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Viral video in Ukraine of injured Ukrainian soldier
  • No way, Ukraine is on the good side, they'd never do that. /s

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    Egypt Officially Ditches US Dollar For Trade
  • Another step to deflate the U$ hegemony. Good news!

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    Just skip breakfast Gabe
  • Made me laugh 😂 I hope Gabe will get wiser and will be fine after all.

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    Well this is weird
  • Well, this is nicely surprising - but I do expect nothing beyond that.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 5
  • I am angry to myself that I missed 100 anniversary of Lenin's death.

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    Nikolai Kharitonov: 50 days before the elections. The mood is to win!
  • I did some «doomerist» post today, when I cry why Russia is far-right and reactionary, and here I see some great news! I'll drink some good tea for that.

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    Truth in advertising
  • Someone skipped set / probability theory lessons 😂

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    truly the power of innovation
  • A tractor of my father made in People's Republic of Poland in 1964, operated very harshly and brutally, and stored outside, still works and cuts grass every summer. It literally needs no electricity - when pulled by other tractor for the engine start, you don't need a battery, thanks to diesel engine with sectional injection pump.

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    How the "liberation" of the Soviet Union ended the liberation of Soviet women
  • I was born in such circumstances, with at least one my parent being strongly against communism, there are no communist media in Poland, and popularization of communism is forbidden by law. We have street names and roundabouts named after Reagan and Thatcher. It takes a long way, if ever, to reach a critical reflection about it. US propaganda is disgusting, I am so happy that 80's and 90's are gone, and US now is less able to cover injustice and contradictions of their system, and I hope we are all going into a better future.

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    How the "liberation" of the Soviet Union ended the liberation of Soviet women
  • Muh comunis 😩 /s Just skimmed, looks like a solid piece of work and creates strong but noble emotions. Why such articles are not in mainstream ☹️

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    This should be forbidden
  • Oh, sorry

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    This should be forbidden
  • 1
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    This should be forbidden
  • Oh yes, Scandinavian language parkour 🙉

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    Chinese Douyin also misses the USSR
  • This gives me hope. Thank you Chinese comrades.

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    Boycott these Israeli supporting child murdering companies!!
  • For me, maybe this will be the right motivation to loose weight 😅

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • Tankies as always wrong 😟You made my day 👹

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    USA Making The World Fuckeder
  • I fucking hate U.S.

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    Ding Dong. Kissinger is gone.
  • For sure? It's not a joke?

  • It is sad that John McCarty, one of genius fathers of AI, raised as communist, turned to become an U.S. republican

    He visitied USSR many times and knew Russian well. He rejected communism after he saw the Warsaw Pact intervention in Czechoslovakia. The intervention took less than 300 hundred lives on both sides, but McCarthy choose to support republicans, a fascist regime responsible for thousands of victims all over the World.

    Edit: Wikipedia says: "he distanced himself after making visits to the Soviet Bloc, which led to him becoming a conservative Republican." but it seems that this particular intervention changed his mind, not the earlier multiple visits in Soviet Union. Wikipedia is biased as fuck.

    Most sane postmodernist
  • If this is Focault, it has to bo long and full of needlessly difficult words. Chomsky mocked this Focault's "over-intelligence" in telling relatively simple things.

  • 1 hour of hardbass/pumping - a truly proletarian music Splass at TRI poloski Bilbao (29 - 07 - 23)

    HARDBASS / DONK / METALSHADE LABEL ||| EVENTS ||| AGENCY Affecting the Netherlands with the sound of Hardbass and Metalshade. Check our website for upcoming TRI poloski events, m

    An obscure genre popular in Russia/Spain/UK and Poland around 2000s. Powerful and free of any decadence and snobbery. Libs would hate it - leave them listening to sonic-fast-food smooth jazz and pretending that they have sophisticated music taste.

    0 Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia

    Behind the X owner’s trolling is a years long obsession with the internet’s favorite encyclopedia, says Depths of Wiki creator Annie Rauwerda.


    Does free will exist?

    First of all, I need to say that, even if it is ignorant, I even do not bother to read philosophical speculations.

    I am interested in empirical premises. I've heard that there is some research, where scientists, monitoring activity of a person's brain, are able to predict which switch (s)he's going to switch, before (s)he does, or maybe before (s)he's conscious about the choice. This implies that our decisions are results of some chemical processes determined aside of our "free choice" and so called free will is only an illusion, a way in which alternatives presents to us, while the choice is made already deep in our minds unconsciously and maybe even deterministically. Does anybody know this research and could cite it?

    Since I am constantly busy, I really sucks in the theory, so could anybody say what's the Marxist stance on free will if any?


    I am starting to enjoy K-Pop UwU


    Why almost every socialist song is such a f***ing banger?


    When I see growing nationalism in Europe and the whole world, climate being fucked up, what will create a migration catastrophe and wars, rich becoming richer and poor getting poorer, I think the world is burning and going to a catastrophe, and there is too late for a world revolution. World is already in fire and angry people will go to the far right and nazi instead build communism. China will not save the world since in my opinion it becomes nationalist and focused on making private money; it is just the least disgusting of the main players. It is not Deng Xiaoping's China anymore. The fucking world will burn soon. I do not see a reason why bring children into this world and actually live here. Is there a light of hope?


    I can exchange all classical music for Shostakovich (maybe without Rachmaninov and Liszt) SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartet No. 8 in C Minor, Op. 110: II. Allegro molto - Quatuor Danel

    Album Release: January 2016 iTunes: Extracts taken from « Shostakovich: The Complete String Quartets » – Out on 2016-01-08 Extraits issus de « Shostakovi


    Edit: This is actually more deep (as mathematics usually is). The equation describes multiplicative gain, as in the case of capital accumulation. This is why capital in hands of few people, like billionaires, is so dangerous, because it grows exponentially, until they will have all, and the others nothing, like in the monopoly game. On the other hand, many gains, like muscle gain after exercises, are rather additive in their nature, thus they do not grow so spectacularly. I started to think about it after posting this meme, now I am not sure whether this is upsetting or inspiring 😁


    Some правильный hardbass


    Meet Appenzell Innerrhoden, Swiss Canton which granted woman vote right in 1991

    Yes, 1991. And it was forced to grant it
