My big ex left me for a rich guy customer she met at work selling high end watches, who dumped her a couple years later. She's now fat and alone at 40.
Her once traumatic "you know this hurts me too" parting line puts a smile on my face now. Sometimes following your exes is fun.
Seeing some stories in here about how badly it goes to follow your exes so I’d like to offer an alternative story. I have no idea what’s going on in my ex’s life and it’s wonderful. She could be doing amazing, could be terrible, no answer would make me happy, and I’m happiest with no answer. I’m happily married now and don’t care.
Yep I second this. I have gone NC with all my exes. Two wanted continued contact but that's just not me and sometimes people ask me what they're up to and I can happily respond I have NFI.