Skip Navigation Vancouver Canucks forward Dakota Joshua announces testicular cancer diagnosis and tumor removal

Dakota Joshua, a forward for the Vancouver Canucks and former Toronto Maple Leafs draft pick, revealed that he was diagnosed with testicular…

Obviously wishing Dakota the best in his recovery.

Excerpt from the article:

>Dakota Joshua, a forward for the Vancouver Canucks and former Toronto Maple Leafs draft pick, revealed that he was diagnosed with testicular cancer over the summer. Joshua then underwent successful surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and is now recuperating and healing.

Read the full article | |


Paradox announce updated release timelines for Creator Packs and other downstream DLC

https:// /forum/threads/an-update-to-the-release-schedule.1703871/

Excerpt from the original post on Paradox Forums:

>The two Creator Packs — Modern Architecture and Urban Promenades — have been completed by their creators. While the Economy Patch, Detailers Patch, and Decorations Patch are all part of our commitment to improving the base game, we are well aware that the Asset Editor is one of the most crucial remaining features in fulfilling our promise to make mods fully available in-game. To ensure we don’t split our focus, we’ve made the decision to push the release of the Creator Packs to Q4. This will also affect the upcoming release of Bridges & Ports Expansion that will instead come in Q2 2025. We will continue dedicating our efforts to the base game before shifting focus to paid content. Our goal is to ensure the community is satisfied with the state of the game, and once we’ve achieved that, we’ll be excited to release these amazing packs to you!

View the original post on Paradox Forums | | | Xitter thread (privacy friendly)


Hello, I would like to request to be added as a mod for ! I don't know if it's best practice to keep the (inactive) original mod on, but the current mod hasn't posted or commented since November of last year, nor have they responded to any of my DMs. I don't have any grand plans, I just want to help monitor for spam, potentially find another co-moderator to carry the torch in case I get hit by a bus, and hopefully grow it into a more active community. I currently co-moderate two other small communities - ! and ! Thanks!


Potential new player here (it's on my wish list). From lurking on social media, I gather that the devs have released several significant updates recently, among them an overhaul of space stations ("Orbital"). I get that they are procedurally generated, which means that no two should be alike, but... how different are they?

I ask b/c, while this might sound silly, during my time in Elite Dangerous, one of my favorite things was approaching stations, lining up my ship with the entrance, avoiding collisions, dealing with all the different axes & what not, and then setting her down on the landing pads. (and then I wish I could get out of my ship and explore on foot)

With space stations being procedurally generated, do they still feel pretty same-y or are they unique enough to keep someone like myself entertained? The wiki page for the Orbital update promises a variety of space station interiors, just wondering if actual players would agree.

Also, does NMS have any sort of "advanced flight mode" where I can enjoy the challenge of steering my ship through the obstacles or is it basically fly within the vicinity of a space station and press X to auto dock?

Sorry for the barrage of questions. Thanks in advance!

Do you think Trump and Vance wake up in the morning and say damn I am a really messed up human being? Or are they saying I can't believe people are buying the shit we peddle?
  • Shocker that Trump is a convicted fucking rapist

    I've been living under a rock - are you referring to Trump's civil case against E. Jean Carroll or is there a criminal case out there that's just not showing up on the first page of search results?

  • NHL announces important dates for 2024-25 season including trade deadline, holiday roster freeze, and start of playoffs

    As puck drop nears for all 32 teams across the league, the NHL publicly released important dates for the upcoming 2024-25 season.…

    Excerpt from the article:

    >The opening day of Rookie Camp is September 11 and Training Camp is set to begin on September 18. > >Opening Night rosters are due on October 7, the night before the Florida Panthers kick off the regular season with their banner-raising night against the Boston Bruins. > >This year’s holiday roster freeze is set from December 20 through December 27. For the Christmas holiday, the league is breaking completely with no practices allowed from December 24 through 26. > >The 2024-25 season will pause 11 days for the 4 Nations Face-Off from February 10 through 21 where NHL players from Canada, Finland, Sweden, and the United States will compete against each other. > >The NHL’s Trade Deadline will be on Friday, March 7 at 3 pm (EST). The last day of the season is April 17 and the Stanley Cup Playoffs are set to begin on April 19.

    Read the full article | |

    Is there any documentation on mapping individual small plants like flowers or cacti?
  • Individual trees are mapped using natural=tree, so I reckon a similar pattern could be followed for any plant. Checking taginfo, it looks like a very small number of mappers have used natural=plant, maybe that’s the way to go.

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    Can anyone recommend some dust covers for the Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS HOTAS?
  • Thanks for your input. I think dust is actually a common complaint with these particular controls. In my own experience, I bought these second hand, and initially the z-axis didn’t work right (the cursor’s movement was really finicky and jumped around a lot). After cleaning the sensor with some rubbing alcohol and a q-tip, it’s been smooth sailing, but taking apart and re-assembling the joystick is something I’d like to avoid going forward if I can help it.

    You’re right about the cost of those dust covers being a tad steep, but if I could find something for closer to $20, I’d spring for it.

  • I have the T.16000M FCS HOTAS (throttle and stick) like this one linked on Amazon. When I search Amazon for "dust cover for hotas" I get listings that say "for Thrustmaster Warthog." Does anyone have the T.16000M, and if so, can you recommend a dust cover for those? Doesn't have to be custom fitting, any generic dust cover will do, my main concern is keeping dust from collecting in the ball joint of the stick and the rail of the thrust slider. Thank you!

    EDIT: I'm thinking about getting this or this, or just going cheap with some clear plastic bags.

    Internet Archive Loses Landmark E-Book Lending Copyright Appeal Against Publishers.
  • Unlikely.

    The in-house scanning service at the Internet Archive (IA) differs from the licensing agreements entered into by other libraries. These agreements see libraries license ‘official’ e-book versions from publishers, who charge for every book that’s lent out to patrons.

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    Enable undetermined language in your community
  • Rather, make Language a required field so I don’t have to spend time blocking users and/or communities who post content in languages other than what I want.

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    Difference between downloading on public wifi and mobile hotspot?
  • Short answer: Mobile hot spot (w/ your own cellular device) is preferable to public wifi from a security perspective.

    There are other considerations, such as how much cellular data downloads cost to you, what sites you’re visiting, what you’re actually doing, etc. In general, it’s advisable to avoid public wifi if you can, but if you must connect to public wifi, then you should make darn sure you connect to the right network (watch out for imposter networks w/ a legitimate looking name) and use VPN (ideally a paid service) to encrypt your traffic. Even with both of these measures, you’re best off avoiding sensitive activities like online banking on public wifi. If you must do banking or other sensitive stuff, either do it on your phone or wait until you get home.

    Hope this helps.

    Editing to add: When I initially responded, I’d forgotten which community I was in. In this context, I believe the other responses are better than mine, but I’ll keep mine up in case it helps other readers.

  • In this six minute video, Robert Miles explains public/private key cryptography in layman's terms. As a non-expert in this field, I find Miles' explanation very accessible, and I've come back to this video to brush up on this concept several times since the first time I watched it. Enjoy!

    Big Pharma claims lower prices will mean giving up miracle medications. Ignore them.
  • Thanks for weighing in. Is there somewhere I can learn more about this? Big Pharma getting rich off tax payer funded research is an often repeated claim on internet forums, and I’d like to educate myself some more on this topic. Thanks!

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    What value should I use for traffic_signals=*?
  • The wiki has a lot of good info. The wiki also has a lot of vague, conflicting info. Because of this, when in doubt, I look at what other people are doing and follow their example. Use tag info to figure that out. For example, signal is by far the most used value for traffic_signal=* (sauce), so yes, just use that.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Aren’t we still vulnerable through VMs, though? I seem to remember reading something about why Qubes OS is safer than a regular VM, having to do w/ zero trust, etc.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sure, but what’s the claim? I don’t understand playlists for FAST services, nor why an evil corporation would care enough to file a DMCA suit, no matter how frivolous. Is it because these playlists somehow magically block the ads? Do they give non-paying customers access to something normally behind a paywall? Like what am I missing here? Something is not adding up.

  • Jump
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don’t use any FAST services. I know what a playlist is in like Winamp and stuff, but why/how could a playlist be considered a DMCA violation for these FAST services? I read the article, but I’m still confused.

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    What is the best way to mark an inactive bus stop?
  • Should all of those tags get prefixed with disused:?

    I think not. It’s been a little bit since I’ve studied or used the disused:* prefix, but I believe it’s only needed on the main feature tag. (citation needed, ofc)

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    Dorm hallway
  • I dunno at what school this photo was taken, but in my day, it was not uncommon for students in dorms to have mini whiteboards on their doors so people could leave messages (often in the form of specific private body parts). Mind you, I went to school before everybody had iPhones.

    What I believe we’re looking at here is a photo of somebody’s (presumably Joseph Silva’s) door with a mini whiteboard and someone’s (again presumably Joseph Silva’s) contact info, which happens to be a Lemmy user.

    The key word here is Lemmy, which would explain why OP shared this photo on !

  • Tap for spoiler

    Obviously we’re supposed to presume he’s dead, but… is he really gone? Predictions for next episode?


    Edit: The way I had it in the photos is correct. Thanks for helping me out, those who chimed in!

    Original question:

    I replaced the straight handlebars with risers on my mountain bike, and because of the slightly longer distances involved, I have to replace the brake and gear cables with slightly longer ones.

    Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of the cable clamp for the front derailleur before I undid it. Now I'm clueless as to how to route the replacement cable - basically the same problem as this poster on RetroBike, except their derailleur is different from mine.

    I have super old parts, so I've had a hard time finding documentation online. The best documentation I've found is the following:

    In the service instructions, third column, "SIS adjustment" section, three-quarters of the way down, it says:

    • Cut off any unnecessary cable, attach an end cup, and hook it onto the pin.
    • Note: Pass the cable through as shown in the illustration.

    What is absolutely throwing me for a loop is the illustration seems to show the cable running from the bottom upward, but... how? Can anyone help me figure out what I'm missing? I feel like a dumb dumb.


    Why can't I see a specific post in ! from when the same post is visible on other instances? [SOLVED]

    EDIT: After discussing this on Matrix, I believe the answer is in the mod logs. The author of the post in question was issued a temporary ban in another community on, which I suspect is affecting the display of this user’s content across all of even though the post in question is in a different community from the one that issued the ban (which is kinda screwy tbh).

    Description of the problem

    The last several months, I've been trying to build up the community over at ! It's going mostly well, but one thing that has me scratching my head lately is that when I'm browsing from (i.e. <>), which is 99% of the time, I can't see the most recent post. Oddly enough, the author is also from, and I have previously interacted w/ the same user in the comments of older posts, so I know it's not a user-specific issue. I've double checked my profile settings and haven't blocked the community, instance, or user. This issue seems specific to because I can see it when I browse to the community from other instances.

    Any ideas why this could be happening and what I can do to resolve it? Thanks.

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    • Visit <> and sort by Active or New. You'll see a post called "Thanks for the chats guys" with one comment.
    • Visit <> - again, the post is visible.
    • Now head over to <> and look at the feed.

    Actual result

    The post is not there.

    Expected result

    The post should show up in the feed.


    EDIT: After reading all the responses, I’ve decided to allow cookies to persist after they close the browser, which I expect will make it so that 2FA doesn’t kick in as often, at least not on their most frequently used web sites. I may also look into privacy oriented browser extensions that might offer some protection, such as Privacy Badger. Thanks, all!

    OP: I know two factor authentication is considered more secure than just passwords, but here’s the deal: One of my family members uses Linux Mint on their laptop (at my recommendation and yes, they are aware that it’s not a Mac), and while they’ve mostly adapted to the different workflows (coming from a macbook), one of their biggest pain points is that web sites are constantly challenging them because they don’t recognize their machine. It’s frustrating to them because they used to just allow all cookies in Safari, whereas I’ve configured Firefox on their Linux laptop not to keep any cookies after the browser is closed. I know this isn’t a Linux/Firefox issue, but I think they might not see it that way and I worry they’ll get frustrated to the point that they’ll go out and splurge on a new macbook air when they already have a perfectly functional laptop with functional OS.

    Right now I’m thinking of adding their most frequently used web sites as exceptions in Firefox settings so at least those cookies would persist after closing the browser, making them easier to log into. Or maybe I’ll just allow all cookies indefinitely, although I’d rather not just throw in the towel on Big Surveillance. Is there another way to walk that line between convenience and security that I’m not thinking of? Should I just remove my tin foil hat and allow all cookies indefinitely?

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    https:// /playlist

    Not sure if this is allowed here, and it's not my playlist, but I thought I'd post these tutorials since I've found them helpful for learning the basics.


    Hello! I'm attempting to follow some tutorials on unit testing with Python. One of them is a video tutorial Unit Tests in Python on the Socratica channel. Everyone in the comments seems to be making out just fine, and I’m following the instructor’s directions to the letter, yet I get a different result. It’s driving me mad lol.

    In the video, the instructor creates two text files, one called in which she defines a function circle_area(r), and another called in which she writes some unit tests. In my attempt to follow along, I've ended up with two files structured like so:

    /home/yo_scottie_oh/Projects/PythonTutorials/Socratica/Circles ├── └──

    ``` from math import pi

    def circle_area(r): return pi*(r**2)

    Test function

    radii = [2, 0, -3, 2 + 5j, True, "radius"] message = "Area of circles with r = {radius} is {area}."

    for r in radii: A = circle_area(r) print(message.format(radius=r,area=A)) ```

    ``` import unittest from circles import circle_area from math import pi

    class TestCircleArea(unittest.TestCase): def test_area(self): # Test areas when radius >=0 self.assertAlmostEqual(circle_area(1),pi) self.assertAlmostEqual(circle_area(0),0) self.assertAlmostEqual(circle_area(2.1),pi*2.1**2) ```

    Where I'm getting tripped up is at 4:32 in the video, the instructor says to run the unit tests by opening a shell, going to the directory that contains both the circles and test_circles modules, and issuing the following command: python -m unittest test_circles.

    Instructor's result (it runs the unit test):

    ``` Ran 1 test in 0.000s

    OK ```

    My result (it seems to execute itself):

    [yo_scottie_oh@nobara Circles]$ python -m unittest test_circles Area of circles with r = 2 is 12.566370614359172. Area of circles with r = 0 is 0.0. Area of circles with r = -3 is 28.274333882308138. Area of circles with r = (2+5j) is (-65.97344572538566+62.83185307179586j). Area of circles with r = True is 3.141592653589793. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 18, in <module> main(module=None) File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 101, in __init__ self.parseArgs(argv) File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 150, in parseArgs self.createTests() File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 161, in createTests self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromNames(self.testNames, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 232, in loadTestsFromNames suites = [self.loadTestsFromName(name, module) for name in names] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 232, in <listcomp> suites = [self.loadTestsFromName(name, module) for name in names] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 162, in loadTestsFromName module = __import__(module_name) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/yo_scottie_oh/Projects/PythonTutorials/Socratica/Circles/", line 4, in <module> from circles import circle_area File "/home/yo_scottie_oh/Projects/PythonTutorials/Socratica/Circles/", line 14, in <module> A = circle_area(r) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/yo_scottie_oh/Projects/PythonTutorials/Socratica/Circles/", line 6, in circle_area return pi*(r**2) ~^^~ TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'str' and 'int' [yo_scottie_oh@nobara Circles]$

    I've been banging my head against the wall for hours now trying to figure out why when I execute the same command as the instructor, it appears to execute my Python scripts themselves instead of running the unit tests.

    Other things I've tried:

    I've read the Python documentation on unit testing. I tried adding this to the end of the document, but that did not change anything.

    if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()

    I've tried following this other written tutorial. After I create the text documents and organize them in the separate shapes and tests folders and run the command python -m unittest discover -v, again I get a different result from the author.

    Author's result:

    ``` test_area (test_circle.TestCircle) ... ok test_circle_instance_of_shape (test_circle.TestCircle) ... ok test_create_circle_negative_radius (test_circle.TestCircle) ... ok test_area (test_square.TestSquare) ... ok test_create_square_negative_length (test_square.TestSquare) ... ok test_square_instance_of_shape (test_square.TestSquare) ... ok

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s

    OK ```

    My result:

    ``` [yo_scottie_oh@nobara test]$ python -m unittest discover -v test_circle (unittest.loader._FailedTest.test_circle) ... ERROR test_square (unittest.loader._FailedTest.test_square) ... ERROR

    ====================================================================== ERROR: test_circle (unittest.loader._FailedTest.test_circle) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError: Failed to import test module: test_circle Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 419, in _find_test_path module = self._get_module_from_name(name) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 362, in _get_module_from_name import(name) File "/home/yo_scottie_oh/Projects/PythonTutorials/PythonUnitTesting/test/", line 4, in <module> from import Circle ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shapes'

    ====================================================================== ERROR: test_square (unittest.loader._FailedTest.test_square) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError: Failed to import test module: test_square Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 419, in _find_test_path module = self._get_module_from_name(name) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 362, in _get_module_from_name import(name) File "/home/yo_scottie_oh/Projects/PythonTutorials/PythonUnitTesting/test/", line 3, in <module> from shapes.square import Square ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shapes'

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.000s

    FAILED (errors=2) ```

    So yeah… this brings me to my question: What’s the obvious thing that everybody else gets that I'm missing? Is the tutorial outdated? Is it because the instructor is on Windows and I’m on Linux? Why won’t my unit tests run?


    EDIT: The audio issue on Wayland seems to have magically resolved itself after several reboots, so while I never figured out why the option for VRR disappeared in the Xorg session, I’ve resorted to using Wayland and everything seems to be as it should.

    OP: Howdy. I just installed a new graphics card in my gaming rig, and now the option for Variable Refresh Rate is gone from the Display Settings when I log into a Gnome Xorg session. I swapped out my trusty Vega 64 for a new PowerColor 6750 XT. Before the swap, I always signed into an Xorg session and the option for Variable Refresh Rate was there. After the swap, the option for VRR is there only in Wayland. So why don't I just use Wayland, you ask? The problem is, on Wayland, the audio is distorted and I cannot figure out how to get clear audio. This audio issue seems specific to Steam b/c I can listen to music videos on YouTube crystal clear.

    So now I have this dilemma where I have to choose between clear audio (Xorg session) vs variable refresh (Wayland).

    Is this a known thing where Xorg doesn't support VRR for newer graphics cards? Is there some trick for getting clear audio in a Wayland session? Do I need a newer kernel or something?

    What I've tried so far:

    • I've tried all three DP outs on the new graphics card.
    • Double checked that VRR is toggled on in my monitor's settings, and I can tell if VRR is working or not by turning on the monitor's FPS overlay. I know it was working in Xorg sessions before I swapped out the Vega 64.
    • Updated my motherboard to the latest BIOS.
    • Searched the interwebs for nobara 38 xorg vrr option gone, but alas, not much is coming up.

    Display settings in Xorg:


    Display settings in Wayland:


    System info:

    yo_scottie_oh@nobara ------------ OS: Nobara Linux 38 (Thirty Eight) x86_64 Kernel: 6.5.9-201.fsync.fc38.x86_64 Uptime: 29 mins Packages: 3122 (rpm), 10 (flatpak) Shell: bash 5.2.15 Resolution: 2560x1440 DE: GNOME 44.2 WM: Mutter WM Theme: Adwaita Theme: adw-gtk3-dark [GTK2/3] Icons: Papirus-Dark [GTK2/3] Terminal: gnome-terminal CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D (16) @ 3.400GHz GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6700/6700 XT/6750 XT / 6800M/6850M XT Memory: 4726MiB / 32002MiB


    I'm trying to install system updates on my gaming PC, which runs on Nobara 38. Typically I'd accomplish this in the command line by issuing dnf upgrade, but it refuses to update because doing so would remove the protected package nobara-amdgpu-config. Trying --skip-broken produces the same result.

    How do I get past this issue or work around it so that I can install updates?

    Command line output:

    ``` [yo_scottie_oh@nobara ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade Last metadata expiration check: 0:33:19 ago on Sat 06 Apr 2024 05:57:10 PM EDT. Error: Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: nobara-amdgpu-config (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages) [yo_scottie_oh@nobara ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade --skip-broken Last metadata expiration check: 0:33:42 ago on Sat 06 Apr 2024 05:57:10 PM EDT. Error: Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: nobara-amdgpu-config [yo_scottie_oh@nobara ~]$ sudo dnf update nobara-login [sudo] password for scott: Last metadata expiration check: 0:43:46 ago on Sat 06 Apr 2024 05:57:10 PM EDT. Error: Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: nobara-amdgpu-config (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages) [yo_scottie_oh@nobara ~]$ nobara-sync

    Option “-x” is deprecated and might be removed in a later version of gnome-terminal.

    Use “-- ” to terminate the options and put the command line to execute after it.

    [yo_scottie_oh@nobara ~]$ ```

    EDIT: I'm still attempting to solve this on my own. Trying solutions found in this Super User thread and this Reddit thread, which points to this documentation on the Nobara project site.

    EDIT 2: Issuing nobara-sync seems to have done the trick. The Nobara project documentation that I linked to above explains why they recommend nobara-sync instead of dnf upgrade.


    This would make me sad. 😢

    Judging from its profile, it seems there's been no activity in the last two weeks, plus I messaged it yesterday trying to get it to join a community, and the documentation says I should receive a reply confirming the new subscription, but alas, radio silence.

    I don't see an issue on GitHub, which makes me think it might be user error, although it also seems highly unlikely that no video links have been posted in the last two weeks.

    Does anyone know what's up?


    How do I archive a podcast I've already downloaded in Playapod (iOS) that has since gone offline?

    Hello c/datahoarder! I need your help. Not sure whether this has been asked before—I've tried searching the web, but the only advice I can find is how to download episodes for podcasts whose feeds are still active.

    The problem I'm trying to solve is that one of my favorite podcasts, Endless Boundaries Jam Radio, went offline during the pandemic. All the usual feed aggregators still show up in internet searches, but as they are not file hosts, just feed aggregators, all the episodes are now dead links (e.g. Podbay, Tunein, etc).

    Thing is, I had already downloaded several episodes using the Playapod app on my iPhone. It's usable for now, but I'm very concerned about when I need to upgrade to a new phone.

    Is there a trick for access the individual files on my iPhone that were downloaded through a third party app such as Playapod? TIA

    EDIT: I figured out how to do what I wanted. Once I had installed ifuse and related dependencies (e.g. libimobiledevice) on my Linux PC, I could connect my iPhone to my PC via USB and browse the files on my iPhone in my distro's default file browser. Many folders are named as GUIDs, making it harder to tell what's what by just looking at their names, but I narrowed down the right folder by opening up the Disk Usage Analyzer app in Linux. In my case, the Playapod app is one of very few apps with more than a gigabyte of data. I still have to go through and figure out which episode each mp3 file is, but that's still better than having nothing at all.

    Thanks to everyone who responded. I hope this info helps anyone else in a similar predicament!
