get a tax write-off for the coupons, and they get to sell more stuff so you'll get the "value" out of the coupons. It's a win win win for them and only a win for you if you were going to otherwise buy the exact same things the coupons covered.

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    Triangle rule
  • Non-euclidean love triangle: Both people who are currently together wish they were with the same third person who lives too far away for a relationship to work.

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    What's the best way to add a battery like device to a dynamo light
  • If I'm understanding it correctly this generator has like wires out that then connect to the lights or something right?

    If that's the case you'll need to see what kind of voltage it's putting out to those wires and then you would want to splice those wires into diodes to prevent the current from leaking backwards out of the capacitors. Then attach as many capacitors as you need for the voltage that it is providing, remembering that it is okay to have higher voltage ratings but not lower voltage ratings.

    Chances are this will cause the light to be less bright as the capacitors are charging, so for the first few moments when you are riding it probably will be less bright but after the capacitors reach a steady charge you should see the light take a much longer time to dim down.

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    What's the best way to add a battery like device to a dynamo light
  • I think the largest issue you'll run into is figuring out how to wire it. It definitely sounds like a fun project and possibly an opportunity to try out some of the inexpensive super caps that you can get on eBay for like 3 bucks a piece.

    The only caveat I can think of is that you might need to find out how much voltage the generator puts out, as you definitely don't want to pump more voltage into them than they are rated for.

    To do that I would open the device and hook up a multimeter to the Dynamo and then spin it as hard as I can and figure out what it's peak voltage is and then purchase and or design your super capacitor bank to handle its peak maximum.

    You should also check and see if the device has some sort of rectifier, as Dynamo output is typically AC and LED lights are typically DC, so there is likely some sort of rectification. If you do have a rectifier I would measure it after the rectifier.

    It may already also have a capacitor in it, in which case you could simply desolder that capacitor and then set up some breakout cables and run those outside of the case into your bank.

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    Gig economy
  • You seem to think I have some sort of emotional investment in this and I can assure you that I do not. I'm saying that today's reality is not tomorrow's reality and that things can get better, which is a fact and not really up for debate.

    As to whether or not they will get better that very much is up to debate, but if you think that being condescending is proving your point then maybe you should take some time and think a little longer.

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    New XEC Covid variant starting to spread
  • I've been getting a booster shot every year and last year had me sick for 3 Days running a fever.

    I got so delirious that apropos of nothing I had a hallucination of Dante's inferno and was carried all the way to the base of the mountain that leads to salvation and was told that I have to overcome my seven deadly sins in order to be allowed to take the first step onto the mountain.

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    New XEC Covid variant starting to spread
  • Why are they naming covid variants like they're video game consoles or 1980s IBM knockoff PCS?

    Yo dude, I got the new xec covid! Which one do you have?

    Oh man, I only have the Corona Omicron...

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    If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • You can definitely empty them and put them back, you just have to replace them when they tear otherwise all it's going to do is suck the dust up off your floor and blow it around inside your vacuum, contaminate your vacuum fan and motor and eventually render the vacuum cleaner inoperable and possibly flammable.

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    If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • There is a treatment for that that involves like baking soda and aluminum foil and UV light. I think it's called retrobrite. Might be worth looking into but at the same time if you're going to do that you might have other repairs you would need to make on the machine.

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    If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • The house I grew up in.

    I've told this story before but the house was built in like 1976. A freak tornado came down and tore it down when it was 3/4 completed. The builders got the insurance and built it again and when they finished it it caught fire and burned to the ground.

    The builders got the insurance and built it again and another tornado came through and destroyed it a week before it was supposed to be completed.

    In pythonian fashion the fourth time it stayed up, but one night I was down in the basement doing laundry on a dark and stormy night and I saw a movement to my right. A man in a full trench coat and wide brimmed hat was standing next to the water heater. I screamed as any preteen boy would and the man walked around the water heater and dis a fucking peared.

    I ran upstairs screaming there's a man in the basement there's a man in the basement and everyone came down to look and there was no man in the basement. The doors were bolted locked from the inside.

    A few years later my mom built a room into the basement and turned it into an extra bedroom. My sister woke up one night with a woman clad in all white with long black hair holding her feet down and crying and crying and crying.

    She screamed and the woman disappeared.

    My mom still lives in that house and will probably die there. That house is fucking haunted and was haunted before it was ever built.

    I've told this story before and my friends have said maybe it was built on an ancient Indian ground or something and to me that is hilarious because I am native American so why the fuck would they bother me?

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    [DISCUSSION] Techniques That Changed Something For You
  • I think another thing that adds to it is a little bit of soy sauce, but if soy sauce is too strong or too salty for you I can also highly recommend liquid aminos. That stuff is amazing

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    Paramount will be releasing "GALAXY QUEST" on 4K Ultra HD on December 3.
  • I'm glad this is getting a 4K re-release, should be a good watch. Although, is anyone else kind of disturbed by the facial Photoshop they do on all of these old movies? Like, they were fine when they were originally released, why are we doing smoothing and youthening and all of this other stuff on the faces of the actors on the covers and the photos that still exist on the internet for these movies? It seems like a huge waste.

  • Don't get me wrong, there are problems with it, both in the process that modern AI uses as well as the sources that it draws from, however, as of right now ai is just a tool like auto-tune or photoshop.

    Even though it will change the media formats that it is attached to, it will not supplant them within the next 5 to 10 years, it will simply transform them.


    We'll just all assume that every person who gets this would make themselves early twenties with flawless skin, perfect organs, appendages and functionality, and no excess weight.

    My question is, would you change yourself from your genetic baseline, and if so, how?
