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Rest in piss, dickweed
  • I was in a punk rock band in high school that had a song called "Fuck Republicans" and it couldn't be truer today.

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    Rest in piss, dickweed
  • I know our response to COVID was awful, but people don't realize how many people AIDS killed while the government sat on their thumbs. It was millions, plural.

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    In what videogame you're currently stuck and you gave up or drop it for a while?
  • I love hard sci-fi/fantasy and Pacific Drive checks so many boxes for me, but between the tedious controls, and the only reward for advancing in the game is more tedium, I just couldn't go on. Why can't you save in the zone?? The further you get on the map, the longer each run gets. I have kids and can't spend 3 hours at a time without being able to save in a game. It bugged me so much that I submitted a constructively worded support ticket.

    It looks like they just released a big update to address some of these quality of life issues, so I'll give it another chance, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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    without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • I owned computers before this, but I remember buying my first PC, a 286, at a flea market for $20 with a coffee can full of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

  • I'm 43, almost 44, years old and went through a bought of alcoholism during the early part of the pandemic. I went through treatment and have been fine since. However, I can't help but feel that all the news in the last few months is just the worst. Between the AI bullshit, the wars, the effects of capitalism, and the political situation in general it's just the worst. Is it just me or have other folks noticed the same trend?

    Edit: I should have also mentioned the enshitification of everything tech related.

    Edit 2: Thanks for all the thoughtful replies. For some more context, yes I'm American and live in a state that's about to ban the wearing of masks in public. I haven't had a drink in over year and have been in therapy for 3 years. I don't watch any news sources and rarely read media websites. But yet, that information seeps into my life somehow. I donate blood, I make charitable donations, and try to live a good life. I have 2 amazing kids and a great wife. It's just hard to not end up in a doomer mindset at times. A Bitcoin company bought a power plant up here that has an existing lease to use a lake as cooling water, and it's heated up the lake to the point that it's killing fish.
