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  • There is a movie called CHILLERAMA, and it contains four short films. One of which is called Wadzilla, of you don’t mind a lot of CAMP you might find it funny.

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    Lindsey Graham Says Joy ‘Doesn’t Exist in the Real World’
  • Fucking asshole has the nerve to say the world wasn’t on fire during trumps presidency AND that trump is PRO-Life when he was perfectly ok with Covid as long as it was as gonna hurt cities and therefore Democrats more. Media motherfuckers need to start calling out this hypocrisy in real time.

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    No thanks. I'm good.
  • My boss bought some a few years back. I tried it, honestly a not a bad cup of coffee if you ask me. But I would never pay for it myself.

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    Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67.
  • I think the implication of screaming is more to let the whole store know just how exactly fucked this idea is, to get everyone talking about it. Yea the manager doesn’t make the decisions but if he hears no push back, the rich fucks at the top sure don’t.

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    Anne Coulter attacks Kamala Harris’s racial identity as not ‘foundational Black’
  • Remember when Biden said if you didn’t vote for him you weren’t black? I’m betting there is video of every single one of these people calling him out for that(as everyone should have, it was a dumb thing to say), it’d be great if someone could cut all of those together next to them saying shit like this now.

  • Every time I upload a photo I get a syntax error message. I can continue and make the post but no photo is available and then when I click on the post it just links back to itself. This has been happening 2-3 days now. Yesterday it also seemed to be affecting photos I have uploaded within the past 10 days. The photos would just not load. As far as I know comments are fine, but I mostly post images to the few communities I interact with.
