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Apart from “life is short”, what other lines do you use before making bad decisions?
  • “I’ll be careful.”

    A friend once pointed out to me that if you have to tell yourself this, you should stop whatever you’re doing (e.g. pouring bleach while wearing your best shirt) and reevaluate.

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    Walgreens pharmacy staff walk out, citing unsafe working conditions
  • I experienced the same frustrations with our Walgreens, and thought that was as bad as it could get. Then my health insurance plan mandated that we all stop using in-person pharmacies and switch to this stupid mail delivery system. You know what’s worse than having to wait for Walgreens to open so you can talk to a pharmacist? Sitting on hold hoping to talk to the one anonymous random pharmacist Optum has on staff. Want to transfer a prescription? Having trouble with a particular manufacturer or generic? Good luck.

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    Wind Rose - Diggy Diggy Hole (2019)
  • This takes me back! When my youngest was in kindergarten, he discovered this song, so I put it on a playlist that I used to play while driving the kids around.

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    That one time my cat caught a cold...
  • My new kitten had a terrible cold when we first got him. I’ve never heard a cat sneeze so much. We even had to wipe his nose with tissues. Glad to hear your guy is doing better!

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    D.C. Attorney General is probing Leonard Leo’s network
  • I’m used to wealthy guys like this never having to answer for their crimes, so it’s nice to hear he’s at least being investigated. Not holding out much hope this will go anywhere, though.

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    X glitch wipes out most pictures and links tweeted before December 2014
  • It’s the principle of the thing. I’m not going to delete myself, pretend I wasn’t there for all those years. The record stands. (Except for any media posted prior to 2014, which now exists only on my personal cloud storage, I guess.)

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    X glitch wipes out most pictures and links tweeted before December 2014
  • I haven’t deleted my account - it’s 17 years old! But I also haven’t posted in a couple months other than saying I’ve moved to Mastodon. I said I’d hold on to the bitter end & I will. I’m not leaving, they’ll have to evict me.

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    Hurricane Hilary threatens ‘catastrophic and life-threatening’ flooding in Mexico and California
  • I grew up in CA, but moved to the Southeast after college. I’ve gotten used to hurricane season here, but it’s wild to see a hurricane/tropical storm hitting the west coast while the east has been unbothered so far this season.

    I wonder if it’s the combination of climate change & El Niño making things so weird?

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    What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • Build a high-speed train from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC. In the grand scheme of things, it might seem like a waste of money. But man, for the few dozen years I’ve got left on this earth, it would be awesome to see & experience.

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    Why are Mastodon's trending hashtags so ... dull?
  • I agree. I want to see people’s opinions on the news of the day. By the way, I recommend following if you want a little controversy. He was one of my favorite posters from Twitter & has gone all-in on Mastodon.
