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What are yall's thoughts on this new "papyrus"?
  • Then soak your tablets after writing them!

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    What are yall's thoughts on this new "papyrus"?
  • When you light papyrus on fire, it turns into ash. When you light a clay tablet on fire, it becomes stronger than before.

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    Grunk hate looking for job
  • What is "wheel"?

  • Today when I was visiting the marketplace for some new pots, I came across a merchant selling these odd, a bit fabric-like white sheets. He told me that the Egyptians make these from reeds to write on them.

    Personally, I don't see a need for such a material. Just use a clay tablet like a normal person!

    Someone dumped her, soaking wet, in the lobby of a restaurant today
  • Good that the little baby is being taken care of now! <3

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    I need eyebleach after seeing that horrible trailer
  • Maybe? But in my opinion, judging from the trailer, this just feels like a cash grab made with horrible CGI.

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    I need eyebleach after seeing that horrible trailer
  • what's he doing here, how did he get in??

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    What nonmurder crime would you commit if all crime was legal for a day?
  • Go shoplift anything I want. Snack/trinket party!

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    I've bean missing these memes
  • the hell did i just see

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    I've bean missing these memes
  • Not pooping for three days back when?

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • thank god, I don't want to be anywhere near them

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    Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
  • I'm 80% sure this reply was written by an AI. Right now pretty much all it can do is tell people to eat rocks, claim you can leave dogs in hot cars, and starve artists.

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    Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
  • Robots don't demand things like "fair wages" or "rights". It's way cheaper for a corporation to, for example, use a plagiarizing artificial unintelligence to make images for something, as opposed to commissioning a human artist who most likely will demand some amount of payment for their work.

    Also I think that it's partially caused by people going "ooh, new thing!" without stopping to think about the consequences of this technology or if it is actually useful.

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • You know what? Fuck you. I've got better things to do than argue with tankies who imagine that authoritarian regimes are good just because they have red flags and claim to be communist. Do a service to humanity and yourself, and stay out of political discussion until you've aquired some education on these issues.

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    People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam
  • You know she's not the only defector there is, right?

  • So, I'm planning on buying myself a (second-hand) laptop once I get the money. I'm nowhere near tech-savvy so it has to be easy to use, but also I want something that is built to last, as opposed to certain (looking at you, Apple) devices that are desinged to become unusable within a next couple of years.

    Any recommendations?


    Pretty much every time I cry, my nose gets super runny and my throat gets slimy. Why is that?


    So, embarassing story: I went to the baths, took off my clothes, and left my tunic there. I had nobody to watch them because my slave ran away the other day, and when I came back, it was gone. So, if there's anyone nearby willing to lend me an extra tunic, please DM me ASAP. It's getting cold here.

    P.S. Does anyone know any good curses to write on my curse tablet?


    So I'm looking for a tool that can tell me the total cost of things I buy. Like if I buy item A for 1,20€, item B for 5,60€ and item C for 10€, it tells me how much the things I'm buying cost, which would be 16,80€ in this case.

    I tried looking it up, but apparently ddg is once again incapable of showing any relevant results.


    So, I happen to be a king near the Mediterranean (not telling where bc I don't wannna doxx myself), and the other day a messanger ran into my palace shouting "the sea people are coming!".

    I told him that there can't be 'sea people' because people live on land and not in the sea, but he kept insisting that there are 'sea people' and they're coming, so I had him drowned to prove that people living in the sea is impossible.

    Now all kids in the city are talking about 'sea people' and it's driving me nuts. I hope this trend goes away soon.


    Image ID: a black and orange image of Sisyphus pushing up a boulder. The boulder is labeled "the fucking menstrual cycle".

    A few days after my period ends I just blissfully forget about it until one day I wake up and notice my crotch looks like someone was murdered there. Super duper fun.


    Rain start. Put out tribe fire. Tribe cold. Grunk go to other tribe. Grunk steal fire. Other tribe cold. We warm. AITA?


    So, the other day I thought I smelled smoke somewhere, and my house was on fire. There happened to be some of Crassus' slaves around and they refused to put out the fire until I sold my house to him for a ridiculously low price. My atrium is ruined and now he's charging us an unbelievable amount of rent.


    The whole thing is just light gray. I'm on mobile Firefox and did not have this problem last year.


    something something language changes over time


    Image ID: the original rainbow flag with pink, red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue and purple stripes. There is a text in the middle reading: throwing bricks at cops since -69
