It's just the 2nd gen and the audio devices. They are working on a fix.
This does also require the press to do the reporting but their remit seems to be only the bad bits.
I think if you are a part of those three then you are automatically part of GB
It's about the latter but it doesn't have to work, just looks like you took action to solve a Daily Mail agenda..
Yeah, so oats plus oats plus water
Is that not just oatmeal and water?
Difficult but legally required by them, including establishing your bona fides.
Really? Like where are you thinking about?
Boomers have been in power for a long long time and the technology we are debating is as a result of their investment and prioritisation. So am not sure they are very afraid of it.
They would rise but not uniformly esp if we could charge accurately. So we would start to penalise the more destructive models and encourage lower transport choices.
We can condemn Hamas and Israel in the same breath. We don't have to support Israel as the agency to "remove" Hamas.
Could be that that is employee headcount and not including contractors.
Depends if they also evaporate.
You would have to show how you made sufficient surplus from sales minus the cost of labour to pay off the loan. The business case usually has a solid section on this.
Obviously there is a future made of automation and ai but that is also the end of capitalism as the workers have not been paid to buy the product you just made.
Only the eye for an eye was the bible, the world goes blind was Ghandi.
Seems sensible but if we imagine that by some measure, like PISA, our children seemed to be stagnating or going backwards, who will be accountable? Then a PM will say, elect me and i will take responsibility.
It's annoying but also inevitable for as long as we demand that our PMs fix things and be accountable.
Not disagreeing with the thrust that atheists can tend to push their views a bit but technically everyone is a bit of an atheist.
There are maybe 5000 gods currently being believed-in across the globe. A Christian doesn't believe in 4999 of them, an atheist doesn't believe in just one more.
Because the notes are in markdown, so are portable forever even if Obsidian went away.
Shame, i love reader mode and would happily have the entire internet in that form.
Is there a way to make that happen automatically? Like always be in reader mode.

Adding Microsoft 365 to Google calendar app
Hi all
Have tried everything i could find on the web but maybe it is no longer possible. On my outlook Web client i don't seem to have the share calendar option.
(My reasons are entirely aesthetic, the outlook widget is ugly)