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Thoughts on my update script? Any suggestions for improvement?
  • Nice, I have a similar one. Things I also do there:

    • flatpak update
    • tldr -u to update tldr pages
    • Check if reboot needed after kernel update, and display a notification about it
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    Is your phone really listening to you? Here's what we know
  • I found the update 404 media article, this article is based on:

    It's behind a paywall, and I couldn't found a way to remove it. But from the top screenshot it seems like it's the same bullshit from the same company... We know from the past that they lie about this, why is it a news that they did the same thing again?

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    Is your phone really listening to you? Here's what we know
  • This is nearly a year old news, and noone ever could prove it.

    CMG is simply lying. Also originally it was not "leaked" it was published on their website, it's just the same bullshit from different source.

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    Is your phone really listening to you? Here's what we know
  • It was not just a "leak" this was literally on their website a year ago:

    Marketing people bullshitting to get investor money. Anyone can imagine non existent technology and lie on the internet, you don't have to believe everything

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    The Map of the Berlin Tram Lines clearly show the seperation of the East and West from years gone by
  • East Berlin had trams, West Berlin had double decker buses. The doubledeckers can't pass safely below the wires of the tram, so if you see a tram you are in former east Berlin, but if you see a doubledecker you are in former west. At least that's what my friend told me years ago who lived in Berlin for some years. Can someone confirm this? I can't find any info on this on the internet.

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    Apps can now block sideloading more easily and force downloads through Google Play
  • Yeah, maybe "working on" was too generous, "aware of the issue and some preliminary work was already done" would have been more correct

    Here is some recent discussion if it's feasible at all:

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    Apps can now block sideloading more easily and force downloads through Google Play
  • MicroG devs are working on fakeing play integrity api since 2023:

    it seems that play integrity continue to change internally day to day... He is waiting that google stabilize it. Then will be a pull request.

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    Out of curiosity is there a FOSS (add-free) short form video type social media?
  • The announcement comes after Twitter announced across-the-board job cuts earlier on Thursday, with plans to lay off 9 percent of its workforce, which equals about 350 people. The company also said in a letter to shareholders that it was going to prioritize some parts of its business, while deprioritizing others.


    Twitter was financially in a bad shape for a long time, the first year they generated some profit was 2018. Source Vine existed 2012-2017, I think they couldn't figure out how to monetize it. Twitter was a text based platform, tiktok was designed for video from conception.

    But I still don't know why they didn't try to sell it instead of shutting it down.

    Coub was also nearly shut down in 2022, it seems like it's hard to profitably maintain a short video service.

    One more thing could have an important impact was music rights. Tiktok has special deals with record labels for background music, Coub was Russian, so they could just pirate music. Streaming wasn't big back than, only spotify existed, labels couldn't figure yet out how to milk internet users, so I guess Vine couldn't get as good deals as it would now. Too early, too legal.

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    Out of curiosity is there a FOSS (add-free) short form video type social media?
  • IIRC Vine and Coub made it mainstream more than 12 years ago, it's not something new. Gifs are basically a prequel of the format.

    If people wouldn't like it, it wouldn't survive this long, and wouldn't be copied by every other company and requested in threads like this. It's alright if you don't like them but please let other people have fun. You don't have to "learn" from everything, it's just jokes and light entertainment.

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    Radicle 1.0 released
  • Congratulations!

    Small reminder, if you don't remember from last time it was posted to all communities on lemmy, this is still a project by cryptobros:

    What is the relationship between Radicle and the Radworks ($RAD) token?

    Radicle is a true peer-to-peer protocol. It doesn’t use nor depend on any blockchain or cryptocurrency.

    Radworks, the organization that has been financing Radicle is organized around the RAD token which is a governance token on Ethereum. reviewed it 6 months ago:

    This doesn’t pass the smell test.

    • Instructs to pipe the output of curl in sh
    • Assumes that sh is bash [1]
    • “Community” behind it is apparently originating in Berlin, and is now a “nonprofit foundation in Switzerland”, but has no publicly disclosed legal structure anymore.
    • “Community” behind it uses discord, but not revolt, matrix, simplex or others.
    • “Community” behind it uses twitter, but not mastodon.
    • Cryptobros.
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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • How would it otherwise? Network based location?

    Yes. Your phone could triangulate its location from nearby celltowers ane wifi networks. Google has a database of wifi routers (actually that was the point of google streetview, they collected wifi bssids alongside taking photos, they also collect this data from android devices).

    With microg you can select from different dbs for this, they are called 'UnifiedNlp backends': apple has a similar db from iphones, mozilla used to collect this data with a separate app for MLS (they shut down the project in 2024 march). Microg builds an on device private db as well, it will remembers the wifi networks and celltowers you were close to, and next time you are there it won't need gps, saves a ton of battery life. This was called Deja Vu, I love this name. Search for UnifiedNlp on fdroid you can find some more options.

    Since MicroG 0.3 you don't have to install these separately, Mozilla and Deja Vu are builtin, and they are more than enough

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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • Huh? Which rom asks this? Usually you have to go through hoops to get microg, and only a handful of roms have it builtin. It can only ask if you want to enable microg not installing it or not, microg to correctly work it should be installed in /system/priv-app, to do that after boot on device, you have to be root.

    Do you use any app from aurora or outside fdroid? If your answer is no, than you can use android without a GMS package.

    Also as I wrote, location won't work for you underground or inside concrete buildings. If you are fine with these kind of limitations than you can obviously.

    Marwin (the main developer of microg) said in some interview that he doesn't want microg to exist, and in a perfect world we shouldn't need such workaround. I would be also happy if android wouldn't depend this muhc on google

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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • (I reread ops question and I can only see the term open source 2 times, but whatever, I understand what you say, and I don't want to debate about semantics.)

    The point with microG is it's still the best way if you want to use android. The other options are:

    • Play services (GMS), or Huawei has some similar solution because of US trade embragoes.
    • You can use android without play services but notifications won't work for most apps, even if you can open them. (UnifiedPush tries to solve notification part) Wifi and cell based location won't work
    • I see microG as an acceptable middle ground. I still have to give up something to goog, but it's not much compared to GMS, and I can use all available apps
  • 0 Civilization VII hands-on: This strategy sequel rethinks the long game

    Classic turn-based gameplay meets a radical rethink of the overall structure.


    The sea, which straddles the border between Israel and Jordan, has seen its surface area shrink by about 33 percent since the 1960s. A plan to replenish the Dead Sea with seawater from the Red Sea was proposed in 2009, but abandoned in 2021.

    Source imagery: Maxar

    via DailyOverview tumblr


    It's been more than a year since I just quickly set up the community icon and banner. I want to change it sometimes, to highlight some artists and albums, new or old.

    Please recommend here artists with nice logos. I'm planning to change them after some months.

    I will document the previous logos and banner images in this post:

    | From | To | Icon | Banner | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 2023-06-16 | 2024-07-30 | Aphex Twin | Various Artists - Artificial Intelligence (1992) | | 2024-07-30 | ? | Squarepusher | Squarepusher - Ufabulum (2012) |


    On some communities the header image and community logo is broken, e.g. here:

    I'm the mod there, I haven't changed images since I started the community, a year ago. If I click on the Edit community button, I can see both images on the sidebar.

    If I comment somewhere and link to external image with the markdown syntax ![](...) images not showing up. This works in post bodies, it only affects comments.

    Created a test post here, you can see the image in the first comment is not visible:

    Edit: This may be related:


    Link to image in post body

    A nice image should show up here:



    The Batagaika Crater, located in the Chersky Range of northeastern Siberia, Russia, is the largest permafrost crater in the world. One kilometer (0.6 miles) long, 100 meters (328 feet) deep, and growing, it has been sinking due to thawing permafrost since the 1960s. Batagaika’s rim is extremely unstable and the site of regular landslides, retreating by as much as 30 meters (98 feet) in a single year.

    67.580000°, 134.771400°

    Source imagery: Maxar

    via DailyOverview tumblr


    Machine translation, I don't speak Dutch:

    > The bend of the tramway from the Bakkersstraat to the Amstel was too tight to be taken in a normal way. That is why the track first crossed the track on the Amstel and then to connect to that track via an extra arch. The arch was protected with chained posts. However, on 6 September 1950 it went wrong and a tram set of line 4 next from the Bakkersstraat could not brake in time, so the head of the motor car in the Amstel dived.


    First song from the E7 Trilogy, 2023:

    But first released in 2022 on the album Rituals E7.001:

    0 Add the ability to limit changeset size by tomhughes · Pull Request #4908 · openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website

    This aims to allow the bounding box of changesets to be limited. The basic technology is the same as #4319 with the maximum size ramping up over a period of time for new users. The defaults allow n...

