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The bridge is an orange-pilled urbanist
  • Aww buddy, that's too much, I'm not reading that. hey, I'm going to block you now because we have disagreements, but have a good day though!

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    The bridge is an orange-pilled urbanist
  • Ahh I see you don't understand, I'll explain. See an actual considerate human would just say "that's actually not the base model" or whatever you were complaining about, instead you chose to be rude and top it off with a cringe ass "be better", the go to response for someone who thinks they've got the moral high ground but don't wanna put any sort of discussion into it.

    You're like the 2024 version of man-bun yoga hipsters, be better

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    Why don't more people use Linux? - DHH
  • Thank you! I'm a staunch believer that most of you don't think about how much prior knowledge you need just to be able to use Linux, let alone not break things.

  • The 6 worst PC hardware trends that rightfully disappeared

    It's hard to imagine how many bad PC hardware trends lasted for as long as they did. Here are 6 of the worst ones ever.


    It seems i have the option but i have a vague memory of someone telling me not to bother with it unless i had a good reason


    So quite a few lemmy clients have a tagging feature for users. I use it quite constantly because I like to remember who I'm talking to. Though for some I just use it for descriptors. A few of you are listed as stubborn, a few of you are listed as don't engage, a few are Nice, or helpful, or Pug. I believe one of you is just listed as fish guy(don't remember why).

    How do you all use your tagging system, if you do at all?

    19 Here are some of the ways that hackers break into consoles and discover new exploits

    Games consoles are always the subject of intense investigation when they launch, but how are the hardware exploits discovered?


    I just moved and I live literally window to a freight train line, unfortunately it scares the crap out of my cats and so I'm trying to find out what the schedule is so that I can close the windows for them, and maybe put a little raspberry pi display screen saying something like "next train arriving in...." Next to my window


    I'm starting to reconnect with some of my old friends from high school but they have a 5-year-old now and I want to make a good impression but I don't really know how to interact with children. Do I just like ask them what their favorite Disney movie is or something?

    47 Last elephant at South African zoo freed after 40 years

    Charlie the elephant has been in captivity since 1984, when he was captured at two years old.


    Okay I'll stop, I just love the antics that soldiers get up to in their downtime, they deserve a bit of humor

    6 With SteamOS coming, Microsoft needs to up its game in the handheld gaming market

    Valve has begun its quest to bring SteamOS to other handheld consoles, and Microsoft should be worried.


    Hiding from the "0's" in officer country


    I made this a year ago for dragon friends, a wonderful D&D show with a bunch of Australian comedians bullying their poor dungeon master.

    Highly recommend
