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Gig economy
  • Yeah that would definitely be my biggest worry. If I weren't diabetic now I would try it.

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    Gig economy
  • Hot overnight oats? I always made them in a mason jar in the fridge. My favorite was 1/2 cup of oats, 1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup of milk, all in a jar and then fill the rest of the jar up with frozen blueberries and strawberries (cut ones). Close, put in fridge, eat cold the next morning. The oats will have soaked up the liquid and gotten soft. It's a nice cold cereal and quick to pour into a bowl, stir a bit, and chow down.

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    Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • "I am single issue" - at least you are under no illusion about it.

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    Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • Single issue voters are hilarious. That's how we got here.

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    Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • The problem is turnout. If Texans, especially young Texans, just voted, you'd see a big swing. Someone else responding in this thread under my initial comment has left a massive post with statistics about it.

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    Help me to settle on a face design for the character I've just added to my game, called The Humorless Toaster. (It's only here to make toast, not listen to your nonsense.)
  • Yes! I had forgotten his name! Haha wow, I need to go watch that show again, it's been a long time.

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    brainrot rule
  • Oh shit, waddup

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    I've got banned from Apex Legends
  • Apex does not use kernel level anti cheat. It just uses normal easy anti cheat.

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    Aldi announces wage increases up to $23 an hour; hiring thousands of employees
  • Aldi is the only place I've seen. However, Aldi recently started installing self checkout, which I despise.

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    Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • Texas ain't as red as you think.

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    Ancient Chinese Proverb
  • Twitter. I understood immediately.

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • You do seem to be simplifying what a game is, though. Boiling it down to what is "intended". If easy difficulty was created and put into the game by the developer, is it not intended?

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    What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
  • Ah so speedrunning and challenges, which are arguably harder, is fine? Speedrunning and exploiting glitches A-OK? But easy mode because I'm 44 and don't react like I did at 19, that's ruining the experience? Doesn't make sense.

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    Are there previous historical examples of cult-like followings of US political candidates?
  • I remember logging into BBS systems in the 90's and seeing a lot of hate for the Clintons. This was in St. Louis, a fairly blue city, but surrounded by red (the rest of MO as well as southern IL)

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    How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • Despite the name being stupid, Alarm Clock Extreme is a great app. I paid for it years ago, and have recently paid for it again due to it being bought out by another company. I do not feel cheated by this fact. It's been worth it.

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    What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • We know a little, there's a whole wiki page about it lol just pieces together from Murderbot's descriptions. - but according to the author, it's like "How To Get Away With Murder" but in space.

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    What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • Gotta love The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon from The Murderbot Diaries.

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    I'm looking at you, ubisoft
  • I'm a fan of Steam. People will complain about monopolies but then want there to be a monopoly for this kind of software.

  • As the title says, some images load for half a second, then turn into a white "broken image" icon. If you then tell connect to "open external" it opens the image in a web browser, and that works just fine.

    It's just the weirdest thing. The image loads, you see it for a split second before it changes. This happens frequently enough to be annoying. I'm not sure if it's just a certain file type or what. Maybe it's webp's?

    Here's an example post that is doing it for me:


    Plastic seals food, sterile medical implements, medicine, beverages, etc... it's seems like plastic is used as a way to seal things safely. Post pandemic rising, I see even more. My work used to be have plastic utensils in the cafeteria, for example, an already wasteful thing. Now, post-2020, every fork, knife, and spoon is individually wrapped in a plastic wrapper. I feel like the more my desire to escape plastic intensifies, the more plastic I see all around me everywhere.

    How can we get away from plastic as a safety layer?


    To me, it seems objectively easier to pull into a parking space forward and then back out of the space when you are ready to leave. You don't have to line up with the lines while driving backwards, and it's easier to keep from hitting other cars as well. So why back in? To me, the only advantage I can think of is that you can get out quicker, technically.

    Edit: I do not need driving instruction, just wondered why. The reasoning.


    Watching Bleach and thought of this scenario

    Ichigo: chases Ulquiorra upwards and past the blue sky

    Ichigo: Wait, are we above the canopy of Los Noches?

    Ulquiorra: Yes, by Lord Aizen's command, two things are not allowed within Los Noches. The first is Gran Rey Cero which is only for Espada. The other is a sword release of an Espada of rank 4 or higher, both of which could destroy Los Noches.

    Ulquiorra: Releases Resurreccion Imprison Murcielago!

    Ichigo: Nope. Cuts hole in floor, drops back into Los Noches

    Ulquiorra: What! What are you doing!?

    Ichigo: Tauinting and slapping his ass Come on, chicken! Bauk bauk bauk come on!


    It's almost 2 am and I'm in bed and I still keep hearing pop pop boom outside. Is it that fun? Seriously. Also, what's a better sub for this kind of post? Inb4 mastodon.


    I have a friend who will look for any opportunity to buy his friends something. He isn't wealthy. He doesn't make a lot of money. He just has this obsession with buying things for his friends.Not even local friends, but friends online. Steam games, alcohol, pizzas, gift cards, books, ebooks, comics, even just randomly throwing cash at you somehow. It was neat at first but it's becoming awkward. He has even admitted to me that it's 100% selfish and he only does it because buying things for people makes him feel good and he wants that dopamine hit. It's like when you buy yourself some stupid shit for no reason, but he subjects his friends to it CONSTANTLY. I would not even be here asking about this if it weren't a constant, multiple times daily occurrence. He wants to buy anyone he knows anything he can afford whether they want him to or not at any time. Having given him my address in the past was a mistake. He hoards shit FOR ME. I'll get random shit in the mail. "HEY DID YOU GET YHE THING? DO YOU LIKE IT?" even if I do, I kind of don't want to tell him. I don't want to encourage him. But we have yet to find a way to make him stop, so encouragement is the least problem.. we need to somehow DISCOURAGE him. which is hard. Especially when he gets drunk. Which is FREQUENT. Purchases are often made while he is drunk.

    Dunno what to do or how to try and make him chill.


    Sorting old pony image folder and finding places I loved on reddit in lemmy land. It's good to see 196!
