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Alarm! 🚹
  • Handy: Bambule, lauter als erwartet
    GeschÀftshandy: auch Randale, musste aber erst hin laufen
    NINA: hat ihr Leben gechillt weil aufgrund von InaktivitÀt deaktiviert - habe direkt die Gelegenheit genutzt, die entsprechende Nutzereinstellung anzupassen

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    Remember you can donate to help support the development and maintenance of kbin and/or Ernest directly
  • I did like 7 or 8 coffees for Ernest about two months ago when he was still very much visible and /kbin development felt like it was moving forward with big strides.

    Feels like things have slowed down from the initial breakneck speed into something more "boring" and sustainable since then. But when the API is fully released another round of coffees or two is sure to follow - for Harriette as well when Artemis is usable for

    Edit: I only saw Ernest's latest update now and appreciate his effort for openness. Here's hoping his private situation improves quickly and he doesn't feel like he is letting us (and himself) down somehow. He's doing good but a small heads up every now and then is much appreciated.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Weil es das ist, was Gottkanzler Maggus meint, auch wenn er es (noch) nicht so sagt.

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    The Flowfold - A thin, durable wallet made in Maine from recycled sail cloth
  • This is the one I'm using:

    It's very compact and essentially made out of heavy waxed paper. Holds all the cards I really need plus any cash I care to carry. Really like it.

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    Spaniens Fußballverbands-Chef Rubiales tritt zurĂŒck
  • Schwach. So jemandem darf nicht die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, "Gesicht zu bewahren".
    Widerlich, dass es im Industriesport nur um Geld und Politik geht und nicht um die Leistung der Athlet: innen.

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    Spanish soccer president Luis Rubiales resigns after nonconsensual kiss at Women’s World Cup final
  • This guy needs to be kicked, first in the nuts and then out of sports forever. As a warning to every turbodouche like him.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Mein neues Wallpaper

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    Tired of Amazon
  • NuPhy make the best pre-builts, head and shoulders above Keychron in my opinion.

    You can order directly from them. Don't buy keyboards from Amazon.

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    Bei Regierungswechsel 2025: Merz wĂŒrde fast alle Ampel-Gesetze kippen
  • Reicher Greis machte Reiche-Greisen-Dinge, um bei seiner Zielgruppe, die ĂŒberwiegend aus reichen Greisen besteht zu punkten.

    Muss ja mit der RealitÀt nichts zu tun haben.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Unglaublich widerlich. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass der Drecksack nach seiner unweigerlichen Entlassung ohne Ehren nie wieder irgendeine FĂŒhrungsposition bekleiden darf.

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    BBC News - Luis Rubiales: Spanish FA will take legal action over Jennifer Hermoso 'lies'
  • What a disgusting POS. He needs to be dismissed with extreme prejudice and disgraced.

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    Alice Cooper Calls Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Kids a ‘Fad,’ Condemns ‘the Whole Woke Thing’
  • Talentless hack who was last relevant forty years ago (for some reason) manages to get into the news. Now back to your rocking chair, grandpa.
