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Schrödinger's Microphone: Google Meet Says Muted, iOS Says Otherwise
  • I'm not sure you understand. There is a mute functionality in Meet and there is one in iOS. This is so that you can have different apps with different states of mute. The OS level control is there so you can mute the mic for all apps at the same time.

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    Replace your bowden tubes occasionally.
  • Would a larger inner diameter not cause the transmission of movement to be less direct due to bending and coiling inside the tube? This is probably mostly an issue in bowden systems

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    ❓ Gesucht: Hochwertige T-Shirts
  • Wie sieht's aus mit merino t-shirts? Ich hab 'nen halbes Dutzend davon von Decathlon. Die sind nicht schlecht aber es gibt halt nur ein Modell und die haben immer ein Print.

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    What hobby was easier to get into than you thought?
  • There are some serious differences between a badly made loaf and a well done one though. You never stop learning. But yeah, it's easy to get something passable.

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    What's the best low-cost set of bike lights on Aliexpress?
  • I've tried cheap lights and they end up being expensive because they break all the time. Get some Ixxon Core by Busch + Müller, they last for ages.

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    Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace
  • Yeah, very nice. It will be tough to bootstrap since you need a critical mass of people who ideally live close together so that it's cheap and quick enough to deliver the items in question.

    I'll give it a try. Nothing to loose.

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    Why you should (probably not) run Slackware
  • I've been using various GNU/Linux distro over the course of the last 20 years. When I started out, packages could never be too fresh and cutting edge. Nowadays I'm an admin and I administer way too many VMs. I dream of a system that I never need to update. While I know that's almost impossible if you want to be secure now might finally be the time I give slackware a try. I'm also old enough to be more curious about learning less but more in depth.

  • One of my tomato plants is doing excellent due to the warm weather recently (was planted 2 Weeks earlier).

    Also some pics of beans in blossom. They don't seem to be that happy though, any ideas why?

    ! !

    And more tomatos: !


    I'm writing a little plotting library for LCDs. I'll try to publish it once it's more polished. What do you think?

    For now it supports reading data from a Vector, arbitrary scaling on both axes, linear interpolation, different point styles (square, circle), arbitrary many graphs.



    The beans, salads, tomatoes and others are finally growing a bit quicker. With the fourth or fifth start of spring, I hope this time the temperatures keep staying up.

    ! Tomatoes are still small but growing nicely.

    ! The new raspberry bushes produce first red fruits.

    ! Bonus: Happy chicken sharing some leftover melon.


    I've used django CMS for a few projects and I'm quite happy with it. I've been wondering what wagtail has to offer that sets it apart from django CMS. I installed it some time ago but didn't dive very deep.

    So what are the strengths and weaknesses of both systems?


    After a cold and rainy start of spring, finally the beans are sprouting. We also have a bunch of tomatoes and brassicae.

    Let's hope the abundant snails don't take too much.


    We got a Tetra hen from a friend who can't keep it anymore yesterday. Fortunately we were looking to get a couple of chickens anyways, so we had purchased a used coop some weeks ago.

    To our surprise, our cute new chicken, Clémentine gave us an egg already on the first morning. What a nice surprise.

    Don't worry, we won't keep it alone for too long, we're looking to get one or two more friends.

    ! ! !


    Tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, cannabis, brassicas, etc.

    ! ! !


    I just got an old Ender 3 for cheap and wanted to replace the crappy extruder with a nicer bowden extruder of my (now) direct drive Kobra Max. When I connect the new stepper, nothing moves. It's a longer stepper and a different manufacturer. Is the wiring different or VREF wrong or are there other reasons why it wouldn't move? The driver is good, since the old stepper is still working.

    Thanks for any help!


    Hello fellow bike commuters,

    I have the impression that my underwear doesn't last as long as it would without me cycling to and from work five times a week. My boxer briefs get holes too quickly between the legs. Since I can't remember a time where I didn't cycle, it's difficult for me to know if this is due to cycling or the normal way for them to die.

    Can anyone here tell me about their experience? Is this related to cycling frequently? More importantly, do you know of special cyclist underwear which is not the sporty padded type but something you could wear all day and which would't rip so easily.


    Has anyone thought about printing narrower lines in order to get sharper corners? Once Linear advance or Pressure advance is activated, you don't get bulging corners anymore... but can we do better?

    Has this been implemented anywhere yet? Does it have a name?


    Hey, I've recently designed a Poster about the FHS since I often forget where I should place or find things. Do you have any feedback how to make it better?

    Edit: updated with new version


    Hey, I've recently designed a Poster about the FHS since I often forget where I should place or find things. Do you have any feedback how to make it better?

    I updated the poster: use the link to see online.


    Dark mode


    Old version


    Hey, I've recently designed a Poster about the FHS since I often forget where I should place or find things. Do you have any feedback how to make it better?

    Edit: Put up new version

    !Dark mode

    Dark mode


    This Halloween I finally realized my dream from years ago, an articulate T-Rex tail. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to also create a mask/ helmet that goes with it. That's gonna be for next time. The thing is modeled in blender and printed in vase mode. The individual pieces have four holes drilled in and are held together by wooden rods. I initially imagined keeping them together with printed buttons but the rod design worked perfectly on a small scale model.





    0 How Marionette 3D printer works.

    Made a bunch of improvements to where I actually use it to print kid toys. The printing starts slow to help the first layer stick; it speeds up later in the video. I had to dub it over because the original audio recorded by the phone was too hard to understand. Some other videos: The Z mechanism...

    This video by dizekat shows a new kind of kinematic system based on string. It should be possible to make very fast but cheap printers like this due to low inertia of the system. Very interesting!


    20 % whole wheat, chia and sunflower seeds


    In my last post I described how I mounted the Orbiter v2.0 to a Kobra Max in a makeshift fashion. This time I show you how the finished mounting looks like.





    Previous attempts. The ones in white worked but had the extruder dangle, the black ones failed to be mounted for various reasons.

    Find the stl and Freecad file here.


    I've been looking to switch the bowden extruder for a direct drive type on my Anycubic Kobra Max. I've always hated the blobbing and stringing due to the bowden mechanism. After having received an LDO Orbiter v2.0 today and a bit of tinkering, I now have what I was after :).


    The easiest way to install the new extruder was to simply attach it on top of the existing hotend via a small bowden tube and a coupler. I had to design a little adapter flange that attaches to the extruder and accepts a tube coupler. The extruder now dangles in the air. For now this didn't seem to cause any trouble. In the future I might install it using a fixed bracket though.



    While I was at it, I also added some additional insulation to the bed (300x300mm in size, so I had to cut a bit). I'm not sure if it really helps a lot but the bed now heats up from 20° to 60° in 3:40 instead of in 4:00. The printer also seems to consume 100mA less (very inaccurate mental averaging of power meter).



    Bonus: First functional part printed with new setup, rectifying some of the original parts issues. !

    Up next: Get a second Orbiter and have it feed a mixing hotend. My goal is to make nice Lampshades.


    90% white wheat

    10% whole rye

    70% hydration

    Overnight sourdough


    Mean precipitation levels on our planet (animated gif in text)

    The animated gif shows how it changes throughout the seasons. Found in the Wikipedia article on athmospheric circulation.
