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Not trying to clickbait but is this the end for kernel-level anti-cheat?
  • Csgo and 2 have a "trust" system to keep track of player behavior and put you in games with others of similar trust value. So if you get reported often or have a history of bad behavior, you're more likely to be put in games with other bad actors, and vice versa. Idk how effective it is though.

    Honestly there isn't a great solution, which is kind of why I avoid competitive multiplayer games. Even kernel level anticheats can be circumvented.

    The nice thing about vac is that theres pretty much no false positives. And valve will occasionally update it, catching a ton of cheaters off guard and getting them banned.

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    Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 dev 2
  • Gdscript let's you do static typing, so "var a : int" ensures that a is an integer. This can help prevent bugs and bad code, and even speeds up the interpreter since it can make some assumptions.

    So until now, you couldn't do that with dictionaries, they always allowed any type as a key or value. This adds that functionality so dictionaries can be used with stricter rules, preventing bugs and making them faster.

  • that should be the ship name btw

    Advice for a newbie - Multiple drives setup
  • It depends on how you install stuff. Games on Steam or downloaded from online from places like can be put on any drive without issue.

    In terms of software though, native packages (deb, rpm) are gonna want to put files in various system folders, so it's pretty much impossible to get those off your os drive.

    Other packaging solutions can help with this though. Appimages can be put anywhere, nix let's you install to another drive, same with flatpak.

    And if you're savvy, you could use docker to install system packages on other drives, although I wouldn't recommend it.

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    a new paradigm
  • I feel like this isn't exclusive to indie games.
    Empoisoned games: Forespoken, Bloodborne, Metal Gear Rising Revengance

    Swumbles Big Jumble games: Assassin's Creed (plus subtitle), John Madden Football (and other similarly titled sports games), any legend of zelda game.

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    Autocorrect Rule
  • Women are you allowed to resubmit games if they've been in development kit and you both seem to be on it was the way to save data by teleporting electrons into an image

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    I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness
  • Yeah I agree with you there. If you're gonna just give two or three body type options and no other customization, there should be an androgenous option or at least they should all be generally androgenous. I think the issue with runescape probably stems from how the game was before.

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    I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness
  • I agree with what others said that more customization is generally good, but not all games really need that level of customization. For something like animal crossing, I think the body type thing is fine, since the designs are more neutral unlike what you're describing. I think what could help is a third option that's a more neutral body type. Or maybe if it's not relevant, just don't have a body type option.

    I also don't know much about runescape, but I assume this was an update that just changed the names from genders to body types, so adding other options might have increased the scope of the update. I think at least uncoupling that from gender is at least an improvement over before. Plus, I kinda disagree that people would only pick the corresponding pronouns. Plenty of people have a gender expression that doesn't necessarily match their gender identity.

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    What is the most duct-tape thing you've done to Linux?
  • So I use a surface device with the Linux surface kernel, and there was (and probably still is) an issue where the type cover doesn't properly rebind after being detached and re-attatched. To make matters worse, connecting other USB devices disconnected the type cover. My solution was to make a udev rule that detected if the keyboard is "removed" and then try to rebind it, effectively unplugging it and plugging it back in again in software.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I had been considering switching for years, I even made a list of things I had to find alternatives to and tried to widdle it down. With proton making gaming viable, I decided to dual boot, and accidentally destroyed my entire windows partition when trying to back it up with dd. Just said fuck it and went full Linux.

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    Actors demand action over 'disgusting' video game sex scenes [BBC]
  • I mean, that's not cruelty free. Someone's still gotta animate that. And most good animators either act scenes out beforehand and/or use reference footage.

  • I've used my switch pro a lot for games on my pc, but after updating to 22 it no longer works, and I have no clue why. It connects and shows the player count lights, but no blue light and no controller detected by any software. lsusb shows the device and udemadm monitor shows a bunch of changes.

    Sometimes I can get it to connect by connecting with bluetooth, then quickly plugging it in, which makes me think that it's an issue with udev rules? It won't connect with bluetooth alone though.

    Is anyone else experiencing this or have an idea on how to solve it?

    EDIT: FIXED! The issue was that I had joycond installed at one point, and the upgrade removed it (since its not needed since the kernel has support now). I just went in /lib/udev/rules.d and deleted any files with joycond in the name (there were 2).


    don't ask why this is 139.2gb

    13 Year Unknown on Steam

    A story-based exploration game about the very far future. With the help of two Artificial Intelligences, explore a universe conquered by humanity, uncover your purpose in it, and try to stop it from falling apart.

    (tldr, open source software has come a long way, and it's more than possible to create a full game without leaving Linux.)

    So I've been a full Linux user for a couple years now, and a hobbyist game dev for way longer. I've always tried to make the most out of free tools, so I've used a lot of FOSS tools for game development before.

    Going with that philosophy, Year Unknown's development has cost $0 (not counting store fees or my time), and the development is done with almost entirely FOSS software like Godot, Blender, GIMP, and Audacity. The only exception is Reaper, which is my DAW of choice (but to be fair, it's a really good DAW).

    The game itself is a narrative-driven exploration game set in the very far future, where humanity has found a way to make the universe last forever. The game's story covers a lot of existential issues that come from the premise, revealed through two characters you can talk to through terminals.

    I know there's other developers who have done the same, but I thought I'd share my experience, and I can answer questions about the workflow if you're curious, or trying to do something similar. Also, if the game seems interesting to you, a wishlist would be very appreciated!


    An interesting project I quickly threw together after finding out that Godot can call javascript's "eval" function. You can really do anything with this engine.

    Source code here:


    It really seems like satire, but based off the guy's profile and normal posts I don't think it is.


    EDIT: The solution was that it was freesync. Turned it off on my monitor, and that fixed it.

    I recently picked up a used RX 6600xt, and ever since the screen will occasionally freeze for 1-2 seconds before returning to normal. As far as I can tell, input and sound work as normal during these. There's no real pattern either.

    I'm on Mint 21.3 Cinnamon, on the 6.5 kernel (there was a sleep related issue for me in the default kernel version). Since getting the GPU, I've replaced the CPU and motherboard.

    Any guesses as to what this might be, or where to look? I tried checking mint's logs app and there didn't seem to be anything associated with it.


    Haven't got my $1,000 yet.

    64 GitHub - SpacingBat3/WebCord: A Discord and SpaceBar :electron:-based client implemented without Discord API.

    A Discord and SpaceBar :electron:-based client implemented without Discord API. - SpacingBat3/WebCord

    WebCord is an "alternative client" for Discord, although it's just running the Discord webpage in electron. Recently it updated its electron version so it supports sharing audio as well as video.

    I tried it out today on mint (x11, pulseaudio) and it works flawlessly.


    In today's episode, commander Sisko grapples with the effects of the war and how far his morality can be stretched in the name of the greater good. Meanwhile, O'Brien has a winning streak at darts.


    My music tastes are weird, I like a lot of music but the only two bands I've found that make stuff I really resonate with are 65DaysOfStatic and maybeshewill.

    Are there any post rock bands (or of any of genre) that have a similar energy? I've tried the usual recommedations (Godspeed You Black Emperor, Mogwai, etc.) but it feels flat, with the same melody repeating for ages.

    Bonus points if there's good use of electronic sounds.


    Instance recommendations?

    Sorry if this is asked a lot but I'm looking for a peertube instance to mirror my youtube videos to.

    I upload a mix of videos about games, dev logs, music, and occasional random stuff I made (including ytps). So a general purpose instance with longevity would be ideal. Thanks!


    Just for fun I started watching it to see what it even is, and so far it's pretty fun! Colin Baker's doctor is a lot of fun, it's interesting to see a doctor who (hehe) is a bit more full of themselves.

    From what I gather though, people at the time really didn't like it, but that could have just been because of Colin Baker. Now that general opinion of Colin Baker is much better and we can revisit those episodes without as much bias, I'm interested in what the general verdict on this season is. Do people still hate it? Is it a cult classic? Do people just think it's meh?


    I've been working on this game for about 2 years, and finally created a proper trailer for it!

    Feel free to ask questions and/or tell me what you think. If you're interested, I also have a steam page up:
