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Strong Female Characters
    • Silo series by Hugh Howie
    • Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi (Young adult dystopian scifi)
    • Across the Universe by Beth Revis (Young adult)
    • Bird Box by Josh Malerman (apocalyptic thriller)
    • Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (fantasy, not scifi, but I'm digging up stuff from when I used to read more prolifically)
    • Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds. I read this so long ago, and I feel like their were some great female characters, but I can't remember if any were the protagonist. Each novel shifts around.
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    Strong Female Characters
  • Damn, took mine. Although thanks for saving me a google, since I have a terrible memory. Not a female, but very similar stories are his Alex Benedict series.

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    It runs on everything
  • Glad someone answered my question before I even got here! Figured it couldn't be too far off.

    While this means the E. coli cells are technically displaying the game rather than actually running it, it’s still impressive to see Doom being ported in this way.

    Ren also notes that the game is only able to run at one frame every 8.33 hours.

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    New solar carport opens at 4,300 meters on Mount Everest
  • Remember that the 14 tallest peaks in the world are over 8 km from sea level. So 4,300m is definitely not near the summit.

    The article really sucks on details, but some quick googling tells me that the two base camps are above 5,100m, so this must be below even that.

    Edit: the "remember" part is not condescending, just something I try to remember to give perspective on heights. And I thought it was the 8 highest peaks before fact-checking myself 😅.

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    Which key mapping(s) have you made that you think other Neovim users might like?
  • Here's what I do. Any search key will turn hlsearch on and <Esc> will turn it off.

      if vim.fn.mode() == "n" then
        local new_hlsearch = vim.tbl_contains({ "<CR>", "n", "N", "*", "#", "?", "/" }, vim.fn.keytrans(char))
        local esc = vim.tbl_contains({ "<Esc>" }, vim.fn.keytrans(char))
        if new_hlsearch then
          vim.opt.hlsearch = true
        elseif esc then
          vim.opt.hlsearch = false
    end, vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("auto_hlsearch"))
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    First message received from a flight
  • It's cellular that you're not allowed on airplane and that's the FCC, not FAA. And it's so cell towers don't get DDoS'd, not so airplanes don't fall out of the sky.

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    Option B by far.
  • It's hardly a fair comparison. One is garbage and unable to withstand the elements without becoming a rust bucket and the other is a waste basket.

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    AI's take on XML
  • And don't forget about namespaces. Look at formats like HAL and ODATA that try to add HATEOAS onto JSON.
