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Company creates "solution" to address school "vaping incidents".
  • Nobody said they were ok with young people vaping. The point people are making is that communication and discipline, both things that require time and skill, would be a better, less invasive approach.

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    Well that was predictable
  • You do know that people can dislike the decisions America makes and be vocal about that, without it being propaganda right?

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    People who are 1s and 2s on this scale, do you watch adult video?
  • I have been diagnosed with aphantasia, so I'm a 5. I have no ability to visualise anything in my head, I was in my 40s before I realised that "minds eye" is not a metaphor for most people.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you find yourself constantly surrounded by assholes, there's a very high chance that you are in fact the asshole.

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    What's the story you would write if you were an author?
  • I'd write a sci-fi story, which explains the fermi paradox. There are thousands of alien races all over the galaxy, but they basically all took one look at humankind and said "fucking hell no, those guys are absolute dicks".

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    CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • It is probably the most telling demonstration of the terrible state of our current society, that one of the largest corporations on earth, which got where it is today by providing accurate information, is now happy to knowingly provide incorrect, and even dangerous information, in its own name, an not give a flying fuck about it.

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    Teen walks at graduation after completing doctoral degree at 17
  • I mean congratulations, that's an amazing achievement, and she should be very proud. I'm glad her doctoral degree wasn't in English language though, "I feel like that urge to learn something new just never didn't exist for me." Is cold blooded murder of the English tongue.

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    US commander appeared to suggest UK special forces were operating in Ukraine
  • Anybody who is surprised by this is either hugely naive, knows nothing about previous British military tactics or has been under a rock for the last 40 years.

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    Ideas to deal with loud neighbours
  • This. 10:30 am would not be considered a problem legally where I'm from, you can only make a noise complaint before 7am and after 11pm. People are allowed to enjoy their lives, having neighbours play music during the day is just part of living near other humans.

    Do not take petty revenge because that probably is illegal. Be an adult and deal with it.
