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Memes under socialism
  • Translation:

    Left side:


    Monarchist, cadet, S.R. ("social revolutionary"), menshevik: Soviet power will last two weeks!!!

    Right side:


    5 [years of the 5-year-plan] in 4

    15 years

    The USSR ultimately consolidated itself on the socialist road.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 14
  • Nitter is dead, right? How should I go about accessing Twitter now?

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 14
  • Thanks, Oppo care

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    Remember on the old sub when some comrades visited Michael Parenti?
  • I haven't seen, please send link?

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • Just typed a post complaining about personal life, but then I clicked the wrong button and now the post is gone. No energy to type again. I don't feel well and I really need more sleep. Much work tomorrow. I wish students were allowed to take days off. Impatiently counting time towards the winter holidays cuz I really need a break.

    At least I am enjoying this song by the Moranbong Band. Very beautiful singing and lyrics. (The video that I linked has subtitles in several languages.)

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 49
  • Listening to some beautiful patriotic music from the DPRK.

    Thinking of how the west has never forgiven these people for building a life for themselves and refusing to submit to US imperialism. Sanctions are still in place. Average westerner doesn't see them as human at all. US bombing killed 20% of their population in 1950--1953. They (the west) would gladly do the same again. We all are witnessing the massacre that the US puppet is committing in Palestine. The pictures are burned into my brain now. Can't imagine what it's like to actually have to live through the horrors. While the world looks on and does nothing. They would gladly do the same to every other country that dares to oppose them. The kids from this video? US army would murder them and not even blink an eye.

    I am incredibly glad the DPRK has nuclear weapons. International law is a joke. Death to America.

    Sorry for incoherent rambling. I'm really bad at writing.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 47
  • Thank you as well! stalin heart hands

    The search feature is quite convenient.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 47
  • Thank you! stalin heart hands

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 47
  • Any of the comrades on here can send me the BDS list? I saw it a while ago, but forgot to bookmark. Am too tired to sift through search engine results, which seem to have gotten way worse over the last year or two.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 46
  • Picked up a magazine about "carreers in engineering" not long ago. The level of liberal brainworms in there was so unbelievable. Not going to take photos because that might dox my city, but it was basically:

    • Advertising for the imperialist army
    • Technology is going to save us from climate change
    • You should work more than 40 hours a week (says guy who would benefit from you working more hours a week).
      • What is interesting, they ended it with a sentence like "If your work is for the benefit of society and fulfilling for yourself, it doesn't make difference how many hours it is." Which... I can't say I disagree entirely. But under this society? Lol no.

    I did get some pointers I was hoping to get from there, so it wasn't totally pointless. But still, the entire time I was reading that, I was thinking "How can anyone take this seriously?"

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    Do you condemn Hamas?
  • I believe in Hamas's right to defend itself.

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    Babushka was always right
  • tragedies

    Tragic for the bourgeois class, perhaps.

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    Would anyone be interested in creating/reading a Telegram channel to share news?
  • What would be the advantage in comparison to just posting them in a news community here on Lemmy?

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 39
  • Have been away from Lemmygrad for a month (life was stressful), did anything noteworthy happen in the meanwhile?

    Anyway, I'm back!

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    The most stereotypical liberal on Lemmy
  • What's the context behind this? I've seen this same face as an emoji on Hexbear, but I don't know what the actual context is.

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    voting rule
  • LMAO at all the liberals from already upset at this meme in the comment section, just an hour after it was posted

    Cope and seethe

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    Twitter Rebranded to "X"
  • Reject modernity

    Embrace tradition

    For the non-nerds among us

    Bottom logo is X11, an old but still widely-used windowing system for UNIX systems.) This new Twitter logo feels like a total ripoff of that.

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    Will There Be Bananas Under Socialism?
  • I'm not reading through that entire article (which is just Twitter discourse in article form), but honestly, that question itself seems badly posed.

    Obviously, socialists aren't going to introduce a policy like "No more bananas" or "We must have bananas at any costs". In a country where bananas don't grow, availability of bananas will depend on desire to import bananas, and another country being willing to sell you bananas. I vaguely remember something about bananas being rare in the GDR because there were few friendly countries that grew bananas (though that might have been an anti-communist source, or plain made up, I don't know, but it doesn't sound too unrealistic). Availability of bananas will depend on the circumstances you're building socialism under.

    From that article:

    Although he does not identify as a “degrowther,” Harris rejects the “pro-growth” left’s suggestion that the American consumer’s preferences are sacrosanct.

    I have no idea what this discourse is, but this line bothers me so much. Imagine caring about "American consumer's preferences". This is so stupid. If socialism ever somehow manages to take power in the USA, they really must work on changing societal attitude. US society, its values, its ways of thought reflect the worst that capitalism and imperialism have to offer. Socialism cannot succeed if these ways of thought go unaddressed. And whatever bullshit led to "I am consoomer and I am owed banana" is one of the things that have to go.

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    Will There Be Bananas Under Socialism?
  • The most important question facing the American left today.

    If true, that says much more about the state of the American left than it does about the importance of the question.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I was thinking about this yesterday. Liberals believe that the land where that war is fought is Ukrainian land, right? And for sure, they should know something about how terrible the effects of depleted uranium and cluster munitions are, on civilians, long after the fighting is over? (Though I vaguely remember an article from the BBC or similar media outlet saying depleted uranium is actually not that bad, because of course that's the line these ghouls push.) So, even in the fantasy world where liberals' dream of Ukraine winning this war and taking back all the territory succeeds, the people of the country that liberals claim to support so much would STILL suffer from all the effects of those munitions.

    Basically all I have seen from liberals on the matter is "But it's important that Ukraine wins!! We have no other kinds of weapons to send!". If the latter sentence is true, that's just an admission of defeat coming soon. If it's not true, they're just making the land unlivable for the sake of a temporary strategic advantage. Truly, western liberals, are willing to fight this conflict until their proxy country is entirely destroyed. All while sitting in the comfort of their own home, treating this war as just more entertainment for themselves, knowing it's not them blown to pieces by cluster munitions.

  • The World Food Program suspends food aid for 8,000 families in Gaza, citing lack of funds

    The UN’s World Food Program has provided food aid to 8,000 families in Gaza suffering from food insecurity, but is now suspending support due to budget cuts. As a result, many families in Gaza will go hungry.


    Mao 🤨


    From the description: > This video clip shows HVO geologist Tim Orr sampling lava from an active pāhoehoe breakout on the episode 61g lava flow. The chemistry of these lava samples provides information on the magma plumbing system. Sampling has been a regular part of monitoring Kīlauea Volcano's ongoing Pu‘u‘ō‘ō eruption.

    Today I learned that this is what that looks like. Very impressive.


    I'd like to try Matrix, but I still don't know of a good client. I don't want Electron on my computer, so the official client is out of the question. I tried nheko, but I didn't like it (though I can install it again if it turns out that there is no better option).

    So, can anyone here recommend me a Matrix client? Either terminal-based or GUI, both are fine.


    Kim when you make a shitlib argument rule


    The two programs involved are toilet and lolcat.

    toilet is a program that takes text as input, and turns it into fancy multi-line letters. It has different "fonts" available for this purpose; all the available fonts are stored in the /usr/share/figlet directory. Here are just some examples:


    Actually, toilet also has a built-in option to colour it, but it doesn't look very nice IMO, as the colour changes are too sudden:


    lolcat is a program that takes some text, and prints the same text, but rainbow-coloured. Note that you need a terminal with 256-colour support (rather than just 16) for the desired effect. It can colour any text in rainbow:


    (The wrapping at 80 characters is so that the lines don't get longer than the terminal width. lolcat starts looking weird when they do.

    And now, by combining these two, we can get fancy rainbow-coloured text!


    Enjoy! :)




    Some people seem to consider them felines, others say they're foxes, and some say they're dogs. I'm curious — what does this community think?

    Or is it different for the different Eeveelutions? I've seen someone refer to Espeon as "weird cat" and to the other Eeveelutions as dogs.


    My favourite "delet this" image


    The response to "death is a preferable alternative to communism"


    Watching bourgeois politics be like


    "What did I just read?"



    I really need to


    红太阳一定要照亮台湾 - The Red Sun Must Illuminate Taiwan


    Oh no, I'm scared

    From this very funny Twitter thread:
