Am I really listening to music if I don't experience tonal whiplash with each song? Is it really living if I'm not listening to a j-pop song only to have post-metal be next in the queue??
Not only that but I also just get a real good grasp on the music I listen to in general. It is a very fun excerisze to be able to guess the song that's playing within the first few seconds.
See, I’m typically the same way. Recently though I’ve been messing around with how I store my music though and have been into (shuffling or playing in order) albums recently.
99% of musicals completely obliterate my suspension of disbelief. Like why? Why did you have to force songs into every single conversation? It's weird and unnatural
I would drive in silence if I could. Traffic is loud but there are key audio cues throughout (honking, tram bell, protected railroad crossings, motor rot/min for shifting gears etc.)