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Counter strike 2 issues
  • The issue was related to the Linux scheduler. So if you had a different scheduler than what moet distributions have as default, you might not have experienced that issue.

    There are a few people in the comments that reported that they compiled a different scheduler and that the issue completely disappeared

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    Counter strike 2 issues
  • It was in my case. Issue completely vanished overnight. I had a working work around where I lowered certain settings and it only occurred sometimes at round ends or when I pressed tab to view the scoreboard. Usually alt-tabbing resolved it.

    After they released that fiz everything worked like normal again.

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    Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'
  • Know somebody that lost smell due to covid and they also said there are certain things that just don't smell the same anymore.

    Like coffee apparently. It no longer smells as good to him as it used to.

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    Microsoft paves the way for Linux gaming success with plan that would kill kernel-level anti-cheat
  • But then how can we monitize our gamers if we can't run at the kernel level and do whatever we want?

    We're selling games at an overpriced rate and putting tons of gambling and Mtx in our games. But this is unsustainable. We'll go bankrupt at this rate! Just last week we had a meeting with the CEO complaining he couldn't buy his fifth luxury boat because he had spent that years bonus on his 2nd aircraft. He said heads might start to roll at this rate to keep the company float. Where are we supposed to find the money to index 5% on the wages.

    Some upper manager somewhere. Probably

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    It's coming for yea
  • I think the problem there is that there's a lot of workplaces looking for extra people. Losing 1/5th of your workforce, but not financially is how I assume employers look at it.

    The fact people are more efficient probably doesn't mean more efficient than working 8 extra hours to them.

    I could really do with a 4day workweek. And I don't mean working 40h in 4 days.

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    Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads
  • I guess they might lose customers, but the ad revenue will offset it. Which could be a win for them. Less cars to produce for the same amount of money. If they survive everybody else will probably just follow suit. Like the car functionality subscriptions.

    I'm just sad we reached this point.

    Ban targeted advertising. Ban data gathering. You won't even have to deal with the f***ing cookie banners anymore.

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    Anon is a good samaritan
  • Note: I am not a lawyer.

    You're legally required to help, not risk your own life while doing so. If somebody is drowning you need to call the emergency services and if there is a rescue buoy close by you can throw that as well and try to pull them to shore that way.

    I am not a lawyer, but I think in the majority of cases you should be covered by calling the emergency services.

    As a side note: unless you're a lifeguard or have had proper training, jumping in to save somebody drowning is dangerous. A person drowning will try to hold on to anything to stay afloat and will likely try to push you under trying to stay above water.

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    Move from 1password to Proton Pass?
  • I guess you kind of answered your own question.

    • Is keeping things separated important?
    • do you want the additional cost saving.

    In my case I was on the paying plan of bitwarden ( 10€/ year ). I kept them separated and will probably keep paying for both. The bitwarden money really is negligible....

    That and I'm quite happy with bitwarden. You could always extract your pwd from the password manager and save them somewhere secure in an encrypted file. SHOULD something happen you still have a backup somewhere...

    Just make sure to keep your back up safe.

    Keep in mind that if 1 password decides to lock you out you still lose all your passwords.

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    "what happened??"
  • This. I used to have a bunch of the games backed up on a hard drive because copying the files over & patching was faster than redownloading it.

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    This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • Best way I can think of to promote carpooling is kind of what colruyt tried.

    Employee bus that goes down the main highway ( Belgium ). It has WiFi and you csn keep working on your way home. Every minute worked counts.

    You'll just need a bigger carpark by the highway. 30 minutes delay? It's not lost time. Still want to use your car? Sure. But you'll work longer and have to drive home afterwards.

    I am not a traffic expert. The approach might be flawed. But it seems like a step in the right direction.

    At least it's better than complaining about overcrowded busses and trains who are delayed again. And while it might not solve the issue, If you can get a 10 people per bus. It should start adding up eventually. The incentive to take public transport doesn't disappear with the disappearance of traffic jams. Its an alternative to sitting longer in the office and being home later.

    I think colruyt did something like this for a while?

    Maybe its something you can book a seat on and should be scheduled on a larger scale than just 1 company.

    One can dream I suppose. Hell will freeze over when most companies will "trust" their employees enough to work on the bus though.

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    This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • I'm in a similar boat. 45m drive by car. 2h using PT. Including a 30 minute walk for the last bit to my office. This doesn't include waiting for busses or trains.

    Realistically it'd be 2.5h without delays. And that's just one way. After that I'm expected to work for 8h and do it again.

    So if i leave at 7am, +5h+8h +30minute lunch break I'd be home by ...8.30pm?

    And that is hoping the connections line up after work... Cycling isn't really an option as there's no shower in the workplace. And knowing corps I'm pretty sure they won't appreciate people charging their electric bike battery in the office for free.

    RIP work-life balance using PT. And I already feel like it's shit.

    Though I do try to use the train when I can. Even though it ain't cheap either...

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    ELI5: Why is cheating in online games seemingly so prevelant?
  • This is the reason why I only play cs2 with 5 or 4 people in the team. I suck, usually, but CBA dealing with salty tryhard teammates. At least the people I play with are just there for a good time.

    I swear one of them should be in the 20k rating region if he wasn't constantly dragged down by us losers. :D

  • Is anybody here playing cs2? The game runs natively on Linux, but its more laggy than it was on windows for me. If i run cs2 in proton it works better than natively on Linux, but I'm unable to play competitive that way.

    My issue is the following: the game just hangs/freezes occasionally. The duration is random. Could be 3-5 seconds, could be 10. Could be that I'd have to restart the game.

    This occurs sometimes in the warm up before a match or when the bomb explodes.

    It happens most consistently when i press the escape button in-game.

    I'm running it on nobara/KDE. I've got the latest graphics drivers, tried validating the game files.

    The game is set to run full screen ( as windowed fullscreen caps the framerate to 60, while the screen supports 144 ).

    I can add more hardware info if required. The PC is 4 years old so its not ancient, but also not latest and greatest ( amd CPU+nvidia rtx 2080ti ).

    Anybody else ran into this behaviour and ( hopefully) found a solution for it? Googling only left me with sites telling me to upgrade my gfx drivers on windows or 6 year old threads of CS:GO on windows.

    Switching between wayland and x11 didn't really seem to make a lot of difference. It feels a little bit better on x11, but negligible.

    There isnt really anything running on the backgroudn except discord.



    Hello fellow Linux gamers!

    I've recently switched to nobara for gaming. I've had no real issues so far and it's all running smoothly! Queue my Xbox controller.

    A year or two ago I bought an Xbox wireless control ( 2020 version according to the order ). Now I wanted to use the controller, but it is not being detected. The light keeps blinking. On nobara itself it looks like it mounted the dongle as a USB Stick.

    That would explain why the controller isn't connecting.

    How would I best go at tackling this? Any tips? I've already ran the following command:

    > nobara-controller-config

    This installed some drivers and required a reboot ( which I did ).

    Thanks in advance for any guidance or tips!
