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The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • I've been thinking since my early teens if not earlier that copyright is an outdated law in the digital age. If this dispute leads to more people realizing this, good.

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    Gray wolves making historic comeback in California
  • AFAIK they mostly try to stay away from humans. Humans are mostly their competitors and they can smell the presence of humans earlier than we can see them, so they can avoid us before we even know they are there.

    There are quite a few videos on the Internet of wolves being very friendly to humans, but I don't think those are wild ones.

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    Why does it seem the world is all of a sudden concerned about sexual orientation? Especially America. Did I miss how far we came as a society to see it take a 40 year step backwards?
  • Why does it seem you have all of a sudden started to look at information about sexual orientation? Did you miss that in the current information overload, everyone gets exposed to different information and no one can tell you why you are getting exposed to whatever you are getting exposed to?

  • alt text:

    > In my reboot, Dennis the Menace was just trying to send Mr. Wilson a nice comet, but accidentally wiped out his dinosaur garden.


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    > Hey, golf balls float on lava, so this should make recovering them from the hazards easier.


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    > During the day it also activates for neat clouds and pretty sunsets.

    PSA: This xkcd was released 6 days ago and nobody posted it. It is in fact allowed for other people to post new xkcd comics to this community too, you don't have to wait for me to do that.

    Does Wikipedia really need my donations?
  • No, it doesn't.

    The Wikimedia projects are made by volunteers, almost none of the money goes to actually making the content. Some of it does go into keeping the servers running or into software development.

    And some of it goes into expanding an ever-increasing bureaucracy, which is tasked among other things with enforcing intransparent "global bans" or lighter sanctions against contributors the WMF doesn't like (opinions of the editing community don't matter at all on these). If they had less money, perhaps they would lay off some of their trust and safety team and not catch some people who are making useful contributions by evading global bans.

    There are so many more worthy free knowledge organizations to donate to: OpenStreetMap, FOSS projects (e.g. Software in the Public Interest), even Miraheze.

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    Anon wants to go to Nuuk
  • Climate change doesn't change how much the sun shines. Where I live it has been getting noticeably warmer during my lifetime especially in the colder months, but this hasn't changed that it's dark in those months.

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    Lula says Elon Musk’s wealth does not mean world must accept his ‘far-right free-for-all’
  • Even if you agree with that argument (which I don't), that was written about ideologies like fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, which were (when they were relevant) actually very suppressive of free speech when they were in power, more so than current left-leaning authoritarians who are defending the blocking of ex-Twitter in Brazil or (worse) saying that other countries should do similar things.

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    Anon wants to go to Nuuk
  • seasonal affective depression... if you are going to move somewhere remote, move into a desert or rainforest (i.e. near the equator), not places like Canada, Alaska, Siberia, or indeed Greenland

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    Lula says Elon Musk’s wealth does not mean world must accept his ‘far-right free-for-all’
  • Protecting citizens from receiving the wrong kind of information about political matters? That doesn't sound democratic at all, much less like an important thing.

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    Lula says Elon Musk’s wealth does not mean world must accept his ‘far-right free-for-all’
  • When I was younger I was taught that authoritarianism was a trait of right-wing politics.

    I believed that at the time.

    What I was taught was wrong, as we can see in this article.

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    1 September 2024
  • it is also the name of the city of Rome in many languages (e.g. Italian), but that is not what is intended here

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    Young girls are using anti-aging products they see on social media. The harm is more than skin deep
  • Why would someone aged 10 or 11 ever think, even for one moment, that anti-aging products (any, whatsoever, at all!) are something they might need?!

    "kids shouldn't be on the Internet" "we need to regulate social media" "we need to ban the sale of this or that to young people" blahblahblah - no, we apparently need to teach kids basic common sense, such as that if you aren't even fully grown yet, you definitely do not need anti-aging products

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    Amazon’s recommendations are getting a little too creepy
  • yeah but tbh if you buy your groceries from amazon you probably didn't care about data privacy at all ever

    I bought groceries online a few times during the pandemic, never before or after that, and not on Amazon, only at a grocery store chain's web shop. Good luck recommending anything to me based on what I eat.

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    Federal court: TikTok may be liable for a 10-year-old's death
  • Yes; more interesting is which videos are at the top of a search for, say, "Kamala Harris" or "Donald Trump"; if those videos tell lies about these people (which could cause them to lose an election in a few months), what is the liability there?

  • Alt text:

    >At least they're not alone down there.


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    > The secret fourth kind is 'we applied a standard theory to their map of every tree and got some suspicious results.'


    alt text:

    > Many a hungry time traveler has Googled 'trilobites shellfish allergy' only to find their carrier had no coverage in the Ordovician.


    Alt text:

    >Personally I think mercury is more of a 'wet earth' hybrid element.


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    > We're considering installing a pressurization system to keep the tanks at constant pressure solely to deter them.


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    > They left the belt drive in place but switched which wheel was powered, so people could choose between a regular ride, a long ride, and a REALLY long ride.


    alt text:

    > Our lawyers were worried because it turns out the company inherits its debt from the parent universe, but luckily cosmic inflation reduced it to nearly zero.


    alt text:

    > If we can get a brood of 13-year cicadas going, we might have a chance at making this happen before the oceans evaporate under the expanding sun.


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    > If you hold the meteor too long, it may imprint on you and form a contact binary, making reintroduction to space difficult.



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    > [Political pundit on the ScrabbleTV News channel] "After four years of defying orthographic pressure, Joe ceded the top of the ticket to Kamala, who--after considering Josh, Mark, Andy, Roy, and Pete--picked Tim."


    4 3-Year-Old Vows To Appeal Parents’ Decision To Keep Newborn Baby Brother

    HILLSBORO, OR—Lambasting the verdict as “cruel” and “brash,” 3-year-old Ian Tobler reportedly vowed Monday to appeal his parents’ decision to keep his newborn baby brother. “I am deeply disappointed by my parents’ decision to bring Mateo home from the hospital, and I will continue to fight for justi...


    alt text:

    > This only makes it more urgent that we adopt my roadmap for the next 10 years, which should put us solidly in the lead.



    alt text:

    > He was the first person to land a 900, which is especially impressive because pulling off a half-integer spin requires obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics.



    alt text:

    > Calligraphy exam: Write down the number 37, spelled out, nicely.


    25 The KOSA Internet Censorship Bill Just Passed The Senate—It's Our Last Chance To Stop It

    The Senate just passed a bill that will let the federal and state governments investigate and sue websites that they claim cause kids mental distress. It’s a terrible idea to let politicians and bureaucrats decide what people should read and view online, but the Senate passed KOSA on a 91-3 vote....


    Alt text:

    > Thankfully for everyone involved, the Winter Olympics officials spotted me and managed to stop me before I got to the ski jump.



    alt text:

    > People think power over ethernet is so great, and yet when I try to do water over ethernet everyone yells at me.
