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Democrats Vote
  • I should be able to vote by texting a phone number. Remember how they used to do American idol voting by texting a number. It should be something like that.

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    Ok boomer
  • I like hanging out in parking lots at Walmarts and to scam boomers coming back with a load of groceries

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    Salary X Performance
  • In the first year of working my first job after finishing school, I sent a cancellation message out to 5000 cancer patients for their appts with the hospital.

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  • When I first got together with my wife she insisted that neither of us share with each other of our past relationships or sexual experiences. I was fine with it because I always believed in the ignorance is bliss mantra for certain circumstances. After about a decade of marriage and a couple of kids she starts asking and stuff. I didn't really want to share but she told me about how she had a threesome while in college a couple of times. I did admit that I was a bit jealous. She also told me that she slept around a lot in college and that her count was like 50-60 she can't really remember. But then she asked about mine and that's when I told her about the escorts. That's when she got mad about me telling her about my past.

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    Selective rage
  • Don't forget Alec Guinness playing an Arab in Lawrence of Arabia.

    A lot of people will tend to mention John Wayne playing Genghis Khan or Mickey Rooney playing a Japanese man in Breakfast at Tiffany's but will skip over other examples.
