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#StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold
  • I live that long that I know that anybody can sue anyone for anything if they have enough time and / or money. It's just a matter of incorporating company in a country of imaginary victim and convincing court that you have rights to do something. Nothing new, that's how globalisation works.

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    #StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold
  • I see you're straight to the point, they will put big banner on box version of the game next to the pegi stamp that says it can harm you if you buy it - just like on alcohol and tobacco to prevent you from unconsciously using this bad game. That's what gonna happen and I will laugh like I laughted from cookie and GDPR popups.

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    #StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold
  • You look like a person who knows exactly how EU legislation works, how much we need lawyers and gaming industry experts from biggest gaming companies telling us how gaming should look like because law won't write by itself.

    Funny how biggest problem in gaming is people spending money on product that stopped working after 10 years from release.

    Let's bring government standards from other industries into gaming so people could complain more.

    Let's ruin gaming together ! Teach me because I know nothing about life.

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    #StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold
  • Because gaming like any other industry needs regulation and politics instead of educating people to think and make conscious decisions. I just can't wait for governments start taking care of gaming. I can't say that the goal isn't noble but it will result with taxes and billion dollars funds that will double the prices of games and regulate market so only corporate will be able to afford to publish and make games. Good Luck. I'm to old for this shit.

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    Jeff's magic money machine
  • Just buy some commercial property, island, luxury house that is worth 100M, it can be done in less then a week. 3 weeks left to think and organize how to spend 1 billion in 1 day.

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    French artists, DJs and musicians unite to fight threat of far-right government
  • Let's watch poor people fight each other for one last time before civilisation collapse, in the name of art because rich people can't use religion and authority anymore to keep their positions. Is this the real life ?

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    When you sort by all and NSFW comes across your feed.
  • I don't know how many people know but thumbnails have also an intermediate state - dragging thumbnail reveals content without zooming.

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    Europe’s rapidly rising right: Hard-right forces are gaining ground ahead of next month’s European Parliament election
  • Because there is a difference between socialsim and national socialism that is growing. Those people who allow national socialism to grow are mostly media. I believe that most of people who support national socialism are manipulated because of misunderstanding what socialism and what nationalism is so they say hey you're wearing my country symbols I like you. But they should say hey you're wearing my country symbols and you're socialist so get out of my country you nazi scumbag.

    Media today tend to simplify and put equal sign between nationalism and nazism (national socialism) and as a result they allow national socialism to grow instead of nationalism and patriotism to grow and strength the difference between nations but losen the difference between people.

    So if you know who you are and where you belong to and you meet people different to you, you don't feel bad but respect both other people and yourself because you know where you're standing.

    And that changed in media to become - everyone is equal (no we're not), everyone is capable to do anything (no we're not). They removed work as a way for success and replaced it with being popular and fancy so everyone right now want to be popular not working.

    People forgot who they are, we are bombarded that we are citizens of the world, yet we still live as part of certain nation, certain country and certain land and we should start identify with it or we lose our identity and everything will become haos like you decribe it it doesn't make any sense to you because you're bombarded with messages that you belong to the world not bounded by anything.

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    Europe’s rapidly rising right: Hard-right forces are gaining ground ahead of next month’s European Parliament election
  • Because of people like you Europe will die, because people are divided on those who are allowed to speak and who can't speak freely about what they feel because they're scared they would be laughted from and marginalized or more likely canceled - just like you did laughted my comment.

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    Europe’s rapidly rising right: Hard-right forces are gaining ground ahead of next month’s European Parliament election
  • I think more bureaucracy, more european funds giving money to their friends, more surveillance and more prohibitions should do the job.

    If you want change, start by removing prohibitions, give back freedom of decision how people can live and die, start lowering cost of living by repairing existing infrastructure instead of only destroying it, start destroying monopolies, start promoting small businesses, stop all socialism, start respecting all people and their believes instead of promoting only one single source of truth - we are different, protect native culture, promote traditional family that is roots of europe. Stop promoting and spedning money only on new things and stop taking care of only of yourself.

    But what I know. I'm nobody and the best I can hear is I'm under russian influence, I'm racist and I am underman because I dared to think by myself.
