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We survived.
  • "Why, back in the old days," the priest said, "we could just drown them by hand, but during covid we had to resort to guns. Good times."

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    Trump Roasted For Making Up A Law 'Out Of Thin Air' About Classified Documents
  • My gramps used to tell lots of whoppers, like Trump. He was obsessed and over time he honed his whoppership to a fine art, where you could barely tell if he was rolling you a whopper or telling the truth. And that's the line of distinction right there. Trump never learned to be believable to anyone with half a brain.

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    What was your first experience using Linux? How old were you? Stick around or did you go back to windows before eventually circling back to Linux?
  • I'd been a Fidonet BBS sysop for years when I read Torvald's post on comp.os.minux and I was interested, as MS-DOS was too limited. So I downloaded my first "not distro" on a midnight call (300 baud!) to Finland. It wasn't even a distro back then, just a bare kernel and a few programs. Then SLS came out in late '92 and I was off and running.

    I've hopped all the major distros just out of curiosity and torture/fun, many times, too many to count. Each has it's own quirks and usability, but they all have the kernel. So it doesn't matter which you run as long as you like it, you're having fun exploring, and it does what you want it to do.

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    Reddit removes years of chat and message archives from users' accounts
  • Committing seppuku in the name of profits. It seems lots of newly minted CEOs/Millionaires need to do this a few times before they learn to stop fucking over their customers, some not even then.

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    Substance found in White House confirmed to be cocaine
  • And of course Tom Cotton immediately climbs down into the Fox cesspool to complain that White House security needs to be thoroughly investigated. Sure, let's do more useless investigations rather than actually getting anything useful done.
