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Anybody watching the US Presidential debate right now?
  • He spent a lot of his presidency watching Fox News and ignoring his briefings. Staff figured out pretty quickly that he likes pictures and compliments and tried to use those to help him get through minutes of material.

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    Friend was asked to draw a hand turkey.
  • So there's a few different types of angels described in the old testament. This forum post cites some of the descriptions. The Ophanim description from Ezekiel is the stranger one. Here's a link to the Amplified translation that I like to use to get a better idea of the source.

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    What is your favorite YouTube channels?
  • Not OP, but most of what I watch is on Youtube as well except for Lindsay Ellis and The Great War.

    • Lindsay Ellis
    • The Great War
    • PolyMatter & Polyphonic
    • FilmJoy AKA Movies with Mikey
    • 12tone

    Slightly defunct with good backlogs:

    • Just Write
    • Lessons from the Screenplay
    • Now You See It
    • Middle 8
    • kaptainkristian
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    "Torture is totally useful you guys"
  • "Yeah the mouths match up, but why does this highschool kid sound like he's 40? Y'all mind if we go back to the fingernail stuff?"

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    Pete Buttigieg says voters are ready for a gay vice president
  • I think this is a common misconception about how electability works in a first-past-the-post voting system. There is no benefit to going with a compromise position or reaching out to moderates. The number of people who can be persuaded to vote one way or another is miniscule. The number of people who can be persuaded to vote or not to vote is massive.

    If people are excited or scared, they come out to vote. With disenfranchisement primarily focused on progressive and minority voters, there's not much left to gain in scaring regressive conservatives more, they already vote at high numbers.

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    Man dies at 27 from heat exposure at a Georgia prison, lawsuit says
  • In Albany, Georgia on July 20th, 2023, the relative humidity at 94 F was 54%. As someone who's experienced dry heat vs humidity, I wanted to offer that context. Sweating just doesn't cool you down as the humidity rises.

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    Furious rule
  • Tokyo Story from 1953 and Ozu's most well-regarded work. If you've never noticed how a director frames a shot in a movie before, this one will make you aware of how well it can be done.

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    Yesterday when I went to see Inside Out 2, one of the trailers was for a "Mufasa" movie, in the style of the last live action remake. What the heck.
  • It is wild to me how well they have done at the box office. They just kept getting worse and people have only recently stopped going to see them. I wonder if hese do poorly after release, but are big events in the short term.
