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You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • I have a really wide monitor, so I end up with wasted space on the sides of most websites, so vertical tabs lets me maximize my vertical space on the screen.

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    It's not escalation if they're made in Ukraine!
  • I used to work for a company that did something like this. We had a product that was built overseas, and a major customer wanted one but would only buy it if it was made in America. So we had it built overseas, taken apart, shipped to the factory I worked at, the overseas assemblers flew here, they put it back together, and slapped a made in America sticker on it.

  • Super minor inconvenience for me and probably not many others. I am still using Boost for Reddit, and will as long as it keeps working, and now that I installed Boost for Lemmy, I have two identical Boost icons. It would be nice if the logo was tweaked, maybe make the rocket green since it's used heavily on the website.
