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Elder scrolls
  • I can verify that lamp minimizing, and wobbly windows work on plasma 6 (Arch btw). The only things that stopped working for me were a couple widgets that I found out haven't been updated in like 8 years.

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    Brand names that have become common words
  • From Wikipedia: A zipper, zip, fly, or zip fastener, formerly known as a clasp locker

    Trampoline: The generic term for the trademarked trampoline was a rebound tumbler

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    New satellite images catch world’s worst polluters red-handed: ‘Now we really know exactly where it’s coming from’: Turkmenistan, India, Russia, Australia, and United States.
  • Clickbait title. The full quote is "Pursuing the where, what, and why of these polluting leaks has led Kayrros to gas wells, pipelines, coal mines, and waste sites in countries like Turkmenistan (home to the single largest oil and gas source), India, Russia, Australia, and the United States"

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    Black olive birthday
  • Canada for one, a large pepperoni at my local pizza place is $28. Most of the loaded type pizzas are $35-$40 for a large.

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    Please Go Around I'm Flooring It
  • Also every new vehicle with the ultra bright LED headlights anywhere that hills or bumps exist because the beam cutoff is a millimeter below retina burning height I swear.

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    [Solved] Solution to send mostly text but also files from android to pc and pc to android
  • Have you tried KDE connect? It has Linux & Windows clients and can send clipboard/files/notifications/etc. seamlessly in either direction between Android and PC.
