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Truth rule
  • I will drop this though. The moderate right sees LGBT as a bunch of feminazis trying to force their values on them. The excessive pushing by coorporations only makes that worse. I think it's important for people on the left to understand why the people who can still be reasoned with think the way they do rather than demonizing them all as both sides do. Both sides see the worst of eachother in their little echochambers creating hostility towards something that youd likely agree on if both sit down for an openminded conversation.

    Coorporations, media and government take advantage of this to the fullest extent and throw fuel on the fire while we bicker over superficial bullshit. And lemmy is also not helping, its pushing people to the extremes of the left.

    And no im not saying both sides are equal, i'm saying both sides misconstrue the other, which pushes people on both sides to a false narrative about the other resulting in more division.

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    Alexei Navalny: Putin critic dies after 'feeling unwell' and 'losing consciousness'
  • Because he very likely has been. Putin has a long history of people "mysteriously" dying. if it happens once in a blue moon, it's a conspiracy theory. But it happens so damn often that it's practically undeniable.

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    Overcomplicating things
  • Dont like this guy. if i tell him my favorite movie is whatever and he starts going off about what language im using, i will gladly stay very far away from this person in the future and keep enjoying things in whatever way i want.

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    Tipping culture npcs
  • Keep this garbage out of europe please. i see it popping up. I will absolutely refuse to tip a single goddamn soul at this point going forward.

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    Man, House really got out of pocket
  • i think he's just saying he doesnt enjoy watching a show with a main character that has a personality he doesnt enjoy. which is valid

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    Stop being elitist, spread Linux!
  • This is gonna cause more harm than good. The reason people think it's techy is because it is. I would recommend linux to my grandma and someone who loves tech. The middleground runs into a lot of issues for doing anything beyond basic computer stuff.

    This post gives me the vibe of someone desperately trying to get people to buy the cryptocurrency they're invested in. Particularly the part where only the good is mentioned and the bad is omitted.

    Some linux people are pretty elitist though, and it's not helping the cause. but in the same way, i dont think pretending that it's the greatest thing since sliced tea is much better.

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    lol sudo rm -rf /
  • To clarify, if u decide to try again, make sure your bootloader is installed to the same drive as your OS and avoid using the same drive for two operating systems. And of course, make sure bios boota from the right device/efi mode.
