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What's up with people on the piracy subreddit always talking about how they pay for stuff. your on a piracy community and they talk about purchasing digital goods? I don't get it. New piracy gen ?
  • when amazon books could be de-drmed and "my" torrent site showed an interest/appreciation for uploaders i often uploaded ebouks i had bought.

    well, both is no longer the case but if it were i still would.

    i also occassionally buy music, books and even movies i very much like.

    also i adhore being dependant on the whims of a company, being it amazon, netflix or spotify. i want a physical or at least selfowned copy of what i paid for and not only the licence to consume.

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    Reddit: Abschied von John Oliver, letzte Bastionen des Protests geben auf
  • ich hab etliche apps probiert, bei voyager klappt nicht mal rudimebtär das theme ändern. vermutlich liegts am veralteten os aber wenn das nur für die ist, die alle 4 jahre ein neues smartphone kaufen, dann brauch ichs nicht.

    technische schwierigkeiten, das login war problematisch, lemmyworld ständig weg, instanzen u. subs nicht auffindbar, dann der server upgrade. ständig war/ist was.

    Ich brauche keine Erklärung dafür, aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass das zahlreiche User abschreckt.

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    Reddit: Abschied von John Oliver, letzte Bastionen des Protests geben auf
  • ich weiß, will hier keiner hören oder wahrhaben, aber lemmy ist in keinster weise ein ersatz f. reddit.

    es ist anders, mit potential, ja.

    jerboa als app ist mäßig, die instanzencrashs sind lausig, manches ist einfach nicht erreichbar (jedenfalls via app) und vor allem der inhalt fehlt.

    auf reddit haben zwar zahlreiche subs geschlossen, ob privat oder auf spaßbetrieb gestellt, aber sowohl sach als auch spaßthemen/subs gibts zahlreich, während hier (lemmy) oft tote hose ist.

    reddit interessiert sich nicht für die qualität der posts, mengenmäßig wird sich so schnell kaum was ändern.

    und anders als lemmy ist reddit auch f. technisch wenig versierte oder ungeduldige User mit älteren Betriebssystemen leicht bedienbar

  • ok, i usually get a big bunch of .torrent files once a month, run a short filtering and dump them all into transmission on a seedbox.

    this worked fine with firefox and downthemall extension. however probably due to ff permanent and non stoppable upgrading the extension no longer works. while trying to figure it out i thought that maybe there are other/better ways. so, if you bulk download how have you organised it?

    i still want to

    get the files as search results (according to searcf filters),

    be able to get rid of duplicates (which are renamed like filex(1).torrent so easily to be found and removed)

    and have a look at them before handing them off to transmission

    what would you suggest?

    os is win10

    How is pirating software a thing?
  • when you dl from any seller site do you know what you get regarding spy/mal/bloatware? for sure?

    i would not dl from usenet or a public tracker though.

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    Do you share?
  • i am a thief like we all are, no need for euphemism.

    but i'd rather be robin hood than stoertebeker.

    where do you think your files come from?

    i just think if everybody once in a while would just buy and upload one file there would be a lot of new or unusual stuff.

  • i wonder how much is left from the very early sharing ideals from the dawn of the internet.

    do you juat take or do you offer something?

    upload stuff, contribute by seeding, rip, be part of a group ..?

    Was haltet ihr von Katzencafés?
  • was passiert mit den tieren, wenn sie teure tierarztbehandlungen oder dauermedikatiom/behandlung brauchen? was, wenn der betreiber in konkurs geht? was, wenn tiere in der gruppe sich nicht (mehr) leiden können?

    die tiere sind da doch nur kommerzielle produkte, wie designermöbel oder kaffeesorten.

    nein, ich bin insgesamt dagegen.

    wer unbedingt fremde tiere antouchen will, soll freiwillig im tierschutz helfen.

    wer nicht dauerhaft für ein tier sorgen kann/will/darf, muß es lassen.

    was kommt als nächstes? leihkinder? ein schöner nachmittag mit waisenkindern zum spielen, wenn einem danach ist?

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    Does anyone still burn their movies to DVD?
  • there are no longer many movies i like that much and if so i usually jtst buy the dvd.

    it got way too complicated nowadays. starting with megabig files you not always can easily covert and watch.

    then there is stuff i saw on tv which isn't available for free often not even can be bought. i have never figured out how to crack these coded stuff. so it just is on a storage disc. i hate it but don't know a way around.

    so, you certainly are not alone.

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    Mobilität - Verkehrsminister Wissing setzt sich für urbane Seilbahnen ein
  • vorhandenen Straßen, Brücken oder Schienen und kann so mit geringen Kosten für neue Infrastruktur

    stimmt aber nur bedingt. schließlich müssen ggf. pfeiler u. jedenfalls stationen gebaut werden. u. die wartung kann ja auch nicht im schwebezustand erfolgen

    anderer nachteil: wetterx- besonders wind/sturm anfällig

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    non-english ebooks (fiction)?
  • thanks. got a book from AA that was not on my other sources though not very new. will keep that in my bookmarks.

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    non-english ebooks (fiction)?
  • yes, mam has some books in german but mainly older stuff and 99% from ibooks. i used to offer but got tired of their inconsistent rules/category system and being forced to provide bookcovers. there was/is also not much interest and even less appreciation for uploaders in general.

    ipt has sometimes french, spanish stuff (dunno if still there ) but i have never seen german.

  • i am always on the lookout for non english NEWer ebooks.

    after the raids and shut downs some years ago the sources are spare especially for german ones.

    i know you can find old stuff on gutenberg, libgenesis (can't remember the full name) & co and surprisingly ibooks is still there but thats it.

    of course some usenet boards but few and all the same stuff. their content usually finds its way to some torrent sites but few and late.

    so, any recommendations?

    Which kindle(?) to buy for downloaded books
  • i never go online with kindle (don't need wiki ) but once i had to. it immediately downloaded anything from the amazon list (of bought/dl media) including reading samples. da** annoying.

    i deleted everything on amazon.

    then amazon stopped sending actual files when i bought a book. even when specifically transfer to pc or via usb was selected (can't remember the phrase). support was useless. i stopped buying books then.

    never found out what the problem was/is.

    but i certainly don't put the kindle online and let amazon upgrade the firmware in the background.

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    Deutsche Regierung umgeht Twitter-Beschränkungen
  • Ich verstehe nicht warum alle so zwanghaft bei einer ihren Nutzern gegenüber derart feindlich eingestellten Plattform wie Twitter bleiben wollen

    war auch mein gedanke, aber dort sitzen halt die empfänger der werbebotscha äh, infos. reichweitenfrage.

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    How to Usenet?
  • well, my experience and use of usenet is kind of limited but the really goud stuff with (mainly) working links can be found on restricted boards. you at least have to register and access is not always open.

    then you need an app like sabnzb and a good usenet provider (depending on what you seek).

    mirc is or at least was a free irc client but if you get access to a well managed board that has your stuff you will just need sab. and a vpn of course.

    if you just surf and search on your own there is a ton of crap, incomplete stuff, wrongly labeled files etc.

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    Problems and questions
  • Anyone else having trouble subscribing to communities?

    yes and no.

    it got better .

    however i still do not have a com on in the subscribed list. search finds it but does not give the instance and the app shows it as it was weeks ago.

    no problems in browser


    oh, funny .. neither comment nor menue icon on my post

    and paste (eg. text right after ">") does not work where the cursor. it will be inserted left always.

  • neweat version from google playstore android 9 though, no chance for upgrade.

    still server problem. now only one warning but it crashes now on up/downvoting

    does not keep settings. always resets filter to active instead of new, everywhere. always resets to local on startpage.

    always starts with homepage (ok, no bug but i am used to start with the last visited community)

    does not keep the current text line in focus in the body field

    does not go to a new comment from notification but to head of post

    i could not find a setting to change language (to english)

    there is at least 1 com (again, home) where there is no comment symbol on posts. its there with other comments to posts in this com. but thats it. yes, subscribed.

    minor glitch - marking is a problem because the text field is small and text does not flow

    cut is an option hidden in the option menue in the german versions

    if you know how to fix anything (maybe i just am too dumb) or have these problems too pls. tell.

    Guide: The idiot proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC. With Pictures and everything!
  • sorry, can't post a commebt since that icon simply isn't there .

    this guide won't work because on irchighway/ebooks you need a registered nick and OP skipped that.

    i dare say almost everything there can be found on libgen as well.

    irc is nice if you want a complete series or many books and know how to do it.
