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microcelebrity rule
  • How can you farm karma if there is no karma to farm?

    Relax and enjoy engagement for engagement sake.

    Or funnel your energy towards making new content.

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    I keep switching from app to app
  • Connect has blocking communities and hiding threads which is fantastic. I'm waiting for something better, but I need to be able to block the massive amount of futa/hentai/ai porn communities on here.

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    Gaming rule
  • We are already getting games with every conceivable corner cut.

    The real evil is the stock market: once you're publicly traded you essentially lose control of the company and the product. Your company has the sole primary duty of creating wealth for the shareholders, and anything that gets in the way of that is expendable or offensive.

    Normalize private companies making games again (Valve where you at man).

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    What's your "old person" trait?
  • I prefer written guides to video guides.

    Video has some clear advantages when showing off a 3D space and otherwise, but I dislike pausing them over and over. Especially if my hands are covered in oil and grease, a paper version is superior to a screen.

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    What are the bad patterns of Reddit to never repeat on Lemmy?
  • You believe what you want to. Nothing I say is going to convince you, random internet person.

    I had used reddit since the near beginning, and over time the prevalence of 'alternative facts' and other right-wing narratives has risen sharply. You also have communities like r/conservative that participate in open calls to violence and perpetuate right wing dogwhistles for maximum rage bait. The sheer slide of r/politicalcompassmemes going from people role-playing different ideologies to thinly-veiled alt-right propaganda speaks to this shift.

    Catering to conservatives and right wing players results in the enshittification of the website.

  • I need a button on Connect for Lemmy that let's me just upload reply images/gifs direct from my gallery.
