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Raising prices you say? Oh that's too bad.
  • I've tried downloading shows in non-English and it won't. It seems hard coded to not look in Usenet foreign. Have you had any luck? Does it work for torrents?

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    Enshittification of GitHub?
  • My understanding is the fork isn't doing much but waiting to see if gitea turns to shit, pushing all their changes upstream. If you use docker I've heard you can just pull the new image and it simply drops in, no migration needed.

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    Preparing a megathread about android FOSS apps - Part Four (Keyboards, Notes, Maps and Music Players)
  • Wow thanks, exactly what I've been looking for!

    Edit: was using swype which was last updated in 2018 and is broken with android 14. Been looking for a replacement for ages. This open board fork is the best replacement I've tried so far. The word prediction works differently but I'll get used to it.

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    Languages are weird
  • I'm trying to learn Spanish, I understood almost everything Gwyneth said, and almost nothing the interviewer said. Not sure if it's word selection, but non natives always deliberately fully pronounce each word which makes it so much easier to hear.

  • Do any non-Sonarr TV show managers like SickChill, SickBeard, SickRage, etc support downloading shows for use with sabnzbd with non-english audio?

    I'm using usenet in my setup, and am trying to download la casa de papel in Spanish, which saw an english release as money heist. I can see on my indexer's website that the correct files are there under tv-foreign, though sonarr cannot find them, even with the foreign category enabled. Seems like this is a known issue in Sonarr since 2015 .
