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Ford to spend $3 billion to expand large truck production to a Canadian plant previously set for EVs
  • Yeah fuck Canada ig

    Edit: just to clarify, the Canadian government gave them more than half a billion for the EV retrofit. Guess that's all money pissed into the wind now.

  • Ford to spend $3 billion to expand large truck production to a plant previously set for EVs

    The new plans include investing about $3 billion to expand Super Duty production, including $2.3 billion at the Canadian plant, Ford said Thursday.

    China's subsidies create, not destroy, value
  • To celebrate Tesla’s US$788 billion market cap in comparison to BYD’s $93 billion is to confuse incentives with outcomes. Both companies receive generous tax breaks and other government goodies. That Tesla is far more profitable than BYD while EVs have far less market penetration in the US is evidence of policy failure, not Elon Musk’s brilliance. Tesla pocketed the incentives while BYD (and competitors) delivered outcomes.

    What we want from the butcher, the brewer and the baker are beef, beer and bread, not for them to be fabulously wealthy shop owners. What China wants from BYD and Jinko Solar (and the US from Tesla and First Solar) should be affordable EVs and solar panels, not trillion-dollar market-cap stocks. In fact, mega-cap valuations indicate that something has gone seriously awry. Do we really want tech billionaires or do we really want tech?

  • China's subsidies create, not destroy, value - Asia Times

    Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M., get the money Dollar dollar bill, y'all – Wu-Tang Clan  A common narrative bandied about by the Western

    Biden Confuses Kamala Harris for Trump, Zelenskiy for Putin at NATO Summit
  • A recession typically follows after interest rates come down (interest rate cuts are a leading indicator of a recession because the Fed is usually too slow to cut).

  • BP predicts global oil demand will peak in 2025, bringing to end rising emissions

    Report says peak will bring to end to rising emissions as wind and solar capacity surges, but gas forecasts likely to cause concern

    8 EV sales stall in US and Europe as market uncertainty persists – EY Analysis

    LONDON, 6 June 2024 – The US and Europe are expected to see slowing electric vehicle (EV) demand and sales in the near-term while China is set to experience steady growth, according to the latest EY Mobility Lens Forecaster, an artificial intelligence (AI) powered forecasting tool that provides an o...

    3 EU Commission clears Romania's plans to build two new nuclear reactors

    The European Commission has issued a positive opinion on the technical and nuclear safety aspects of the project for units 3 and 4 of Romania's only nuclear power plant, the Romanian Energy Ministry announced on Tuesday.

    4 The planet’s vision is getting worse: 50% of the population will have myopia by 2050

    Experts point out that the overuse of screens and decline in outdoor activity are some of the factors behind the rise of the condition which, if not corrected, increases the risk of blindness

    30 French elections: Far-right candidate to withdraw after Nazi cap picture emerges

    Rassemblement National candidate Ludivine Daoudi is expected to withdraw from the second round of the parliamentary elections after a photo of her wearing a Nazi cap circulated on social media.

    41 China to see biggest millionaire exodus in 2024 as many head to U.S.

    'Perfect storm' of tensions and uncertainty spurs record global wealth shift, report shows

    60 China calls on scientists of all nations to study lunar samples, but notes obstacle with the US

    China’s space officials said Thursday they welcomed scientists from across the world to apply to study the lunar rock samples the Chang’e 6 probe brought back to Earth in a historic mission, but noted there were limits to that cooperation, specifically with the U.S.

    'You can't kill all of us': Kenya protesters vow to march again as authorities kill 22
  • This is where China's "debt trap diplomacy" might actually be beneficial for Kenya...

    China's loans serve to improve the top-line (economic growth), and China's loan concessions don't affect that. When Kenya puts Mombasa Port's 50-year operating and port fees up for collateral, that's a hit on the bottom line (Kenya's government revenues) but does not change the fact that the port still exists to drive economic growth. Moreover, often the short-term hit in port revenues is less than the interest that would've been paid on the loan, so these collateralized loans are often cashflow neutral or even cashflow positive to default on.

    The IMF and World Bank are more focused on padding the bottom line (tax revenues) by increasing taxes and decreasing subsidies. What an insane policy.

    If a country can't grow, how can you expect it to pay off it's loans? The entire principle of government loans in the 21st century is that GDP growth makes loans progressively less expensive. The IMF and World Bank exist only to keep developing countries poor.

  • How light can vaporize water without the need for heat

    MIT researchers discovered that light can cause evaporation of water from a surface without the need for heat. This “photomolecular effect” could be important for understanding climate change and for improving some industrial processes.

    BYD releases 5th-generation hybrid car technology with 2,100-km range
  • Well, the trade war is also a factor, but what I'm saying is that Chinese government policy is what's keeping EV manufacturers from selling abroad. The EV supply chain has gotten so robust and cost-efficient in China that the government has to bribe manufacturers to focus their efforts on the domestic market instead of just eating the cake of everyone else.

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    BYD releases 5th-generation hybrid car technology with 2,100-km range
  • Every single Chinese EV manufacturer wants to go make sales abroad because the price war in China makes profits barely attainable, but government policy and subsidies keep sales within the country.

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    BYD releases 5th-generation hybrid car technology with 2,100-km range
  • The open secret is that China's EV subsidies are designed to keep sales within the country, because otherwise Chinese EV companies could make obscenely higher margins selling overseas.

    The BYD Seagull ($9700 in China) is being sold as the BYD Dolphin Mini in Mexico... For $21000.

    The BYD Seal U (€19400 in China) is being sold in Germany for €41990.

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    Taiwan's Lai needs to rethink nuclear shutdown plan
  • Lai is a short-sighted idiot that would rather be dependent on external seaborne LNG imports than maintain any degree of energy independence with nuclear.

    I don't think I need to say anything about how bad natural gas is.

  • Taiwan's Lai needs to rethink nuclear shutdown plan

    Vibrant manufacturing-led economy cannot afford loss of reliable power source

    ‘The time is right’ for US to catch up on high-speed rail, says British Amtrak exec
  • I'm cautiously optimistic that the burger empire will embrace HSR like the rest of the advanced world. America's competition is no longer the Soviet Union, but China.
