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What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • In Australia paramedics are tertiary qualified and very skilled

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    Beijing is spending big in order to “de-risk” itself from Australia in a move that could cripple Aussies.
  • Agreed they do have good articles and decent journalism even if I don't agree with their politics a lot. Its still far better as a source for news on China than any western media.

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  • Brilliant idea for a universal front end. If the user experience is seamless so that the hosting service doesn't matter that would be such a good way to transition to freer platforms

  • Heading for the rocks

    Hand-picked advisors and no power. The Voice referendum offers no solution when it comes to Aboriginal rights, argues Martin Greenfield

    In the wake of the delivery of a resounding no to this proposed constitutional change, this article offers a very measured analysis of the problems with the Voice proposal and rejects the simplistic idea that a "no" is simply due to Australians being racist. This article is from before the referendum.

    Slave killing his slave master, now tell me how the slave master is an innocent victim libs
  • Holy shit wtf I just learnt so much about the US.

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    The West is on the brink of collapse
  • Any recommended reading on this Chinese analysis you're referring to?

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    Lib infestation on Lemmy
  • Yeah, there's definitely professionals in the mix sometimes though.

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    Lib infestation on Lemmy
  • Also the constant dedication to downvoting seems like the behaviour of someone who is paid to do it. Otherwise why would you do that, normal people would get bored right? I don't go and actively seek out online communities I disagree with to downvote their posts. That would be such a pathetic way to spend my time

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    Lib infestation on Lemmy
  • It could be US government actors. They would only need to have a handful of people on the job doing fedposting and they would be very visible on Lemmy compared to other platforms because of the small userbase

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    Gay doctor flees Louisiana due to anti-LGBTQ+ laws: ‘I don’t have a choice’
  • Yes it is. You're just conditioned to think politics is this inconsequential mental game that has no impact on people's lives.

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    Gen Z will be last generation with white majority in US, study finds
  • So Spanish is not white but Italian is. And also Lebanese?? How the designers of these questions think they can get any meaningful data whatsoever from these questions is mind boggling.

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    This 2012 movie is surreal. The filmmakers essentially “trick” Indonesian right-wing death squads into reenacting their 1965-66 killings in the style of a Hollywood movie.
  • I preordered this physical book on release and was really excited to read it but I could never finish it unfortunately. Got bored somewhere in the middle.

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    I feel seen
  • Funnily enough this is actually comforting

  • I mean I didn't expect it to be great but seriously. The most sanitised corporate liberal brainworm rubbish. Completely undercooked story. The film is basically just a vessel for monologues about women's empowerment, albeit in a completely shackled liberalist framework where the extent of empowerment is just female president and female CEO - standard lib feminist stuff. This film falls into the bucket of "virtue signal by consumption" media where just by seeing and enjoying the film, and more importantly understanding the wisecrack cultural references and feeling smug about it, the viewer becomes an active political agent. On a technical level, the writing is just bad. Like I said there's nothing but a very shallow plot. The writers just resort to monologues to present the politics of the film rather than allowing the themes to present themselves organically through narrative. The film is stacked with minority "representation", disabled, trans, fat, etc. But this so called representation is purely cosmetic, they are merely tokens in the choreography routines (which incidentally was one of the only parts of the movie I could kinda get into). This ended up being longer than I thought itd be. In short its nothing but a virtue signalling showpiece to stoke the fires of the culture war. I can already imagine what the right wing pundits will be saying about this film and what the liberal mob will be saying in defence of this corporate vacuous cash grab.

    Chinese Military Aircraft, Ships Make Provocative Passes Near Taiwan - USNI News
  • It's not a petty matter at all, It's not possible to formally recognise both countries. RoC has territorial claim over the entire Chinese mainland. The one China policy is the bedrock for every country's diplomatic ties with China. Americans really are a people obsessed with war.

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    Chinese Military Aircraft, Ships Make Provocative Passes Near Taiwan - USNI News
  • Do you support the US ceasing diplomatic relations with PRC in favour of ROC and going back to the time before Nixon made rapprochement?

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    A German county elected a far-right candidate for the first time since the Nazi era, raising concern
  • I thought this was a portrait of Adolf Hitler with a pride flag background at first glance 😂

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    tragic that one time i saw a headline like that
  • So empowering! normalise bringing your kids to work! /s

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    Repeating liberal propaganda does not help the argument.
  • I know a friend of mine had a kinda bad experience with ACP as well. Do you really think they'd be supporting concentration camps? Cause that's pretty extreme and I'm very skeptical that they're that bad. Even most libs would oppose that.

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    Repeating liberal propaganda does not help the argument.
  • Personally I try to be a bit more charitable, despite the fact that these people would probably call me a tankie. I don't agree with their line on these issues, but these groups (I'm also thinking about Socialist Alternative) tend to do some good work when it comes to domestic issues, so I try not to bash on them too hard even if their politics on global socialism are dogshit.

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    Repeating liberal propaganda does not help the argument.
  • I'm surprised actually I thought this was a ML party with a platform similar to the CPA. CPA in comparison has a pretty good platform from what I can tell, they're pro China.

    Addit: I read their policy statement on PRC. Boils down to that they don't believe CPC is currently practising socialism, reject the idea of an "initial stage of socialism" as claimed by the CPC. But they stress that this is a matter for the Chinese proletariat and thus do not support any colour revolutions against the CPC. This is one step better than the Trotskyists in my view. To be honest I think there is a legitimate theoretical discussion to be had around the path which Chinese socialism has taken and doing so doesn't necessarily mean you're "following liberal propaganda". I think you can discuss pros and cons of the CPC approach without being an ultra. However any criticism must be based on facts. There is no oppression of minorities in China, this is a liberal fabrication. The "Imperialism" claim is hotly contested (by people much smarter than me on all sides) and certainly shouldn't be presented as it is in this article without so much of a hint of examination into its validity.

  • Britons’ earlier deaths linked to NHS underinvestment – study

    Major King’s Fund report finds Britons more likely to die of biggest killer diseases than in many other richer countries

    0 Russia, China block move for new Antarctic marine reserves

    The areas are home to penguins, seals, toothfish, whales and huge numbers of krill – a staple food for many species. Read more at

    As usual no reasoning was provided as to why Russia and China might block such a motion, the implication being that its because they're evil, hate nature and cute animals, and want to destroy the environment. I'm sure there must be sensible reasons why Russia and China don't want these reserves. Are they proposed for areas which China/Russia have interest in in Antarctica which would limit their operations? What do they do down there anyway? Is the Antarctic a useful surveillance/espionage outpost? Are there nuclear weapons in Antarctica? I have no idea, I'd love if anyone can educate me a bit on Antarctic geopolitics.

    2 China dismisses US fentanyl accusations as ‘fake news’

    The drug kills hundreds of Americans a day. Read more at

    Have you heard about this? China is so evil how dare they not take action to fix America's drug problem.
