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Regarding the “Rust” shooting.
  • I would say it's getting attention because he's an arrogant prick whose arrogance led directly to a murder and we're all curious if that even means anything anymore.

    Wtf does riffing on Trump have to do with it?

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    The Supreme Court rejects Biden's plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loan debt
  • I agree on the last point, but there isn't a class based system in place, nor is there a plan to implement one (that I can find).

    That, I shall continue to argue, makes this very not good.

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    The Supreme Court rejects Biden's plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loan debt
  • I think you can call someone saying “it’s unfair to judge people by race” a racist when they're using that line to applaud the removal of protections against institutional racism. We can argue the merits of AA as a form of protection, but it was protection nonetheless. To say that it was unfair is to entirely ignore the unfairness which necessitated its existence.

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    The Supreme Court rejects Biden's plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loan debt
  • How was it not? How is non-whites having less access good?

    You follow what I quoted by claiming it wasn't fair ("imo") because, as you say, "we shouldn’t raise the eligibility of people based on their race" which is great if you ignore the fact that nearly every institution in the US treats people differently based on race, whether intentional or not. It is exceedingly rare for that bias to swing in the favor of non-whites.

    With no meaningful alternative to AA, what exacxtly is the win here?

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    What's everyone playing right now?
  • I'm deep into the second act of Ghost of Tsushima and I'm completely baffled how I missed this game when it came out. It's absolutely beautiful in every way possible
