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Just blame shrinkflation
  • The gif is kinda misleading. The volume of the chocolate shrinks when you do this trick. You can actually notice some is missing. Mostly because it's cut in a weird way

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    What a Hobby
  • I have too much time.

    Allright, we've got Hedge Sparrow, African Collared Dove, Blackbird, Redbreast, Eurasian Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Black Crow, Herring Gull, Great Tit, Starling, Wood Pigeon, Brown Rock Warbler, Sparrow

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    serverless rule storage
  • It's an ender chest. It functions like a chest, but the contents are always the same for every chest. So you could for example fill it with stuff in one place, and access the same stuff from another chest at another place

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    Pick 3 Rules
  • The issue isn't that people I find attractive find me attractive, the issue is my personality.

    Anyway. I'd like to talk with cats and hear them adorably insult me the whole time.

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    definitely socially well adjusted rule
  • It's never too late to reply. I have friends which I reply to after a couple of days after viewing the message and vice versa.
