Yes, I believe that's a part of it. Just the act of formulating "this is a problem that I don't know how to solve, please help" sometimes starts some kind of problem solving of my own.
But another thing that "atheistic prayer" does for me is that if/when that thing happens, I'm more likely to notice it. And a problem dissolving by itself, or due to someone helping me, is something I really want to notice.
"There's just us". It's frightening. It's inspiring. Sometimes it's comforting.
Fascinating. I do too, in a way - I find it helps to think about what help I need, in a way that is quite prayer-like (I believe ). For me, it's a way of reminding myself that I don't have to fix everything myself, not even in my own life. Sometimes good things happen for no reason.
Surely, Baba Is You is horrible and awful! By which I mean very good. And either unreasonably hard or maybe I'm stupid. Avoid at all costs!
Thank you for your generous response. I'll follow your advice... I just wanted to say that it feels great that someone has taken this much interest in my Minecraft initiation!
It's metal, it's niches all the way down!
These guys are properly medieval
It's black metal with a strong medieval flavor, banjo (?) and a bunch of wood instruments, actual songs - and quite nice production as well. If you enjoy both black metal shrieking and some silliness, this is a gem.
Teach me about Minecraft, Wise One! I'm a mere 50 and looking to get into it...
How do you become aware of an artist because they release a crowd-funded cat sample version of their latest album, find out the cat version is really damn good, that the original is far better, and end up having your interest in hip hop rekindled?
Sometimes things are quite ok here in the stupid future