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Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • The 19 words: "...because democracy basically meaningless..." (pause) "Government by the people, of the people, for the people... but the people are [fools]."

    I'm inserting "fools" cuz I don't wanna use outdated insults.

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    Calling in healthy
  • That would be called vacation time vs sick time in my org, but there are definitely differences in when/how they're used.

    Sick time is like, "I don't feel good today, I'm just not working today."

    Vacation time is like, "I'm feeling pretty good today, I'd like to take a feel-good day. But I better schedule schedule it a couple weeks out, check with my manager, make sure there are no deadlines coming up, make sure someone else can cover for me," and so on.

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    What in the fresh hell is this?
  • This is... silly. But I do wonder how it works. Does it aggregate all responses and look for commonalities? Does it factor in the upvote/downvote counts? And, does it know how to discern genuine user input from astroturfed marketing copy in disguise?

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    The Failed Migration of Academic Twitter
  • Does it need to be online and continuous?

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    The Failed Migration of Academic Twitter
  • Hot take of the day: academia doesn't need social media.

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  • 45
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    PhD Grads
  • "Have you thought about a postdoc? Well how about second postdoc?"

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    How has technology made your favorite hobby worse instead of better?
  • I casually bicycle around town and like to see who I can keep up with to test how fast I am. More and more folks have ebikes now and it's getting way less fun.

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    How a Leading Chain of Psychiatric Hospitals Traps Patients
  • I encourage others to seek treatment for mental health issues if ever necessary, and I've heard a few success stories of people who got the help they needed from a psychiatric inpatient stay. But I'll be honest, shit like this really worries me.

    I've been living with depression for many years now. It terrifies me to imagine what a full-blown crisis would be like -- not just because of what I might do, but also because of what the health care system might do to me.

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    Sounds dope rule
  • Even as all the alarm bells go off about droughts and impending water crises, we must never compromise on our God-given right to lush green grass lawns.

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    Sounds dope rule
  • We've finally found it: the queer agenda. Let's get to work, people.

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    Francis Scott Key Estate Sends Cease-And-Desist To Trump For Playing ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ At Rally
  • Damn it, I did too. Reality is once again converging on parody.

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    I hate excel so much
  • This thread surprises me. Excel is fine, but I've seen people do so many silly things with it that it makes me dread having to use it. It's like they treat every cell as its own special little canvas... Oh, you wanna randomly change the date format from mm/dd/yyyy to dd-Mmm-yy mid-column? With Excel, anything is possible.

    Maybe I just don't work well with others.

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    Deep thoughts.
  • isn't this how a lot of modern science is also done?

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    Actually asking (rule)
  • Me and some friends used to all share one but then the fucking DRM kicked in and I had to get my own.

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  • Vector also wears a gold chain and headphones all the time

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    It's official, I hate dogs
  • I feel this. People often recommend an animal companion for me, and I always worry it would just add to daily stress.

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    TIL Bill Cosby, Gene Hackman, Eartha Kitt, Burt Lancaster, Steve McQueen, and Barbra Streisand were some of the names on Nixon's "Enemies List"
  • Hey... This is Moe Szyslak's enemies list! They just deleted his name and put Nixon's!

  • though i am struggling with image uploads for some reason, so i guess i do get to participate in the chaos after all


    For the past day or so, I've been seeing a bunch of empty space in between posts. All the posts are there, but I have to scroll for a while to see them all. It also happens on comment threads.

    I'm using Firefox 127.0.2 on Android 14. It also happens when I request the desktop site view. It doesn't happen on my actual desktop, nor does it happen for other instances like

    Is this a known issue? Any fixes?

    Edit: Within hours of posting, pages are loading normally again.


    Culinary and/or philosophical advice welcome


    and apologies if this one's too US-centric
