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Amazon tells employees to return to office five days a week
  • To strengthen "corporate culture" is the excuse. But there is no Corporate Culture, there's just people, all the way down, and they're starting to get reeeal tired of this shit.

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    Free Small Rule With Every Purchase
  • I remember in the 80's when this Ad was everywhere, on billboards and bus benches and magazines and newspapers. Pretty sure it won some awards.

    The TV commercial version was the same woman smiling, just a slow zoom in towards her smiling face, but there was this quiet static in the background with eerie footsteps coming closer for about 15 seconds before the audio dropped to total silence for a few seconds, then a narrator (James Earl Jones-style) said the motto, and the woman said the bit about the free fries, followed by another 5 seconds of silence while she kept smiling; but the smile was cracking, fading, her face muscles unable or unwilling to hold the pose until they suddenly dropped into a look of terror right as the commercial ended.

    The 80's were weird, bro

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    Apple’s Tim Cook to unveil reasons why your current iPhone is already a piece of shit
  • Agreed! Might be better phrased as,

    "We've made so many advancements that 2023 Tim Cook would look at 2024 Tim Cook utterly horrified at his own ineptitude, and look at a mirror while holding up a big L on his forehead before giving himself an atomic wedgie.

    I'm not a fan of the whole "atomic wedgie" bit either, feels dated

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    Do aliens exist in our planet?
  • There is no way around light speed and conservation of momentum.

    That we know of, yet. We haven't even had particle accelerators for a hundred years; let's give it at least 500 years of scientific research and discoveries before we say definitively that we absolutely know, without any doubts, that there's no way around conservation of momentum.

    I ain't saying there is a way; just that we are very young, and very immature.

  • 60% completed, should be done by end of year! :D


    Got Barley from the shelter a few weeks back, she's 7. All her life her name has been "Harley", but she responds to "Barley" so we're going with it


    Not sure if it's the same mourning Dove as last time but I'm only a little creeped out so it's fine, it's totally fine. This is fine.


    I'm not sure what made me so interesting


    We're currently Cat-Sitting for family members, this is Nami! She barks little meows like a dog, and absolutely loves staring out the window all day. :)


    Taken last week, apparently it posed somewhat majestically


    First time spotting at the feeder. Nice!


    Our 12 year old Bombay cat, Hypurrtia, and the sounds she makes.

    "Hypurrtia" is intended to be a cat pun of "Hypatia".

    I hope her sounds fill your hearts with joy


    My bad y'all Purple Finch

    Original text below: I have no text to write in this space. A cardinal, atop a bird feeder


    Posted this in a random thread yesterday but figured it probably deserved more views. This is from a rainy day last August, near the peak at Pretty River Valley Provincial Park, Ontario, on the Niagara Escarpment. I watched the clouds rolling in, and then they rolled into and through the forest, creating an absolutely magical scene.

    Hikers are welcome. Trails are very poorly marked. Start at the bottom of the valley for maximum elevation gain. :)


    Lastest work from my wife, expected completion date, November, 2024


    White grass planets are nice, but pink grass is so much more chill. Add to that blue-green seas, pink skies, and a wonderful view of a neighboring ringed planet + moon, and you've got a premier destination for anyone visiting the Galaxy 59 core. Sure, there are some minor storms every now and again, but the pink serpent-butterflies and blue-white nighttime nebulae make up for any intermittent weather inconvenience. Visit today!





    Visit Panache, a major tourist destination at the Hicanpaav (99) core! It has cool colors! Awful storms! Horrible weather! Cool colors! Style!


    Age: 9 Hobbies: Sleeping, Sunlight, Chasing Shadows Likes: Carrying clean socks around the house while meowing for attention at the prize she's found Dislikes: Belly rubs


    Located at the Zavainlani (Galaxy 150) core, on a lovely planet of Orange grass and False Storms. Built in honor of Stubbs, a cat I once knew who was wonderful

    Coordinates - 10AB06002FFB


    This one's 30x40 acrylic & acrylic markers on canvas.


    Three years old and the most gentle, affectionate little one I've ever met. Love him like mad already. Still haven't got a name, though

    30 Chipmunk.exe

    A chipmunk in the birdfeeder

    The birdfeeder required refilling, but this little guy was impatient
