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Bike-loving Dutch grapple with illegal electric 'fatbike' craze gripping the Netherlands
  • That's fair, and understood in most cases that's appropriate.

    Unfortunately I'm my case, I need to replace missing muscle mass which should also then in turn burn more calories etc.

    I'll return to the video with that in mind. My long term goal is to some day learn from and spar with my buddy who teaches martial arts... He's already helped me with diet adjustment tips to be able to stick to the changes the doc wants.

    Fingers crossed

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    Bike-loving Dutch grapple with illegal electric 'fatbike' craze gripping the Netherlands
  • That's fine except I'm not using it in straight power mode, and set my pacing by my heart rate. I'm using it exactly as my doctor advised.

    If my heart rate is consistently maintaining elevated levels matching what the doc said, then the video is irrelevant.

    An exercise you cannot control the pace of properly is counter intuitive and can be dangerous to certain health conditions. If used correctly, this only expands access to more users.

    Key words "used correctly".

    There are people needing this kind of assist not from being fat. In my case, I'm in a long haul recovery from a severe spinal injury. Trying to rebuild considerable loss of muscle.

    Without the assist, cycling would literally be impossible.

    Due to posture needed for long walking, that isn't possible yet for me either. Anything over half a mile destroys me for a full day.

    My diet is already advised by a doctor. Your videos present like my food choices and lack of movement are 100% the problem.

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    Bike-loving Dutch grapple with illegal electric 'fatbike' craze gripping the Netherlands
  • Mine is pretty sweet... The tires made it much more comfortable to ride in general and having the motor for the assist on hills is frikken amazing. Really helps prevent the deterrence against using it as a bike.

    The motors have quite the kick too... I expect the urge to get into trouble is great.

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    Bike-loving Dutch grapple with illegal electric 'fatbike' craze gripping the Netherlands
  • Heh, I think I just got one of these types inadvertently.

    1000 watt motor (2x 500), large batt etc... I think it does close to 35 mph if I try but I haven't even taken it out of pedal assist yet.

    I'm in USA, so laws are more localized. I suspect this thing might be illegal, but it's gray area right now. Gonna just behave with it and hope for the best.

    The concern I would have is that currently there isn't great established ways to get something like this clearly made legal... And I have a needed use case.

    I weigh enough that clearly legal lower wattage bikes are all not rated for me... Barely. I'm using the bike to lose weight. In the interim, this is what works.

    I hope they clear it in some capacity, like just age or "legal until you are stupid" like riding it on public sidewalks or such. A wattage limit overall is stupid unless there's a way to certify you will behave.

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    Ragrets rule
  • Toilet probably halfway through the floor... Not really hooked up to nothin but can't afford to fix it with ammo and formula prices being so high.

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    Aldi announces wage increases up to $23 an hour; hiring thousands of employees
  • I hope so. It would be a nice change compared to... Well... Everything.

    Edit: ahhhh see it now. I read it as "up to" alone, but implied "increased to" instead.

    English is hard sometimes.

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    Aldi announces wage increases up to $23 an hour; hiring thousands of employees
  • "up to $23 an hour".... Doing a whole lotta heavy lifting in this headline.

    How is it sane to list the maximum you can make, vs what to expect day 1?!

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    11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • Obviously truth... The richer they are, the more they appear to have IQs lower than carrots.

    Eat the rich: it's good for the country AND your health!

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    This is ganon, he was perfect.
  • His powers of time manipulation and psychic control are indeed legend. With seeming little effort (probably napping), he reached through the void of time and space to appear on my little screen and save me from feeling crappy tonight.

    Thank you Ganon!
