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Trump says he would withhold California fire aid unless Newsom 'signs those papers'

    2020 California Electoral College vote. 55 for Biden/Harris. 0 for Trump/Pence.

    California is also part of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which awards every electoral college vote to the winner of the popular vote.

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    How much do you all pay for Power?
  • Thanks! Looks like lots of options out there.

    Our power panel is old and we've been advised it may need replacing. I briefly looked at Span panels, with built-in energy monitoring, but they're not cheap. These monitors look like you at least get the data at a much more reasonable price.

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    How much do you all pay for Power?
  • How did you get the breakdown? We have a really old panel and may be looking at getting a new one in the next year. Would love to be able to see the breakdowns and figure out where it's going. FWIW, in PG&E territory.

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    In case you missed it
  • Country is doomed. I was the best. January 6th rioters were victims. Inflation is their fault. Criminal immigrants, eating your cats and dogs.

    When it came to Roe v Wade, he turned it into state rights (sadly, nobody pointed out that was the same, pro-slavery Civil War argument).

    Then she said people in his rallies were bored and were walking out. That's when he spun out of control...

    It was amazing, watching how easy it was for her to get under his thin skin.

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    Anybody watching the US Presidential debate right now?
  • Switched over to Fox to see how they were going to spin it.

    Hannity was like: "The moderators are lefties. It was 3-1 ."

    Then he brought on Rubio, and I clicked away.

  • From the makers of demand-priced car rides, concert tickets, and rents comes VariPay, a new Demand Based Salary calculator.

    Instead of a fixed salary, employee income will be based on how much work there is to do, and when there is enough work, how efficient they were and how much effort they put into it.

    The system is purely driven by AI, so nobody can accuse the vendor of favoritism. It runs continuously 24x7, making instant salary calculation updates no matter where in the world you live.

    The service can automatically integrate with the previously announced AutoHR system, so firing and re-hiring replacement workers are handled with minimum friction. Efficiency levels can be charted in units of currency, aggregated worker heart-rate levels, or kilo-teardrops.

    It comes with a management dashboard showing the amount of salary saved vs a traditional 'time-based' pay system. It also allows alarms to be set and parameters adjusted to accelerate cost-saving measures. Optional modules dynamically calculate management bonuses and maximize shareholder buybacks.


    Archive link:

    "As the ninth inning drew to a close at San Francisco’s Oracle Park on a recent afternoon, the mood in the stands was dour — the Giants were losing to the White Sox. But in the skies above the stadium, the real game was just getting started.

    California and Western gulls glided overhead, scouting the bleachers for garlic fries and ketchup-smeared hot dog buns. The gulls soared steadily by the dozens as the bleachers emptied. Soon, the birds were left alone to engulf any leftover food they could find."


    Earlier today, at Oakland, CA charging station.


    Not sure if true, but someone raised an issue when this was first announced. That you can no longer refuse to unlock your phone when stopped, since you'll have to unlock it to show your digital driver's license.

    8 Watch How a Hacker’s Infrared Laser Can Spy on Your Laptop’s Keystrokes

    Hacker Samy Kamkar is debuting his own open source version of a laser microphone—a spy tool that can invisibly pick up the sounds inside your home through a window, and even the text you’re typing.

    Samy Kamkar's latest at Defcon.

    Archive link:

    0 Watch How a Hacker’s Infrared Laser Can Spy on Your Laptop’s Keystrokes

    Hacker Samy Kamkar is debuting his own open source version of a laser microphone—a spy tool that can invisibly pick up the sounds inside your home through a window, and even the text you’re typing.

    Samy Kamkar's latest at Defcon.

    Archive link:

    0 Introducing the RP2350 - Dmitry.GR

    Dmitry.GR: Everything you ever dreamed the RP2040 would be is here - fall in love with the RP2350


    Apologize if this is a dupe, but is there a way to transfer one's acoount from one lemmy instance to another? Ideally, it involves one's posts and comments, but definitely one's saves. Both accounts are active and in good health.


    4 Flipboard Brings Local News to the Fediverse - Flipboard

    As part of our commitment to local news, Flipboard is bringing 63 regional and community titles to the fediverse.

    Next step would be realtime updates from journalists on breaking news.

    6 Flipboard Brings Local News to the Fediverse - Flipboard

    As part of our commitment to local news, Flipboard is bringing 63 regional and community titles to the fediverse.


    Saw a picture of a canceled check online. Was wondering if it was real.

    Yup. From the California Secretary of State site.

    • Go here:
    • Enter "Donald J Trump" in "Contributions From" field.
    • Enter "Kamala Harris" in "Candidates" field.
    • Hit Search.
    37 iOS 18 brings AirPods setup experience to third-party accessories

    When Apple introduced AirPods in 2016, the company also unveiled a new, easy and intuitive way to pair wireless accessories...

    0 iOS 18 could 'sherlock' $400M in app revenue | TechCrunch

    Apple's changes may affect apps that today have an estimated $393 million in revenue and have been downloaded roughly 58 million times over the past year.

    cross-posted from:

    7 iOS 18 could 'sherlock' $400M in app revenue | TechCrunch

    Apple's changes may affect apps that today have an estimated $393 million in revenue and have been downloaded roughly 58 million times over the past year.

    9 Inside the Biggest FBI Sting Operation in History

    When a drug kingpin named Microsoft tried to seize control of an encrypted phone company for criminals, he was playing right into its real owners’ hands.

    Excerpt from 'Dark Wire.' It's a good read.

    8 Cat as a service (CATAAS)

    Cat as a service (CATAAS) is a REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats.

    Is a REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats.

    8 Cat as a service (CATAAS)

    Cat as a service (CATAAS) is a REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats.

    Is a REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats.
