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General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • maybe 9/11 was just a marketing ploy for general motors to increase white male anxiety and sell more big pickup trucks ten years later

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • Tips for engaging with the US Military

    if they live by u, like on a base, this is some good stuff to do. I can't confirm or deny if I or my friends have engaged in any of this:

    • feed them dog treats: u can dress up like ur handing out free samples at the mall, and give the service members dog treats. it's pretty fun

    • pretend ur out of gas: this is my personal favourite. somewhere near base pretend to have run out of gas. eventually a bunch of jarheads will show up to help you push ur car, stay inside slightly riding the brake. they'll keep trying, let them, but just like really wear them out. for a fun twist, start ur car after they get exhausted and drive away flipping them off

    • set up online dates with them and then don't show up. this one's just funny and obvious

    • send terrible Grindr guys to their room: only do this to bad guys on Grindr but this is also really funny

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    oh man, poor Zionists can't even get a date anymore!?!
  • honestly this gives me the good idea about dating zionists to scam free drinks off them. that's not a bad idea at all like, i can totally be into "isreal" for like an hour, and then once he's spent like $200 on my drinks be like.........

    psych 😛

    from the river to the sea :3

    after that he will wanna not talk to me anymore, which is honestly perfect. free drinks

  • Hinge and Tinder are swamped with anti-Zionism, say Jewish singles

    Online dating is not immune to the October 7 effect, say Jewish singles

    amazing article y'all lol

    > Meet 26-year-old Amy. She’s single, likes puppies and is looking for a date on Hinge. But it’s not just good-looking men she’s after; she “goes crazy for a free Palestine” – at least that’s what her dating profile says.


    > Lauren cuts to the chase by simply saying: “No Zionists”.

    the horror!?!

    > Lee wants to “make sure we’re on the same page about free Palestine”. So does Savanah. And Boris. And Michaela.

    oh no!?!

    > the majority but many profiles I see now say ‘No Zionists’.”


    > divorced, 59-year-old Stephen downloaded Hinge last summer. A few months of swiping later, Palestinian flags started appearing.

    oh the humanity!?! poor Stephen!!!

    > “But if they’re saying ‘no Zionists’ that doesn’t leave much room for me.”

    you guys already have a homeland, it's called Brooklyn

    > “It’s like the signs that used to read: ‘No Blacks. No Jews. No Dogs. No Irish.’”

    omg so true bestie, so true

    Millennials and Gen Z's trendy new splurge: groceries
  • lol i spent $214 on groceries for the week yesterday :3 i'm totally splurging with my um, tacos, pasta, and salads i'm cooking, how fancy and luxurious.

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    what the neoliberal f?!?!?!
  • wow that's at least nice the wages are tied to inflation. I think the average raise among my friends was around 2% lol

  • Every morning i get to make this face as I read the "Associated Press" to see what drivel the upstream "news" source for the mayo empire has deemed fit to feed down to the masses, usually resulting in me making a face like this:


    a few days ago we got this real gem

    > Who wouldn’t like prices to start falling? Careful what you wish for, economists say

    hmm well that sounds foreboding! what could possibly be bad about falling prices?

    > Wouldn’t it be great if prices actually fell — what economists call deflation? Who wouldn’t want to fire up a time machine and return to the days before the economy rocketed out of the pandemic recession and sent prices soaring?

    yes! i think it would be good! i would like to be able to afford food that isn't spaghetti!

    > Many economists caution, though, that consumers should be careful what they wish for.


    > Mainly because falling prices tend to discourage consumers from spending. Why buy now, after all, if you can purchase what you want — cars, furniture, appliances, vacations — at a lower price later?

    um.... oki. so like, i can still spend less money? oki?!?

    > businesses would face intense pressure to cut prices even more

    oh the humanity!!!

    > It’s certainly true that Americans can make their paychecks go further when prices are falling. If food or gasoline prices were to tumble, households would surely find it less painful to afford groceries or their commutes to work

    oh my goodness imagine if those selfish people could afford groceries and commuting to work!

    who will think of the businesses?!?! omg

    anyways, i've spit all my coffee out. I love me some lib economic takes in the morning. so silly, so fun, we're so doomed. what a broken ass system

    rant over y'all thank you :3

    If the children are our future, then China's future looks bright. The West, on the other hand, has a future where YouTube influencers drive the GDP
  • you really don't wanna see the survey where they asked how many of them wanna be Andrew Tate

    I'm not optimistic about the future

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    Classic NYT
  • but at what cost?!?

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    yakubian space agency be like...
  • that's a really good point honestly

  • oki ya it's a shitpost but fr like can the US please stop pushing this war on, like the only good thing I could see out of the coming yakubian election is maybe finally an end to this

    Recent Ipsos poll shows that most people in western countries think that their country is headed in the wrong direction.
  • wow Argentina is surprisingly high on there

    also what the hell is going on in Peru? what happened?!?

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    A Chinese pastor is released after 7 years in prison, only to find himself unable to get an ID - AP News (and a million other places)
  • If the Chinese authorities are persecuting him you know what I have to say to that? Good.

    Christian missionaries all deserve Sentinel Island treatment. Wherever there were colonizers they were a step ahead of or just behind them.


    I had family who was involved in being Christian "missionaries" in Uganda, they successfully got the death penalty instituted for gay people. they would always complain about how they couldn't get away with shit in China, to which I say, thank goodness.

    also if that person is involved in human trafficking, why on earth would I care what happens to him. the survivors of trafficking will have to live with that damage the rest of their lives, if they even survive. so who cares about him

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    big if true!!!?!?!?
  • hehe I never proof read ever!

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    The agonizing literalness of Lesser-Evilism
  • I honestly can't tell about the stuff regarding trump and wanting to formalise like the fascist state and whatever like "threaten democracy" thing the libs say.

    it's very hard to know imo what actual threat exists there. like I mean I guess the guy could try to stay in power too long, but I'm not really sure what materially that would do? I think the people who are really gonna pay the cost for this stuff are immigrants and I think they'll pay the cost regardless of who's in power based on bidens very open insane shift to the right on that. obviously like foreign policy is shit anyways, the palestinians are gonna pay the price no matter what.

    in terms of issues like LGBTQ rights, women's rights, other minority rights, that's all measurably worse across the country than it was in 2020, and I honestly think the public is tired of hearing about it. Americans "across the aisle" seem to have plenty of anti immigrant sentiment tho.

    I guess what I mean is that like, if trump stays in power for a decade, we're all still gonna go to our wage worker jobs, struggle to afford housing and healthcare, immigrants will be locked up and the cops will be racist murderers so, like what does it even matter.

    I do kinda hope that getting rid of the illusion of choice might help radicalise people idk. I usually do vote in some elections especially locally but tbh after the genocide and all this shit I just threw the thing away this year, I'm done with all of it

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    The agonizing literalness of Lesser-Evilism
  • I can take it a step further and make a coherent argument for why a second trump term would've been better for leftist organising in the US. It's a bit of a speculative hot take, but there's some evidence to it.

    If you look at the state of mainstream liberal discourse in the United States prior to the 2020 election, we had a fairly mainstream movement that had formed challenging the police state, we had constant admonitions of the states inhumane migrant policies ("kids in cages"), we had daily critiques from the liberal media of the state's actions against protestors, and the second biden won, it all disappeared.

    Immigrants didn't stop being in cages, in fact a bunch of them are trapped without food, water, or bathrooms between the border fences right now, nobody cares. The entire state has shifted further right than ever before on immigration, abortion is gone, LGBTQ stuff isn't doing well, the country is supporting a genocide, and the "defund the police" thing is long dead and buried.

    Meanwhile, the familes in my city that lost their loved ones to the cops are still standing their with their brother's face on a shirt wondering where all the #BLM people went.

    So I think there is an argument that can be made that everybody goes out to brunch during the democrats turn, and it leads to more and more atrocities occuring and just never being challenged, whereas at least under trump, these things were called out and at least in the public conscience.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 13
  • did everybody see that putin opened the vault revealing jesus was Black?!?
