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The Animals Entering Noah's Ark by Jacopo Bassano
  • Where are the 40,000 species of beetle? The 28,000 species of ant? The 9,000 species of termite? Why did he bring bed bugs and Guinea worms?

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    Decision time
  • More like "Dammit, my domain auto-remewed again. Oh well, it's only $12. I'll cancel next year." (It's been 5 years.)

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    How much do you all pay for Power?
  • I am around $450 per month in the summer, $75 in the winter. Texas. My rate is nominally $0.087 per kwh, but the taxes make it roughly twice that. I have a big house, but it is pretty energy efficient - 2015 construction with mostly Energy Star appliances. I charge a Nissan Leaf daily.

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    "Trump's embrace of a vile extremist troll is dividing the GOP"
  • If I was Alred, I would run an ad with Trump making fun of Cruz's wife, then Cruz sucking up to Trump, both with dates. Then ask "Do you really think Ted Cruz will stand up for Texans? He won't even stand up for his own wife."

    It should be a standard line of attack for Dems.

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    iFixit wants to fix the soldering iron
  • Having used an expensive Metcal, I would like someone to develop that level of performance for less. I want the precise thermostat and high quality tips, but I don't solder enough to justify the expense. I am happy to see iFixit driving innovation in this market though. Weller needs some real competition.

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    Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?
  • I have been playing it for 6 years. The gun play is great. It gets regular updates. I still have fun. I wish the pvp player pool was bigger so that match making would work better.

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    Elon is so creepy with his AI art. Looking forward to when he generates images of a happy family
  • I am just waiting for someone to produce a Trump resort menu with duck as a choice. I would be disappointed if Fois Gras wasn't on the menu.

    (Backstory conservatives are claiming Haitian immigrants to Ohio are bad because they eat duck.)

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    My eyes and attention are for me to waste, they are not for ads.
  • The button that is worn out to the point of no longer working. After it quit working, I took to staring directly at the security camera while using my free hand to repeatedly punch the screen playing the commercial. I would rate the screen as disappointingly durable. I have an electric car now so I no longer have to tolerate it.

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    Dear America
  • I guess I am in the murderous third. If I could Thanos snap the MAGA out of existence, I would not hesitate.

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    "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy"
  • I don't think this game even lasted long enough for word of mouth to have popularized it. I didn't hear about it until it was dead. I am wondering how many players Helldivers 2 had at 11 days (not a great example because it was an existing IP with existing fans). Could they have made it if the game had actually been good? I am not sure. Shutting down super fast got them more publicity than anything else they did.

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    Anon doesn't like reddit
  • I use it less and less. I only really visit two sub reddit, and one of them has been really declining as it has grown.

  • Natural gas is actually migrating under permafrost, and could see methane emissions skyrocket if it escapes

    Beneath Svalbard's permafrost, millions of cubic meters of methane are trapped—and scientists have now learned that it can migrate beneath the cold seal of the permafrost and escape. A large-scale escape could create a cycle of warming that would send methane emissions skyrocketing: warming thaws th...

    We'll melt some permafrost and release trapped methane that will melt even more permafrost.
