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Some people are just built different
  • I think there's a healthy hue somewhere in between those two maybe. Like my family are my biggest cheerleaders, and definitely incepted me with the idea that I am special and can do anything.

    But we never talked about being rich, famous, or compared ourselves to exceptional figures. Probably some working class self leveling behaviour at play there, but it left me feeling I could do anything, but not like it was expected.

    I wonder if this desire for fame or absolutely recognition is more a phenomenon in the U.S. I don't know anyone personally who actually desires it.

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    is this true?
  • Whoa now save some for the rest of us

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    Gen Z Truth Rule
  • I think it's my favourite!

    Watch a couple videos and it's easy to see what vibe it's gesturing at

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  • Me trying to figure out when the sun is going to come back out of the clouds

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    RFC 7493: The I-JSON Message Format
  • Just skimmed but seems like a decent idea. Not that I've knowingly run into issues parsing JSON too much

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    Ursula LeGuin puts the publishers in their place
  • Inertia.

    Also while a wealthy family enterprise, they neither

    • a) rule over any nation(s)
    • b) receive any authority through divine appointment

    It's actually a huge step down from the kind of power royalty used to enjoy.

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    Dog Search
  • When the developer of "Getting Over it" gets into newspaper puzzles.

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    to make a knockoff
  • I think it's because the rest is made of gold!

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    Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • Maybe if you're a GM looking for quick inspiration, but not if you're a for profit company whose job is to put out original content.

    What're the LLMs even supposed to feed on if companies start putting out generated content? It very quickly implodes if this becomes the norm.

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    Grasshopper CEO Suda51 says people ‘care too much’ about Metacritic scores
  • My favourite is when you have a friend, or known reviewer, going on about how something sucks, and you realise that it sounds right up your alley.

    I specifically rented The One, because of Roger Ebert's 1 and 1/2 star review in the newspaper, trashing Jet Li's The One (just to totally date myself).

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    It runs on everything
  • Unironically how I deal with stress. E1M1 is my happy place.

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  • God I feel like my city is in the relative pizza stone age compared to this

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • Heat.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • Peerless vibes.

    I mean it's super dark, but it's so slick

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • My partner rewatches that as like a comfort movie. I always found it so dark and hopeless and disconcerting. It really felt like a vision of hell when I first saw it.

    Although I've caught parts of it while she's watching so often that I've become a bit desensitized, so I can appreciate it for it's merits more. It is a great movie.

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    After 23 years he finally admits it
  • Becoming increasingly pleased that I don't recognise this face

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    Lunch: reheated vegan taco filling
  • It looks too much like me*t 😷

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  • I'm ethically opposed to much of this, but I can't fault it for lack of ambition. It's like a built-in dessert with every slice

  • Hey sobernauts out there on the clear dry seas lol. The pink cloud is gone, so now I'm just in the daily living part (7mos), but even still, had a bit of a realisation recently.

    I got unexpectedly laid off from my job recently, which previously would have been a big trigger to hit the bar. But this time I was thankful that I didn't drink anymore (or smoke for that matter). Not even for the money (although that is one factor), but that despite all my problems at least I don't have to deal with the ravages of booze on top of everything else. I can move forward with real world solutions to my actual problem with a clear head.

    It especially hit me when shortly after my layoff, a friend came over with a "care package" of junk food and a light beer, saying to my partner "c'mon not even one beer." But I realised that I wasn't even tempted (though the inertia from old habits could have easily led me to drink).

    Anyway, this friend doesn't know how much I value my sobriety (we used to drink together a lot a lot), so I thanked him for the thought, but gave the beer to another friend of mine.


    That's the story. My physical addiction to alcohol isn't that great thankfully, so it's not that dramatic, but it still felt like a nice reinforcement that I'm on the right path.
