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dualshock 4 on Arch
  • I have all the modules and software needed. I will look up the bluez version and compile flags/patches that NixOS uses

  • I can't get my DualShock 4 controllers to work on Arch without ds4drv. I am pretty sure this method isn't required anymore, because the dualshock 4 work just fine on NixOS. What am I missing? Do I need to load modules? Specific kernel or Bluetooth package? I am running the latest zen kernel with Nvidia. Same hardware as my old NixOS.

    My little brother loves the dualboot setup I installed for him. He says "It's like iOS"
  • Not op but I lived with a younger nephew for some years. He looked up to me in every aspect and if I introduced him to something he would learn it to talk about it later. I unfortunately just introduced him to League of Legends, I was too young and wasn't into linux myself.

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    Data privacy: how to counter the "I have nothing to hide" argument?
  • I am doing a paper on this. Privacy as hiding something shameful is a dated concept, like, before villages were a thing. I haven't time to develop, but privacy was always a privilege of the rich. Back when people were in villages and technology was word of mouth, rich from the time being were in their castles. Knowing what is on peoples mind is a old form of control, while having the right of privacy is freedom. I am a grad student and I have to develop more on the subject, but it's not about hiding your porn watchlist, lol. It's about having control of your own decisions. If you understand how someone thinks, changing and satisfying (or pretending to) is actually pretty easy.

    If anyone like Futurama, watch the "Killer App" episode

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    How journalist view modern gamers
  • I loved shitting on people in CoD and League when I was 11 through 17. Tried to play league now as 25yo and I can see that the noobs that I loved to make fun of just didn't have the time to read guides and study the game 10 hours a day. Anyway, I get shit on nowdays

  • Jami is p2p, it just cuts the middleman. Is it bad concept? I haven't had the chance to test Jami or Signal, no adoption from my contacts. But, as from a federation and anti centralized services, Jami should be the better alternative, right?

    immutable + reproducible packages - learning curve = ?
  • Tried NixOS. As a nonprogrammer, trying to have what I wanted was frustrating. There's no clear documentation on anything, because everything is experimental. Went back to Arch but will try Guix

  • https:// /channel/UC0uTPqBCFIpZxlz_Lv1tk_g

    Just sharing this amazing individual. He is pretty wholesome and is currently building his own house. Great philosophy and emacs content too. He actually responds to emails pretty quickly and can hold conversations depending on the subject. Also, share your amazing individuals that we should be aware of!
