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Trying to run peacock TV on steamdeck
  • I tried spoofing the user agent, made no difference. Maybe with waydroid, but my (albeit limited) experience with that was a giant headache that only ever partially worked.

    Not really worth the effort, IMO, especially when every other service works fine.

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    Trying to run peacock TV on steamdeck
  • Nope, they're pretty awful.

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    Trying to run peacock TV on steamdeck
  • I tried for quite a while to get peacock running on Linux, no luck. They really locked down the DRM stuff. So unless you can emulate an Android system, you're probably out of luck.

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    What started “weirdo” as a slur just recently?
  • I have a feeling that the political use of it will die out after the election, for what that's worth. And I don't think it will seriously impact the "Keep ______ Weird" trend, because they are celebrating weirdness (whereas the Republicans are trying to claim they're not).

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    Anarchy Easter Eggs
  • This is a great illustration of Chaotic Neutral

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    Bro almost lost his job 😭
  • Porn't, the new SFW

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    Candy Darter
  • Same vibe as "everything in the universe is either a potato or not a potato".

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    Candy Darter
  • Neat

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    Protected bean talk rule
  • Of all places, Lemmy understands the importance and controversial nature of beans.

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  • It's okay, though. They told me to reapply every few hours.

    The wine industry is worried that gen Z and millennials are turning away from the grape, citing cost, health risks and alternatives such as mocktails and marijuana
  • millennials aren't picking up the slack

    Wine is a luxury industry. There is no "slack" to be picked up.

  • Grunk need job. Grunk see job carving. Carving say need ten season experience with wheel. But Grunk invent wheel 5 season ago. Grunk think job giver have wheel in place of head.

    Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?
  • The $50 dickbutt DLC isn't scheduled to be released until a month after the launch, but for an extra $70 you can get the limited edition collectors edition at launch, that comes with a cheaply made Mario-with-a-butt-instead-of-a-head limited edition figurine.

    And for $40 you can also purchase the "getting started" pack--that includes a save file where we beat the game, so you don't even have to play it. Your name, email address, and SSN will be on our first-to-finish list!

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    Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?
  • I'm gonna release a AAAAA game. It'll cost $95 and when you install it, it'll just be a romhack of Super Mario World changing all the enemy sprites into butts. There'll be a link to file complaints that just points to a terrible image made in ms paint that says "lol f u".

    My stock prices gonna hit the moon.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hmm.. on second thought, Reagan.

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    Clogged drain, no plunger? Bucket of hot water will clear that drain.
  • If you stored water in something with a narrow mouth and need to flush a toilet, just pour the water into the back tank then flush as usual.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Nixon

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    The origins
  • I hope someday to have as much self confidence as someone who lists a "slightly shat" chair for $75.

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    Single player RPG
  • Exiled Kingdoms - it's a labor-of-love project inspired by classic 90s RPGs. I've played through it a few times, it's solid.

  • Bonus points if someone warned you and you went ahead anyway.


    This might sound antithetical to the privacy-by-default standard, but my wife and I currently share our photo rolls with each other (using Google Photos)--everything we take is automatically shared with the other.

    Is there anything in Proton Drive/Photos that would allow this? Even if it's only available within a family plan or something. I know that with Drive, we could share a directory and everything in that would be available to the other, but I don't see this as an option in the photos.

    Alternatively, I suppose we could both sign in to Proton Drive using a third account just for that purpose, but that's less ideal.


    It was founded by a group of monks from the southern USA. Rather than building a chapel, they chose to live in a series of underground tunnels. The nearest town only saw the elusive monks once a year, when they would break their usual stoic diet and make traditional southern fried chicken for everyone in town.

    They were known as the deep friars.


    I have a hard time finding ones that will accept longer blocks of text. What are y'all using?


    In one advanced culture, which has largely achieved pacifism through technological and cultural advancements, legal cases are heard by judges who have studied law and ethics extensively. Their maximum sentencing, though, is limited to temporary incarceration. For more severe sentences, such as permanent incarceration or death, the case is brought before the Matrial Seats.

    The Matrial Seats is a group of seven volunteers who have physically borne and lost children. Only those who have brought life into the world, and felt the terrible loss of it, have sufficient authority to pass the most severe sentences. Unlike the General Courts, the Matrial Seats are not specially educated, and contain members from various social standings.


    Update: at the recommendation of others, I logged out and back in again. Seems to be working!

    Loving Eternity, thanks devs for all your work! updated today to 0.19.3, I think? Since then, I can load posts, but I can't vote, comment, or create new posts. When I attempt to do any of those, an empty toast bubble shows up, and that's it.

    Anyone else experiencing the same?


    Imagine looking for quality content on c/shitpost

    This meme created by (b/j)eans gang.


    Forgive me if this is well known already, but I don't think I've seen it posted here yet.

    The lightning mage build is pretty well known, involving adding in two levels of Tempest Cleric for the channel divinity that maxes out lightning/thunder damage. And it's been noted that getting lightning vulnerability is easy with a bit of water. But what I haven't seen is trying to double things with a crit.

    So why not mix in a few levels of Rogue? Here's the final split:

    Assassin Rogue 3 / Tempest Cleric 2 / Blue Draconic Sorcerer 7

    Assassin gives us access to easy crits on a surprise round. Taking Cleric to 2 and Sorcerer to 7 gets us a 5th level spell slot.

    The crux of this setup is the Witch Bolt spell. The Assassin feature only works with an attack roll--most of your other lightning spells are saves. Witch Bolt also scales really well (1d12 per spell level).

    So here's the math, assuming you're able to get a surprise round and throw some water:

    • Base damage: 5d12 (using your 5th level slot)
    • Double dice on auto-crit: 10d12
    • Channel divinity: 120 (max damage)
    • Draconic Sorcerer 6th level damage rider: +4 (assuming 18 CHA)
    • Vulnerability: x2 for a total of 248 damage
    • Two targets? Twinned Spell because why not

    Note that my screenshot was using a 4th level slot and using a Wild Magic instead of Draconic Sorcerer. Mainly there to show that the math seems to work in game as I've proposed here.

    Mixing in the Assassin makes sense for the lightning combo build as well: you can initiate combat by throwing water, then you instantly get your actions back to sling spells. And the other Rogue bonus action skills are helpful to get into position and land other attack-roll spells (by hiding first).

    The build is viable at every level, too. Levels 1 to 3 are Rogue to Assassin, pretty straight forward. Next are two levels of Cleric, so now you're an Assassin with Sanctuary, Armor of Faith, and Bless. Then on level 6, you start adding in the lightning, and your nova builds from 100 damage (pretty respectable for level 6), going up by 48 every two levels after that.

    You've got lots of flexibility here too. Want access to 2nd level Cleric spells instead of 4th level Sorcerer? Go with Assassin 3 / Tempest 3 / Draconic 6. Want more feats? Sacrifice a bit of damage and go with Assassin 4 / Tempest 4 / Draconic 4 to get three feats. Want to get two (slightly lesser) novas per short rest? Go Assassin 3 / Cleric 6 / Draconic 3.

    Thoughts? Any other big nova builds that don't require an overly-specific setup?


    cross-posted from:

    > > > For your toddler, or for you! Customize your routine from a list of options, and enjoy the cute icons, fun sounds, and general dopamine of accomplishment. > > I created this app for my daughter, who thrives on routine but was having a rough time getting to bed at night. It's not the most polished, but she loves it and maybe someone else will too!
