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I've had multiple occurrences of this lately with programs installed as flatpaks, such as Audacity (audio editor). The updates section might list 3.6.0 --> 3.5.4̀ for a program.

Whenever this happens I usually manually exclude any version downgrades and only upgrade the rest.

¿Can this happen due to security issues? ¿Or because the higher version has become incompatible with something else on my system?

This is the state of Deseret, the original request for what ultimately became Utah.
  • I recently learned that the Mormons settled and resettled in several states before finally staying in Utah. It's quite an interesting story, especially given that most religions are so ancient that it's very hard to track their origins today.

    Johnny Harris has great videos about it, this one for instance.

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    Drawing the USA with an increasing number of edges
  • Oh I was thinking about something else and should have worded my question differently: for a given number of vertices, how do you find the coordinates that cover most of the area. So for instance for 3 vertices (triangle): where do you place the three points so that you cover as close as 100% of the area as possible? Overshooting would be allowed, ie a triangle that has an area of 120% of the US would be better than one that has 70%.

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    Drawing the USA with an increasing number of edges
  • What's a systematic algorithm for finding the best approximation (minimal under/overshoot of area) when you are given a raster or vector image representing the "real" borders? Or it just trial and error?

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    Um die Geburtenrate anzukurbeln, führt Russland ein neues Schulfach ein. Darin haben nur bestimmte Familien Platz.
  • Geheimtipp um die Geburtenrate anzukurbeln: Männer, die Familien mitgründen und unterstützen, nicht in sinnlosen Invasionen verheizen.

    Bonustipp: Keine sinnlosen Invasionen anzetteln. Ist es nicht wert, wenn dann Millionen an Menschen, vor allem junge und fähige, aus dem eigenen Land fliehen.

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    What's the difference between a proxy and a VPN
  • Never knew about transparent web proxies. Neat. Do they play a part in commercial DDOS protection? I'm thinking of those please wait while we're evaluating your request messages that you get on some sites. But also about any methods used to prove that you are human.

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    Decky "Pause Games" plugin got rid of audio static I got resuming games from sleep
  • Good to know. It was a common problem with XCOM 2 for me.

    Whenever possible I tried to get around this distorted audio noise after resuming from sleep by first opening a pause menu and then sending the deck to sleep. It seems to occur less the less audio channels are used by the game engine at the moment that you sent the deck to sleep.

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    Linux File System
  • What's the difference between run time program data and temporary files? Is /tmp just for system level processes but not for user space?

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    Harris pledges to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if elected
  • Listened to the entire interview. At no point does she pledge that. She simply doesn't rule it out and is willing to consider.

    That header is clickbait bullshit .

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    Ukrainian soldier shoots down a Russian cruise missile in the western part of Ukraine.
  • Seen a military analyst comment on this one. He said it was likely shot down by something else while this guy also fired at it.

    Still a nice clip though.

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    New York Times 1924, Hitler leaves prison
  • It's well known that the judiciary at the time was very lenient towards right wing extremists. His time in jail was rather cozy and gave him time to develop and write down more of his ideological underpinnings. And come up with a more comprehensive plan for taking over.

    That's why I find it very worrisome when people like Donald Trump get what amounts to a slap on the wrist for staging an insurrection. Not just that but they actually put him on the ballot again 😱. And this time the people propping him up in the background came up with an elaborate plan for claiming the election and then completely restructuring the executive authoritarian style (aka Project 2025).

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    Music concerts should get quieter
  • Went to a local rock concert once. Had to go into the middle of the crowd to fetch a friend and alert him of something that had happened. The music was unbearably loud for me. Noticed that virtually everyone was wearing ear plugs.

    Found it absurd. Why not lower the volume instead and have people forego the plugs? Less noise pollution in the local area too. After the concert was over I asked some participants about it. Everyone claimed they liked the loudness or that it was necessary somehow. My impression: they liked to keep up with the appearances of being hardcore, it being for tough folks. But they didn't want the actual hearing damage.

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    Pick your seat, Lemmy
  • The gentleman seated in aisle 3, left sends a stewardess to inform you that you could actually live thru the whole ordeal if you just promise him this one tiny little thing. But he wants it in writing to be sure.

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    How come it seems that there are little to no serial killers who are women in the modern age? Are they not caught or is it just the men that make the news?
  • This is true for serial killers in general though. Murders tend to be premeditated. If you are planning a murder you'll look for ways to maximize your success and minimize the chance of getting caught. In modern times you don't have to rely on pure strength; there's a plethora of workarounds from drugs to guns. The actual desire to end a human life (usual enabled by some form of psychopathy) is the limiting factor. A serial killer personality type doesn't throw the towel just because they are physically weak.

    Guess what I'm saying is: there isn't a large contingent of women out there that would suddenly turn serial killers if they were to physically become stronger.

  • Utah Supreme Court Rules That Alleged Sexual Assault by a Doctor Is Not “Health Care”

    The decision revives a lawsuit filed by 94 women who said their OB-GYN sexually abused them. Previously, a lower court determined that the actions they alleged had to be treated as medical malpractice.


    Ich hatte mal eine Kommilitonin die größtenteils in den Vereinten Arabischen Emiraten aufgewachsen ist. Sie konnte perfekt Deutsch, hat aber manchmal drollige Ausdrücke, falsche Präpositionen, etc verwendet.

    Sie sagte zum Beispiel immer: > den Lichtschalter zu machen

    > der letzte macht das Licht zu

    Kann sein, dass dieses konkrete Beispiel auch irgendwo im DACH Raum als Dialekt existiert, aber sie hatte noch viel mehr solcher Dinger. Das ist leider einzige Beispiel, was mir zurzeit noch einfällt.

    Ich hab mir damals sagen lassen, dass diese kleinen Ungereimtheiten von den Sprachschulen in der Arabischen Welt stammen. Sie werden dort wohl teils einfach so unterrichtet.

    Fallen euch noch mehr solcher Beispiele ein? Kann auch aus anderen Teilen der Welt stammen. Eine Aufstellung dazu wäre mal ganz interessant. Vielleicht kennt auch jemand eine Internetseite dazu?


    Here's a more detailed description for those that like to read up:

    Curiously enough when a similar experiment was first performed decades earlier the original intent was to get the spiders to weave their webs during different times of the day, rather than alter the pattern.


    I own an older monitor that has only has VGA and DVI port and I want to connect it to my deck for daily use.

    In theory this should be as simple as getting a DVI to HDMI converter cable and then connect to a dock that has a HDMI port, right? Or perhaps a DVI to display port adapter instead? I've read about people having trouble with DVI monitors so I checked multiple dock vendors and their statements boil down to "we don't support it", ie they don't deny or rule out that it works but don't want to give guarantee either.

    Is anyone in a similar situation and can recommend a dock? I want to resolve the monitor situation first and then worry about additional stuff like USB ports, etc.

    My monitor is a Samsung SMT 2333T (

    Edit: I got it working and it was quite simple, here's my steps:

    1. I checked the port at the back of my monitor (reference chart) which turned out to be DVI-I dual link.
    2. then I purchased a HDMI <–> DVI adapter cable which supports my monitor’s resolution (1080 p). This costs around 10 €.
    3. connected that cable to the official Steam Deck dock and my monitor and it works without any further setup
    4. while in the Deck’s Desktop mode you can go into the system settings --> display and make your external monitor the primary display. Primary means that your start bar is located there, new apps will launch on this screen by default, etc. In the same settings menu you can also turn off the Decks own display while the external one is connected. I do this because I can’t comfortably look at it anyway while it’s in the dock and also to save energy.