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A burger being "100% Beef" is not a good thing
  • Veraxus reminds me of that old TV show Home Improvement, but instead of More Power it's "More Glutamate."

    Top it with a tomato sauce and parmesan cheese to go with your two glutamate sauces and msg.

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    Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies
  • Suffering from end-stage kidney disease, Richard underwent the groundbreaking procedure in March, only to depart from this world merely two months post-surgery.

    The news of his demise was confirmed by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the medical facility behind the historic transplant, on Saturday.

    Either an AI wrote this or somebody needs to take the author's fucking thesaurus. He has ceased to be. He's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the choir invisible. He is an Ex-pig kidney transplant recipient.

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    Why so many men like to play with a female character?
  • Some of the best cyberpunk characters are women and the clothing is cooler.

    For the former point: molly millions/Sally shears and YT were both by far the most interesting characters in the sprawl series and snow crash respectively.

    Funny thing about cyberpunk as a genre is the women are often the badasses with complex characters and the male leads are usually bumbling selfish dummies that generally fail to resolve anything (Hiro protagonist in snow crash, Johnny mnemonic, case in neuromancer, and to a lesser degree bato in GIS who's just clueless half the time instead of bumbling).

    For the latter: mox gear is better than worn browns and grays.

    I also just think the voice actor is better and Judy is the most interesting love interest.

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    You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000
  • Completely useless for firefighting. Putting a drip torch on its ass and letting it walk a line, maybe. But it's not going to cut down the trees to make a firebreak, who what's the point.

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    Why would she tweet that?! We're so effed...
  • We're just going to completely ignore Bill and Hillary's third way new Democrat movement, which actively pushed Republicans into being more radical I take it? The movement that actually allowed the current crop of neo fascist echoes to flourish?

    The entire problem is this lack of ideology that directly ensures electoral losses.

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    Everybody Sucks Here
  • I'm pro using torts to make everyone in the chain of a gun tragedy pay for their externalities. Didn't secure your gun and got it negligently stolen and someone was killed? That'll be bankruptcy. Marketed something you knew would kill someone unlawfully? Good luck staying in business friend.

    It'd be interesting if folks had to pay for the real cost of gun ownership.

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    can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?
  • Do not go to your unit manager with this shit. Take report, give care, give report, leave. Otherwise acknowledge and move on. Every nurse thinks they're the best nurse. It's just how it is.

    If you don't want to talk to someone, just tell them you forgot to chart something and then ignore them. They'll get the hint.

    This is a profession that, for better or worse, attracts type A personalities.

    Edit: and most charge nurses would not intervene in this either.

  • has gone read only to us

    We'll still get their content but be unable to interact.


    So I really am the cancer on this platform

    Noticed I got banned by the admins from shower thoughts yesterday. The admins have an interesting reason though.

    Banned roguetrick from the community Showerthoughts reason: This account is currently sending large amounts of unusual activities to Lemmy.World. This community ban is an attempt to mitigiate the issue without blocking entirely. The issue needs to be addressed on prior to us being able to lift this community ban.


    Federation Delays

    Looks like Kbin is running a pretty huge federation backlog, as it's taking several hours for comments to federate out. I'm not knowledgeable about how these servers work, but is it teetering on collapsing or something?

    25 Orange Juice Tankers: How Your Breakfast Sails the Seas | The Shipyard

    Her precious cargo – orange juice. Yes, our favorite dose of morning freshness does not drop from the tree straight into the glass. Grown in colossal farms

    Wonder what kind of environmental damage would happen if one crashed. Are they properly prepared for a captain having one too many screwdrivers?

    33 Judge who signed off on raid of Kansas newspaper is facing a complaint about the decision | CNN

    The judge who signed off on a search warrant authorizing the raid of a newspaper office in Marion, Kansas, is facing a complaint about her decision and has been asked by a judicial body to respond, records shared with CNN by the complainant show.

    The judge who signed off on a search warrant authorizing the raid of a newspaper office in Marion, Kansas, is facing a complaint about her decision and has been asked by a judicial body to respond, records shared with CNN by the complainant show.

    79 In Marion County newspaper raid, a grim threat to Kansans' First Amendment rights - Kansas Reflector

    The outrageous law enforcement assault on the Marion County Record newspaper raises a veritable forest of red flags.

    The outrageous law enforcement assault on the Marion County Record newspaper raises a veritable forest of red flags.
