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A Post-Open World
  • Corporations are more powerful than they've ever been and fewer people have the option to contribute to FOSS. FOSS has also been coopted by corporations (see elastic search, redis, or any crippled product whose FOSS version doesn't do shit and is just used to market to people who think it's important). I don't think FOSS has outlived its usefulness, it's just very difficult to drum up the amount of work it takes to support it on a worldwide scale, but forcing financial support with the contracts mentioned in the article is just a way for corporations to have even more say in how FOSS is developed (or not developed). He mentions several examples of corporations screwing over the FOSS community and he wants more of their influence? It doesn't seem like a great idea to me even if it seems convenient short term.

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    The Garden of Earthly Raccoons
  • So there's clothed ones and then the two humping ones right in the front and a bunch of other unclothed one everywhere, so did the clothed ones just arrive late to the orgy or what?

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    What was the last time you were lucky? Could be a winning lottery ticket, nice coincidence, be at the right time at the right place, etc.
  • Didn't hit the suddenly stopped box truck on the highway. The giant pickup truck behind me did not hit me. Leaving enough space in front of me was skill, that the person behind me did as well was the luck.

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    Why YAML sucks?
  • A few weeks? How do you stay employed? How do you even feed yourself at that pace? Blocked on making a sandwich, I've got the wrong type of bread.

    It's three lines in an editor config file to standardize the indents across any editor:

    In vscode, adding two extensions is all I need:, yamllint (if you don't use linters, I don't know how you do your job in any language) and rainbow indents. Atom had similar ones. I'm sure all IDEs are capable of these things. If you work at a place that forces you to use a specific editor and limits the way you can use it, that's not YAML's fault.

    At a certain point, it's your deficiencies that make a language difficult, not the language's. Don't blame your hammer when you haven't heated the iron.

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    Jim Henson's best dark fantasy films are getting limited-edition 4K Blu-rays
  • I love Labyrinth. Did you know there was a sequel of sorts (and not the movie that is rumored)? It was a manga (an odd format considering it contained songs). Be warned that it's not that great if you decide to seek it out.

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    Why YAML sucks?
  • So it's easy to enforce locally but you don't have to. And it's easy to see indentation on modern IDEs and you can even make your indents rainbows and collapse structures to make it easier to see what's going on, but I guess since some people want to write it in vi without ALE or a barebones text editor, it's bad? Like there are legit reasons it's bad, and other people have mentioned them throughout the thread, but this seems like a pretty easy thing to deal with. I work with ansible a bunch and YAML rarely is where my problem is.

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    specialization is for insects
  • Hobbies, sure. But specialization comes with tools and learning that generalists don't have, couldn't possibly afford, and would be a ridiculous amount of things to store and knowledge to remember. E.g. I don't want to do my own dentistry and I'd prefer an expert for that. Dentistry in the US requires a whole medical degree, specialized tools, etc. I also don't own the equipment nor have the knowledge to find and drill a well if I want to be "self sufficient".

    You don't have to be an expert, and that can be very freeing, but we do need them and becoming an expert has opportunity costs. That doesn't mean experts are shallow or becoming a generalist is deep or morally better nor does it mean generalists are in any way insufficient.

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    Southwest Ohio Native Fruit Garden
  • Ok, but cherries and apples aren't native; colonists introduced them. I think the pawpaw is the only native tree with edible fruit and you already listed it.

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    Southwest Ohio Native Fruit Garden
  • It's not native but I remember my grandparents had a pear tree that did well and stayed relatively small in Eastern PA.

    And if space is the only issue for the cherries, you could look into Espalier, training it to grow flat against a wall or fence.

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    What part of your life could be improved with software?
  • I play boardgames where there are enough moving parts that replacing some with software improves them tremendously. Gloomhaven and Frosthaven have a bunch of tools for them to help setup, combat, track campaigns, etc., and they help tremendously.

    There is nothing like that for Shadows of Brimstone. For a lot of things, there's just too much data. I tried to make a script that automated the travel phase after missions which was pick the size of town, determine the number of hazards based on the number of characters and size of town, pick out the hazards, and display each in turn. The amount of text in it was just too much to be worth it. But even being able to replace the scavenge deck, loot deck, and exploration tokens would free up some table space and they're less than a dozen possible outcomes each with only a small amount of text.

    I'm sure there are other popular games that would be more conducive to having complexity automated. Finding one that won't send a cease and desist might be a challenge, though.

  • I'm not talking about the consumption of animals here, to be clear. What I'm talking about is spending days and a bunch of money planning to kill something, doing the killing, and skinning/eviscerating what was killed, and often displaying the stuffed corpse. Hunters and fishers refuse to admit they're obsessed with taking pleasure in killing something.

    Miss me with the "tradition" stuff, it's just peer pressure from the dead and a fallacious argument. Don't tell me it's to eat, like I said, I'm not talking about the consumption here, so please prove to me you are literate by not bringing up that point. And don't tell me you're respectful to the animals you kill; I don't believe the planning, stalking, and killing is a good way to show respect.


    Inspired by


    My tools serve me, not the other way around. It's not worth the time and effort to wash by hand or sharpen on a whetstone. I don't need an expensive knife to cook at home. A pull through sharpener and honing steel are adequate. Get the right material and you don't have to worry about the metal in the dishwasher.


    Blocking a user hides their content in comments, but it still shows up in inbox when viewing all as well as in comment chains in the profile view. It would be great if blocked users didn't show up in these places.

    Let me know if there's more info needed.


    I still remember this card and its artwork. Holy moly, the date on it is 30 years ago.

    The Foglios have been involved in quite a few projects over the years and it took a while for me to make the link between this card and Girl Genius.

    0 Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients

    Co-op dungeon crawl the monster-ridden Old West mines and frozen Targa otherworld.

    Western setting where a new gold rush for dark stone pits gunslingers, lawmen, saloon girls, etc against tentacles, the undead, mutated gangsters, snakemen, and lost technology as they travel between worlds.

    It's coop and there are different missions, most of which have randomly generated maps that are created from a deck on you explore, giving it endless replayability. Characters gain experience, skill, and gear but also can become injured or mutate (nothing the church or surgeon in town can't fix for a price).

    It also has tons of expansions. While the physical games add up in cost and require a lot of organizing, you can give it a try on tabletop simulator.

    There's even a Japanese themed set that can combine with the Western ones.
