But why would you want that? Is it the physical touch? Is it the attention? Is it the thrill of a physically attractive human showing fake interest and making you hornier than before?
Isn't a hooker better? I mean, if you can afford a strip club, can't you afford a hooker? And if you can't afford it, why not jerk off?
Can't people just watch movies at home? Can't people just drink with friends at home? Can't people just watch live bands on TV at home? Can't people just eat dinner at home?
I mean why do people go out to do these things? Because it's a different experience. It's stranger than home. It's maybe something you can't replicate at home. I'm gonna bet people go to strip clubs for tons of varying reasons, from loneliness to entertainment.
That's generalizing. You know quite well that going to strip bar isn't the same as "watching a live band". I could just take your examples further: can't people just find pleasure in their own minds? Why not just imagine being somewhere? In fact, what's the point of imagination? Pleasure is a waste of time and we should just never be happy because life is pointless. Since it's pointless, we shouldn't exist.
I'm asking about a very specific thing because I want to understand that specific thing. Your response is like answering the question "why don't sunni and shia believe the same thing, it's Islam" with "people believe different things and that's alright". Or "why does Joel and Hardy have beef?" with "some people don't like each other, OK?". Or "is this correct?" with "it depends". It adds nothing of value and doesn't really answer the question. It's a bad faith answer.
No, that's not what a strip club feels like. lol Little, uh ... grimier. Your sense of smell is being assaulted by cheap fragrance and your sense of hearing by bad music, as opposed to "awesomeness".
Not that I'd say a person shouldn't go, at least once, but you don't want your expectations too high or you'll just be disappointed.